The Storm God

Chapter 3629 Mouth! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the scene getting more and more chaotic, with more and more Black Lantern members, Sinestro's expression became more and more ugly.


This result, he did not expect.

Although it was because of Heileng's ability beyond imagination, but in any case, for such a big mistake, as the leader, Sinestro must have an unshirkable responsibility.

Especially in the case of casualties among one's own personnel.

"Everyone, gather all!"

"Don't love fighting!"


Sinestro has no ink.

He directly discarded all negative emotions, then made a decisive decision and issued the most precise order.

And all the colored lamp fighters didn't hesitate at all.

Hearing this, he immediately tried his best to get out of the battle, and gathered towards Sinestro, while the members of the Black Lantern stalked and tried their best to stop him.


The more chaotic the scene, the easier it is for them to catch fish.

If they are taken away by the colored lamp fighters, then they will only be left with the masters of Apocalypse.

This is definitely not what Scarface wants to see.


So what if you don't want to?

Color lamp fighters are different from other elite masters.

Especially on Sinestro's side, he already knew some ways to deal with members of the Black Lantern from Bai Xiaofei.


The power of the two colored lamps, attacking at the same time, can cause damage to the members of the black lamp. After all, their energy comes from the emotional spectrum.

The emotional spectrum, transformed by the light of creation, is the antithesis of the dark beginnings of the DC universe.

However, the energy of a single color lamp is too low in effect, and it is difficult to see obvious effects. Only the energy fusion attack of two-color lamps and above can achieve immediate results.

This point, ordinary people do not know.

Not so with Sinestro.


After his order was given.

The elite masters under his command immediately chose different color lamp energy sources close to their side in a tacit understanding.

Blue lights look for green lights, red lights look for yellow lights.

The emotional spectrum energy of the power of the two-color lamp burst out suddenly, and immediately created a huge bed for the members of the black lamp who were chasing after them.

Moreover, this kind of injury is still difficult to recover and heal. The damage to the black lamp is extremely serious, and it is serious enough to be fatal.

"How can this be!?"

Scarface was shocked at the time.

Seeing that the members of the Black Lantern were severely injured by Sinestro's Color Lantern Warriors, there were even a few cases of death.

Scarface's eyes were full of disbelief.


Even her.

I also don't know that the power of the color lamp warrior's emotional spectrum has such a special effect that it can almost restrain the black lamp.

No wonder the Black Death Emperor wants to attack the Color Lantern Corps first.


Apocalypse here.

Calibak was also slightly taken aback after seeing the appearance of the Black Lantern Corps, and the scene of being severely injured by the Color Lantern Warriors, and even died.

At the same time, he was also excited. At least through this incident, he knew one thing - the black lamp is not invincible.

It's just that I couldn't find a way before.


Maybe it's time to unravel the secret.

Think here.

He was suddenly excited.

Then instead of retreating, they advanced, taking advantage of the rapid retreat of the coloring lamp fighters, and when they were grouped together, they rushed forward without hesitation and rushed directly to the Black Lantern Army.

It seems that they want to capture some living people for research.


They are not stupid either.

In a situation where the three parties are in a melee, it is impossible to deal with one of them with all their strength. It is necessary to reserve part of their strength to deal with the other party's sneak attack.

Otherwise, you won't know how to die when the time comes.

And Sinestro didn't bother to talk to Apocalypse, all he thought about was how to find the leader of the Black Lantern Legion, kill him, or expel him.

after all……

This is Koruga Star.

My own base camp has now been infiltrated by the enemy, and it is still a horrible and disgusting thing like a black lamp. If I don't find a way to get rid of it immediately, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in peace in the future.

Because I don't know when a horrible zombie crisis may break out, and even myself may be blackened!


What shocked Sinestro was.

Even though he had used the strongest investigative methods, he still couldn't find any clues, as if the enemy didn't exist at all.

But Sinestro's intuition told himself that the leader of the enemy must be near the scene, otherwise these members of the Black Lantern would not be able to move so neatly and orderly.

This is obviously someone directing and ordering.

"Could it be..."

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find anyone.

Sinestro suddenly thought of a possibility, and said in his heart: "The other party is proficient in the way of dimensional space, and is hidden in a dimensional dimension that is completely different from reality?"

Bai Xiaofei also used similar tricks before.


Most people don't.

And anyone who knows these stunts is basically a boss.

Bosses generally have their own dignity of the strong, and they will not hide behind the scenes and play tricks on opponents who are weaker than themselves unless it is absolutely necessary.


Sinestro was sure.

This time, the leader of the Black Lantern Legion is at the same level as himself at most. The reason why he can hide so deeply may be some special ability of the Black Lantern.

Just like the previous Moge, with the help of the green light, he used part of Bai Xiaofei's power, and it was reasonable to be able to barely fight Uncle Locke.

If this is the case, then there will be some trouble.

If the enemy leader can't be found, the root of the problem cannot be solved. We can't let Sinestro and others be on high alert 24 hours a day, right?

So far.

Sinestro's face became even more heavy and ugly.

At the same time, Calibak and others from Apocalypse have also officially handed over the Black Lantern Legion.

A terrifying fierce battle erupted immediately between the two sides. The aftermath of the battle was terrifying. The turmoil and collision of various energies, if not for the existence of the isolation barrier, would have directly blown up the Kruga star.

But having said that, in terms of strength, Apocalypse is still more dominant, after all, those who come are all elite-level strong masters.

The Black Lantern Legion is basically transformed on the spot. Although it is an enhanced version of the special black lantern, the increase in ability is at the most elementary level after all, and coupled with the disadvantage in terms of quantity...

Basically the whole process is in a passive situation.

This is still the result of Apocalypse not touching all the masters and keeping some of them to be vigilant and prevent Sinestro and others.


I'm afraid these black lantern fighters are simply not enough to watch.

At this moment.

The Black Lantern Corps started talking.

One by one, they started talking loudly, the meaning was very simple, all kinds of ridicule and sarcasm, people who said that Apocalypse was stupid and foolish.

They don't even understand the reason why the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit.

If they are willing, the Black Lantern Legion can form a temporary alliance with Apocalypse to deal with Kruga together.

To know.

This is people's territory.

Not only have you been fooled, but you have no advantage in location. You don't want to save yourself, but you are still focused on dealing with us?

Can you be any more stupid?

think about it!

at the begining of.

Kalibak and the others didn't care at all, but as time passed and the Black Lantern Legion talked more and more, and the talk became more realistic, they couldn't help but start to hesitate.


Now we are at a disadvantage.

Why do we have to go to such lengths to deal with the Black Lantern Corps? The purpose of our trip is obviously to destroy Star Kruga.

If this is the case, then it is not impossible to cooperate with the Black Lantern Legion for the time being, at least the two sides have not had any major conflicts at present...

As for the fighters who were cheated before...

Just ignore it.

after all……

Even without the existence of the Black Lantern Legion, these people would die if they died. Now they are nothing more than being used by the black lantern waste.

If they can join forces to destroy Star Keruga, then these sacrifices and sacrifices will definitely be worth it!

Think here.

Calibak couldn't help but feel a little tempted.


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