The Storm God

Chapter 3624 Do the trick! (Please subscribe!)

Koruga star.

In a training base in a certain city.

"No. 3081..."

A large group of reserve members were participating in various trainings in the base when suddenly a yellow light soldier walked over.

He called out several numbers.

The people who were called stopped training in doubt, and were taken to another training ground by the yellow light warrior.

Its name is beautiful.

Seeing that they have good talents, they have to undergo special tests. If they perform well, they can become official legion members in advance.

These remarks made some of them very excited and excited. Along the way, they were all gearing up and eager to try.


There are also some people who are skeptical.

Especially some people inside, their hearts were full of doubts and panic, secretly said: "Could it be that we were exposed?"

No wonder they think so.

after all……

The person who was called to the number.

There were too many, and most of them were special personnel from the same batch, which made them feel very uncertain.

Although there are some unknown members among them, they always feel that there is something tricky about this matter.


Want to return to thinking, doubts to doubts.

At this stage, they still obey orders, otherwise, once they show dissatisfaction and resistance, all previous efforts will be wasted.

With an attitude of luck, these people followed the large army to a special area with a very open terrain.


These groups with a total of about 500 people were divided into 50 teams, each with 10 people, and sent to one of the training rooms.

At first, everyone thought it was normal.

However, when they entered the room and saw that instead of any testing and training equipment, there were several powerful and terrifying ultimate lantern men waiting for them, those people immediately realized that something was wrong.

But unfortunately, it was too late.


The group members, who were divided into small groups of 10, had just entered the room when a terrifying and frightening isolation force directly acted on them.

Then, with extremely fast speed, these 10 people were completely separated, without giving the other party a chance to form a group.

And the people who were left to face the Ultimate Lantern were basically guys whom Sinestro found suspicious.

It turns out.

Sinestro's guess was not wrong.

Ordinary people would have knelt down long ago when confronted with the power of the Ultimate Lantern Man. But these people, no, to be precise, were undercover agents sent by Apocalypse, but when they were suppressed by force, their bodies subconsciously chose to resist.


They are completely exposed.

After all, not just any cat or dog can resist the suppression of the Ultimate Lantern Man. If the SLR can resist it, the strength is definitely not low.

At least it has already surpassed the standard of ordinary lantern men.

These people are obviously super powerful, but they hide themselves, mingling among the crowd, to apply for the status of an ordinary lantern man...

If there is no problem, even a fool would not believe it!

"Damn it!"

After realizing that they were exposed, the undercover spies of Apocalypse suddenly changed their expressions, and then wanted to explode their strength and escape.


They think too simply.

Sinestro took great pains to prevent the news from walking out, and to let any spies go undercover.

These ultimate lantern men are specially used to forcefully suppress and arrest them. It is no wonder that they can run away when there are many people bullying and few people.

that's all.

Without wasting much effort and trouble, several Ultimate Lantern Heroes joined forces to suppress and capture the undercover spy in front of them almost in the blink of an eye.


There are also some super masters among them.

But those are just a few examples, even if a few ultimate lantern men can't suppress each other in the first place, it doesn't matter, because this room itself is a super cage!

Without data information such as specific keys and passwords, no one can go out. It can be described as a typical case of inviting the king into the urn and catching the turtle in the urn!

Once in, there is no way to get out again.


You are not an undercover spy.

In fact, only about one-tenth of the 500 people who were called were real undercover spies.

Those other people were either trying to confuse the public, or they were suspicious, or they were simply trying to gather the number of people.

In short.

This method and strategy of getting along with Sinestro is very effective.

With almost no wasted effort, the undercover spies sent by Apocalypse were wiped out in one go.

Moreover, no rumors or news have been leaked.


32 people were killed in battle.

29 people were captured alive.

And from these undercover spies, Sinestro quickly got a certain amount of intelligence feedback.

The facts are indeed as Aya expected, Apocalypse is really going to fight on two fronts, not only to fight Dust Star, but also to destroy Keluga Star!

after all……

Star Kruga is now a substitute for Star OA, as long as it is destroyed, no one in the entire universe will stand in front of Star Apocalypse.

Even if there are, they are just some cats and dogs. These rubbish, without a leader, are fighting on their own, and there is no basis for it.

in short.

To capture a thief, capture the king first, and to kill a dragon, behead the head first.

And Sinestro's Kruga star is the thorn in the side of Apocalypse's last wish to continue to exist, not one of them!

to this end.

Apocalypse secretly dispatched the strongest elite team under its command.

Even Darkseid's eldest son, Kalibak, was sent to carry out this big operation.

This shows how much Darkseid attaches great importance to Keruga.


Sinestro murmured the name, and the information related to it flashed unconsciously in his mind.

According to rumors, this Calibak is a legendary warrior, brutal, brave, and awe-inspiring. He is one of the most powerful gods on Apocalypse.

He is extremely loyal to Darkseid and is an indispensable member of the Darkseid elite group.

Kalibak has an incredible level of superhuman strength, almost on par with Orion, and even Darkseid himself...

In short.

This is definitely a strong opponent!

What's more, in addition to Calibak, there are also other super elites accompanying him, which makes it even more difficult to deal with.

What's more, there is intelligence information about other super elites, and none of these spies knows about it.

They only know that they were all temporarily recruited by Darkseid from the conquered civilized world. They don't know who they are or how capable they are!

The only thing that is certain is that the ability level of these super elites is definitely not lower than that of the original Nemesis team.

So far.

Sinestro was even more depressed immediately.

He frowned and thought to himself: "According to the undercover spies, Apocalypse's plan has been planned long ago, and the estimated date of action is about half a month after they sneak in..."

"That is."

"In about ten days, the elite troops and army of Apocalypse will descend on my Kruga star in a special way..."

"It's really a good plan!"


Speaking of which.

Sinestro's eyes were full of brilliance and murderous intent, and he sneered coldly: "You guys underestimate us too!"

"Since you want to play, then we'll stick with you to the end, right? This time I'll give you a trick!"

"Let's see who can have the last laugh..."


Sinestro started planning.

And at the same time.

dust star.

Aiya also found Bai Xiaofei.

Then he directly informed Bai Xiaofei of the information he had just obtained, and said, "Sir, over there on Star Kruga, should we send troops to support it?"

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said with a smile: "With Sinestro's scheming and ability, I believe he can handle it..."


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