The Storm God

Chapter 3626 Magically modified mechanical Godzilla! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of the situation of the war on Kruga Star.

At almost the same moment, Dust Star also ushered in a large wave of powerful enemies - the fleet led by the Dream Team.


They didn't enter Dust Star rashly.

Because when they were just approaching, Long Zhan, the captain of the dream team, had an insight into the danger of some dust stars through his magical pupil technique.

For example, some of the large formations and ambushes and so on.

In short.

Dust Star is small.

But it is like a bottomless terrifying abyss, containing endless danger and death.

Before he has enough understanding and confidence, Long Zhan will not act rashly anyway, at least he has to wait for the follow-up troops to come.


With their little manpower, I am afraid that they will also deliver food when they go.

Regarding this, the Nemesis team who accompanied them did not object, because they also saw that Dust Star was not easy.

When Bidalol came last time, he was almost completely different, and even some of the surrounding planets were full of danger.

If it weren't for the fact that these people are all masters and elites, if they were other people, they would have been scared and fled back long ago.

But even so, the huge and terrifying changes in Dust Star made everyone in the Nemesis team feel a lot of pressure.


Their follow-up troops were very strong, and they didn't waste much time. They almost rushed over quickly.

These people who came here are also elite experts.


Among them is Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


This legendary boss also appeared on the stage in person at this moment.

As for whether the deity is here in person, everyone in the Nemesis team can't say, but there is one thing they can be sure of——

This guy is extremely terrifying!


stand in front of him.

Everyone unconsciously felt a sense of insignificance and despair like ants.

Anyway, Long Zhan and others of Dream Team, in front of this boss, have no temper at all, and they directly became grandchildren, nodding and bowing one by one, flattering and flattering. If there are two people.

This also caused the people in the Nemesis team to bear even more pressure. They didn't dare to take a breath when the Oneiroi Lord Murphys asked about the situation.

after all.

This boss is almost on an equal footing with Lord Darkseid, and if he complains about it, no one dares to be presumptuous or careless in the face of a real person.

Of course.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't care about the Nemesis team and the others at all. Right now, his mind is full of Bai Xiaofei.


He was full of thoughts on how to break through the obstacles in front of him, and then gave Bai Xiaofei a strong blow to force him out directly.

And with his strength and level, he naturally looked down on those simple traps and ambushes.


After learning about some things about Dust Star.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, immediately stated that Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team would sell them directly to conquer the simple ambushes around the dust star.

after all.

Time waits for no one.

The operation on Kruga Star has already started, and they must also advance quickly, otherwise they will delay the time, and they will not be able to follow the original plan and put huge pressure on the opponent.


The Dream Lord Murphys spoke, Long Zhan and the others naturally did not dare to refuse or have any opinions, and immediately took the order and left.

Along with them, there is also the Goddess of Nemesis team.

It was almost the same group of people as before, but now they united and became a sharp knife, pointing directly at the planets around the dust star.

There is no other reason.

Who made these planets and Dust Star form a rather powerful formation? If they are not killed, they will inevitably be greatly hindered.

next moment.

Long Zhan and others took action one after another.

According to the request of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, it was simple and straightforward, so the attack was a big move, and the person hadn't approached the planet yet, and he blasted past with a unique move from a long distance away.

No matter what traps and ambushes there are on those planets, and how many mechanical hunters and other defensive forces...

They don't get in touch with you at all, they don't give you a chance to make a move, long-distance strikes, direct starburst, that's simple and rude!

These people are masters!

Proper top-level combat power, even the weakest Dallol, can easily explode into stars, and now they are using big moves one after another, and the results needless to say, the effect is impressive!

Although these planets are not without counterattack and defense, after all, there is a gap in strength.

Facing the unique moves blasted by Long Zhan and others together, it was like a water gun facing the Milky Way Waterfall, and was submerged in an instant.


The stars burst and shattered like fireworks.

All things, without any exception, are completely destroyed in the face of absolute power.

A dozen or so planets turned into endless dust in the blink of an eye, were completely wiped clean, and disappeared into the vast starry sky.

And the defensive formation formed by the combination of the dust star and it was completely disintegrated because of this.

"go ahead!"

Seeing the disappearance of the formation, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, immediately gave the order without any hesitation, and the whole army advanced quickly.

at the same time.

Naturally, Dust Star will not always be passive.

When the formation disappeared, Aiya and Bai Xiaofei realized that the enemy had already arrived, and they seemed to be quite awesome.

As soon as it came up, it knocked out several super large formations of Dust Star.

Fast, hard and accurate!

at this point.

Ordinary guys can't do it.

Bai Xiaofei directly concluded that among this wave of enemies, there must be the main body or clone of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.


The large formations he set up, ordinary people can't see them at all, even the masters who are proficient in formations can see that there is something tricky in them, and it is impossible to break the formations so quickly.

Unless the opponent's realm and level are similar to Bai Xiaofei's.

Of course.

If these large formations are destroyed, they will be destroyed.

Bai Xiaofei didn't feel bad at all, because these were all the covers he deliberately put on the surface, and they were specially used to test whether Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, had meddled.


If the formation is broken quickly, their mission will come to an end, and other subsequent missions should be handed over to other partners.


Bai Xiaofei's specially created magically modified mechanical Godzilla.

This version of Mechagodzilla, its core technology, almost completely replicated some of the powerful abilities of the anti-surveillance king.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei fused many of the top biological gene sources, which is one of the strongest man-made weapons he can create so far.

Facing super masters like the fantasy team, ordinary mechanical hunters and sentinel hunters are useless.

After all, there is too much difference in strength.

People directly come over with a law and the power of the source, and it has not been analyzed here, so I am afraid it will be cool directly.

To deal with such a master, only a guy with rough skin and unlimited potential like the magic-modified mechanical Godzilla can do it.

Nothing else is enough!

"hold head high--!"

With a terrifying sound wave that shocked the sky and the universe, it erupted from the dust star, and then a huge and terrifying mechanical monster flew out of the dust star.

Not only that.

Behind it, there are also other figures of monsters, some of them are like eagles, some of them are like spiders...

They come in all shapes and sizes.


They all have a common feature, that is, they are all man-made things that are a mixture of machinery and creatures, and they are extremely powerful!

These things are placed in games and movies, and they are absolutely proper horror boss-level existences, and none of them are easy to mess with.

And now.

These terrifying and ferocious monsters directly used their bodies to build an insurmountable defense, firmly protecting the dust star in the middle.

Want to attack Dust Star?


Get rid of our army of monsters first!

Otherwise there are no doors!


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