The Storm God

Chapter 3627 Scarface Poisonous Plan! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

Scarface, the woman behind the scenes, was also not idle.

At the same time that Apa led a part of the Black Lantern Legion, which was developing wretchedly at the edge of the universe, trying to expand and strengthen the dark death army.

She is also paying close attention to the news of Kruga and Apocalypse.

after all……

These are two powerful enemies.

At the same time, it was also the strongest stumbling block on their way forward, and Scarface naturally wanted to get rid of it immediately.

It's a pity that I don't have that ability.


After learning about Apocalypse and preparing to attack Bai Xiaofei of Sanddust, Scarface knew that his chance had come.

To know.

The army of Apocalypse is mainly composed of demons.

There are very few mechanical creations, and even if there are, they will be used to deal with the Black Lantern Legion. After all, this thing restrains dead bodies.

That is.

The most effective method for Apocalypse to deal with Bai Xiaofei of Sanddust is to continue the previous combat style and use elite masters and demon-like troops to clear the way.

And in this way, even if Bai Xiaofei's side is full of mechanical creations, once a soldier dies on Tian Qixing's side, there will inevitably be many more corpses.

If you plan well, you might be able to become a fisherman and get a lot of benefits from it.

It's like transforming a large number of Black Lantern members...


This matter is easy to think about, but there will definitely be many difficulties in implementing it. After all, Apocalypse is not a fool.

Knowing that there is an opponent of the Black Lantern Legion, they still choose to fight against Dust Star. Some measures must have been taken to prevent the Black Lantern Legion from taking advantage of it.

But, so what?

Wealth and wealth are in danger, and in order to strengthen the power of the Black Lantern Corps, Scarface knows that there are difficulties, but he resolutely plans to take a risk.

As the saying goes, give it a go and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

This risk is worth taking!


She began to collect available corpse materials everywhere, created the desired Black Lantern Warlord, and used these secrets to lurk in many galaxy civilization worlds.

However, they did not launch an invasion, but mainly to steal information, so as to contribute to the scar-faced fisherman's plan.


Scarface got enough information as he wished.

Scarface was so excited when he learned about Apocalypse and prepared to fight against Dust and Kruga at the same time.

Let's not talk about Dust Star for now.

Just Bai Xiaofei, that is the biggest culprit that Scarface dare not cross and offend, not one of them!

On the other hand, Koruga Star is different.

Although Sinestro is also very powerful, but compared to Bai Xiaofei, Darkseid, and Oneiroi Morpheus, it seems a bit insignificant.


Scarface didn't hesitate at all.

Directly put the focus of the plan on the utilization and benefits of the Kruga Star Battlefield.

As for Dust Star, he held the idea that no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it was still meat, and he counted as much as he could fish.

Symbolically, he dispatched a small troop, entered the sand dust star battlefield, and then hid it completely.

And the Kruga star here.

After paying a huge price, Scarface finally managed to break through the blockade of its defensive barrier and infiltrate Star Kruga.

If it was normal, Sinestro would never be unaware.


At this time, he was fighting Kalibak.

The two sides were almost evenly matched, the sky was dark, and the battle was very anxious, so they didn't notice the Kruga star at all, and they were mixed in by the Black Lantern Corps at this critical moment.

Fortunately, the main purpose of Scarface's trip was to be a fisherman, to collect the corpses of strong men who died in battle, so that they could be transformed into members of the Black Lantern.

If it is for pure expansion, then things may be more troublesome. After all, there are still more ordinary people in Keruga.

Moreover, what Scarface brought this time were all elite experts.

Even though there are several colored lantern legions sitting on Kruga, they cannot perfectly protect everyone.

Especially after being mixed in by the enemy.

Of course.

Another main reason is that Scarface is more timid. Seeing that there are so many military forces and armed personnel on Star Kruga, and each one of them is so powerful...

Her first thought was to keep a low profile!

Instead of going super high!

after all.

They are limited in number.

If you really want to fight, the possibility of losing and dying is too high.

For the sake of his own life, Scarface didn't hesitate at all, and almost immediately gave up making trouble.

I just wanted to take advantage of the battle between Apocalypse and Sinestro and others to get some corpses and expand the high-end combat power of the Black Lantern Corps.

It can be said to be quite realistic.


The development of the matter was somewhat beyond Scarface's expectations.

First of all, Apocalypse was completely fooled, and Keluga was not defenseless at all, but came up with a trick, please enter the urn, close the door and beat the dog!

When the overwhelming isolation barrier enveloped the sky, Scarface almost turned around in fright and left, thinking that he had been exposed.

Fortunately, she felt a little later that the power of this enchantment could not block the power of darkness and death, so she was slightly relieved.


Started to be a bystander.

Just like enjoying a super cool blockbuster movie, just wait and see what happens, and you will almost miss the popcorn and Coke.

And the center of the battlefield.

The fierce battle between the two sides was extremely wild and domineering.

After all, they are all elites. Each strong man has his own housekeeping skills and abilities, and it can be said that the Eight Immortals cross the sea and show their magical powers.

And the result of this is that after the two sides fought for a long time, not many people died, most of them were traumatic.

Even if there are unfortunate ones who are killed, most of them are unlucky or weak guys.


The bodies of the dead were basically destroyed on the spot.

It was obvious that he had received special instructions, and even in the life-and-death battle, he was always thinking about preventing the black light from being caught by the fisherman.


See this scene.

Scarface was so angry at the time, I really wanted to end the game myself and kill both parties, you guys are doing this, my mother is an ass!


It's not okay to continue like this.

They had to find a way to prevent them from continuing to destroy the corpses like this, like completely breaking the tacit agreement between the two sides!

The scar face is worthy of being compared to the old Yin.


She thought of a way.

Seeing both Sinestro and Apocalypse, the current battles are basically soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and kings against kings.

A poisonous plan immediately appeared in my heart.


She exerts her strength.

They found the seriously injured laggards on the battlefield with incomparable precision, and silently injected a trace of darkness and death power into the opponent's body.

In this way, the seed of the black lamp was planted.

The rest of the matter is much simpler, and Scarface doesn't need to do anything, just wait for the other party's death.

As long as the opponent touches it, the black lamp seeds in his body will explode instantly, transforming him into a black lamp warrior.

Moreover, this kind of black lamp was specially modified with a scarred face, and it was almost the same as the deceased's life, making it difficult to tell whether the other party was dead or not.


As long as he is not completely killed, the other party will generally not find out that this person has actually been blackened.

By then...

The Black Lantern Warrior with the appearance of the deceased will strictly follow Scarface's instructions and orders, abandon the opponents in front of him, and instead hunt and kill those who are far inferior to him.

The purpose is to completely disrupt the tacit understanding of the on-site battle, and then create more dead and corpses!

Only in this way can Scarface get greater benefits from it, otherwise it will be almost useless if it continues to waste like this.


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