The Storm God

Chapter 3625 The Great War Breaks Out! (Please subscribe!)


A large wave of elite masters, after more than ten days, finally gathered together from the civilized worlds of large galaxies in the universe.


Led by Calibak, they set off to leave.

Aim for Star Kruga!


Apocalypse has received intelligence information from undercover spies on Kruga, saying that everything is ready.

Kalibak and others just need to follow the plan.

To this.

Apocalypse didn't doubt it.

After careful comparison of intelligence information among several undercover spies, and after confirming that there was no problem, the order was issued here.

Everything is going according to plan.


Calibak and others set off.

Although their team is not very large, they are all elites, and their individual strength is extremely strong.

There is absolutely no doubt about the combat power formed by such an elite troop, which is far better than countless ordinary demons.

Not only that.

For this battle, they were even allowed to use the newly developed enhanced sonic channel.

It is possible to make their fleet directly carry out ultra-long-distance transmission, provided that the corresponding coordinates are provided by the opposite side.

Otherwise, without accurate coordinates, no matter how powerful Apocalypse is, it is impossible to invade other spaces and regions at will.

And the providers of these coordinates are undoubtedly provided by the undercover agents and spies who sneaked into the Kruga star.

As the commander in chief of this war, Calibak was very excited.

after all……

Sinestro's recent reputation is quite resounding, it can be said that it has completely replaced the former OA star.

before that.

Apocalypse cannot destroy and conquer OA.

If he could lead an army in this battle to destroy and conquer the Keruga star that replaced OA star as the light of the universe, then Kalibak's name would undoubtedly become a legend.


The premise is to be able to succeed.

Otherwise, everything would be useless, and he would even become a sinner of Apocalypse.

However, for the latter, Kalibak is obviously not very worried, and this confidence naturally comes from his own strong strength.

As one of the strongest new gods on Apocalypse, Calibak is also the eldest son of Darkseid, and his strength and aptitude are beyond doubt.

Especially after receiving the help of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, his fighting power has multiplied geometrically.

at the same time……

All the elite troops under his command also possessed unimaginable terrifying strength and combat power.

Regardless of the number of personnel in the army, there are only less than a thousand people, but the combat power they can display is far better than countless demons.

Not only that.

Kalibak has also mastered the latest version of the sonic boom channel technology, so even if something unexpected happens, he can still run!

In short.

Kalibak was confident.


And the other side.

What Kalibak didn't know about Kruga was that the information and location coordinates they got were actually sent to them by Sinestro on purpose.

They thought they would catch Star Kruga by surprise, but they never thought that all of this was a complete set.

Long before Kalibak led the army to set off, Sinestro had already laid a net of heaven and earth, just waiting for them to plunge in.


before this action.

Sinestro also specifically asked Bai Xiaofei for instructions.

After all, this matter is too dangerous, if not done well, it may be shot in the foot.


Sinestro wants to learn from Bai Xiaofei.

Unexpectedly, Bai Xiaofei fully affirmed and supported this, meaning that you just let go and do it without worrying about any problems.

Because you have me behind you, no matter what happens, I will take care of you!

At that time, Sinestro was very moved.


Sinestro swears.

This time, no matter what, I have to hand in a good test paper result, otherwise how can I be worthy of Mr. Bai Xiaofei's trust?

that's all.

Sinestro's plan began to be implemented.

Apocalypse didn't notice any problems. After receiving the information from the "undercover spy", they immediately dispatched a large army, preparing to launch a lightning attack on Keruga.


When Calibak and the others passed through the sonic boom channel and teleported to the location coordinates given by the undercover spy, they were all stunned.

As far as the eye can see, it is an extremely prosperous technological metropolis, with people coming and going, and the flow is endless, it looks like it is at its peak.

There is no sense of defense at all.

see this.

At first.

Kalibak and the others were extremely excited and excited, because all these scenes showed that Keruga really didn't expect Apocalypse to do anything to them.

But after that, they stopped laughing.


When Kalibak's fleet arrived, a layer of overwhelming terrifying energy suddenly enveloped the entire area in an instant.

All of them, like flies trapped in a hood, were directly detained for signs.

at the same time.

Just now, it was a scene of a prosperous metropolis, and then it changed into a dream bubble...

It turns out that all this is an illusion!

"not good!"

"We fell for it, it's all a trap!"

"Everyone prepare to fight!"


Kalibak and others are not stupid either.

Immediately, he realized that he was being calculated by others, and then each of them was vigilant and defensive as if they were facing an enemy.

at the same time……

Kalibak also wants to use the sonic boom channel, intending to evacuate this place.

But something that horrified him happened. The sonic explosion channel, which was far more invincible, failed directly.

No matter what he did, there was no reaction at all.

And this time.

The figure of Sinestro also suddenly descended in front of the fleet of Calibak and others, and said with a sneer: "Everyone from Apocalypse, welcome, we have been waiting for a long time again!"

As his voice fell.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

One after another, figures and super battleships flashed out of thin air, forming a huge fleet in an instant, confronting Calibak and the others tit for tat.

And from the perspective of momentum and scale, Sinestro's side is even bigger, more than twice that of Kalibak and others.

It's not that Sinestro has no self-confidence and wants more people to bully fewer people, but that he doesn't want any accidents.

It is extremely important to be foolproof.

It doesn't matter even if people call him despicable and shameless, anyway, what Sinestro wants is very simple, the final victory and result!


Inside the battleship of Apocalypse.

Seeing Sinestro and the others appear, Calibak also knew that he and the others might not be able to leave now if they wanted to leave.

At the very least, you have to do one with the other party.

Because the blast channel is completely blocked, if you want to evacuate, you have to find the loopholes in it.

Think about it.

Kalibak immediately stopped hesitating, killing intent and anger suddenly appeared in his sturdy eyes, and ordered in a deep voice: "Kill!"

next moment.


More than a dozen warships burst into flames.

At the same time, hundreds of elite masters of different shapes flew directly out of the battleship, rushing towards Sinestro without fear of death.

As for Sinestro, he was also not to be outdone.

The defense of the defense, the fire of the fire, the one-on-one one-on-one, just like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showed their magical powers, and they all found their own opponents, and the battle broke out.

As the leader, Sinestro, no one took the initiative to challenge.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't have the qualifications, because the only person who challenged him was Kalibak!

Although everyone didn't say it clearly, they formed an invisible tacit understanding-the king is against the king, and the general is against the general!

If any party fails to abide by the rules, it will inevitably directly lead to chaos and out of control of the on-site battle.

not to mention……

With the self-esteem of these masters, they themselves don't bother to pick those weak opponents to abuse them.

Not shameful enough!


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