The Storm God

Chapter 3628 Three-party melee! (Please subscribe!)


Soon, Scarface completed his operation.

Afterwards, she couldn't help but sighed deeply. Obviously, this kind of operation was also an extremely difficult thing for her.

after all……

Everyone on the scene is super strong.

Especially Sinestro and Calibak, the strength of the two, even the scarred face feels terrifying.

In order to avoid being discovered, and to be as invisible as possible, while avoiding mistakes...

It is conceivable that the energy and mind required for this is absolutely beyond imagination.

Even with Scarface's current strength, it took nearly two hours to complete only seven or eight.


It is almost the limit of the scar face.

However, the number of people is small, but the effect is awesome enough. Scarface believes that as long as these few people follow their own plan without incident and carry out their actions smoothly, the result will be beautiful.

as expected.


Some of them were defeated because of their serious injuries, and even died on the spot.


Before their opponents started to destroy the corpses, the black lamp seeds that Scarface had planted in their bodies erupted immediately.

Then, these people were revived in an instant.

Unlike other members of the Black Lantern, the power cores of these specially modified Black Lanterns are all on the seeds in the body.

On the surface, there is no such weakness as the ring.

at the same time.

their appearance.

Even the use of power is almost the same as before.

This also made it difficult for their opponents to tell whether these people were dead or not.

They all thought that their attack just now had failed and they hadn't completely defeated the opponent, so they wanted to continue to work hard and try to kill the opponent this time.


Immediately afterwards, they discovered that their opponents had changed their strategy and no longer fought against them, but directly rushed towards other fellow fighters who were weaker than them.

in short.

The opponent has completely disregarded the tacit understanding on the battlefield, and is ready to use the big to bully the small and break the situation on the scene.


Everyone was taken aback.

And when they realized that the situation was wrong and wanted to stop it, it was already too late. Several fellow fighters were directly buried in the hands of the enemy.


Anger, remorse, guilt...

Emotions and emotions escaped from these fighters in an instant, and were absorbed by the enhanced black lamp fighters, further strengthening their own strength.


They ignored the desperate and crazy bombardment of their opponents, turned around and rushed towards other targets that were weaker than themselves.

It seems to be the rhythm of preparing to go all the way to the dark.

And this scene.

It's like a fuse.

It was only three or two at the beginning, but as time went by and more and more casualties, it was like a snowball, getting bigger and more chaotic.


Like a nuclear bomb going off.

At a certain moment, the tacit understanding between the two sides on the battlefield was finally completely shattered, and a super melee broke out in an instant.

Neither of the two sides has so many scruples anymore, they almost do it when they see anyone, regardless of whether the other party is strong or not, as long as the enemy is the enemy, kill it and it's over!

The situation became increasingly out of control and chaotic.

And at the same time.


The scarred face hidden in the darkness showed a sly smile of a successful plot, and said in his heart: "Kill, the more I kill, the happier I will be!"

In such a short period of time, she harvested an unimaginable emotional power from the people present.

Not only that.

The number of enhanced Black Lantern fighters has also soared from single digits at the beginning to dozens.

Almost exponentially increased.

If it weren't for the military force of Star Kruga, they couldn't go too far and expose themselves directly...

If Scarface exploded with this force recklessly, the scene would have collapsed long ago.

After all, this sudden change is really too weird.


Sinestro was no fool.

As the ultimate warrior of two-color lights with green and yellow lights, the extremely powerful Sinestro quickly realized that something was wrong.

In particular, large quantities of emotional power were being sucked away inexplicably, which aroused his attention even more.

"Could it be that the black lamp is playing tricks?"


"There is obviously no Black Lantern Warrior at the scene, or the other party used some method that I don't know..."

"It doesn't matter, let's kill those leaders first!"


Sinestro was puzzled.

If he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it. In the end, he directly abandoned his opponent, Kalibak, and rushed to the few local members he had noticed a long time ago.

Because they were the ones who made the most noise, and they were the first to slaughter the weak and break the rules of the battlefield.


Sinestro is extremely fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it crossed the space and flashed directly in front of an octopus-like alien.

This person is an elite master of Apocalypse.

A person with mediocre body strength but proficient in mind attack, who is very difficult to deal with, and whose mental will is not enough, will be detonated in front of him with almost no power for a round, and his spiritual consciousness will be detonated and he will die completely.

at the same time……

In order to protect his fragile body, he is also equipped with special-shaped armor made of special materials, which is very powerful in defense.

Originally, this octopus master had already been beaten to the ground by his previous opponent. His armor was about to crumble, several tentacles were broken off, and even his head was smashed into a big hole.

Generally, this kind of injury would have died long ago.


He just didn't die!

Moreover, the combat power did not decrease but increased, making it even more difficult to deal with.

Seeing him alive and well, he didn't look like he was injured at all, so Sinestro was suspicious almost immediately.


Facing the personal suppression of the boss Sinestro, the octopus master had almost no power to fight back. He was imprisoned by a green light on the spot, and then he was completely controlled by Sinestro like a doll.


After suppressing his opponent, Sinestro frowned immediately, because he didn't feel the slightest bit of fear from this octopus alien!

It was as if the person in front of him was not a human being, but just a piece of wood, without any emotion.

This is very abnormal.


next moment.

Without any hesitation.

A yellow light flashed in Sinestro's hand, like a laser, directly cutting the Star Octopus in front of him into dozens of segments.


among these bodily remains.

Sinestro quickly discovered the abnormality: "There is indeed a problem! The bodies of these octopus people are not active at all, they don't look like they just died, and their bodies are still full of strong darkness and the power of death..."

"Is this concentrated energy source hidden in the deepest part of the corpse a new type of black lamp ring?"


He finally discovered the secret.

And this time.

Seeing this, Scarface couldn't sit still immediately, and immediately gave the craziest order to all the Black Lantern fighters—to do everything possible to slaughter all the weak and weak people around him!

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to worry any more, just kill and infect and blacken the surrounding targets.

And as the order was issued, the already chaotic battlefield instantly became more complicated and chaotic.

Regardless of whether it was the Kruga star or the enemy of the Apocalypse star, among the warrior members between the enemy and us, all of them turned into black lamp warriors, and carried out a frenzied slaughter on the people around them.


It is worth mentioning that.

The number of blackened people on Keluga star is obviously much smaller, and most of them are members of the lower-level black lanterns who were killed by the enemy and transformed into before their corpses were destroyed.

After all, most of the elite masters brought by Sinestro are colored lamp fighters, and their sense of emotional power is far stronger than the masters of Apocalypse.

Scarface wanted to carry out his poisonous plan, but the possibility of being exposed was much higher on the Colored Light Warrior.


When I first chose.

Most of them are the elite masters of Apocalypse. This result is also a blessing in misfortune.


That was before.

Now that the joining of the Black Lantern faction has become a consensus, and the opponent no longer hides at all, and directly participates in the battle frantically, the so-called advantage on the Kruga star immediately disappears.

It was originally a battle between Kruga and Apocalypse, but now it has directly turned into a three-way melee, and the scene is becoming more and more complicated and riotous!


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