The Storm God

Chapter 3630 Two against one! (Please subscribe!)

"The situation is a bit tense!"

Little Red Razer came to Sinestro, watching the situation on the battlefield gradually approaching the close forces of the Black Lantern Corps and Apocalypse, frowned slightly: "If they really join forces, can our current strength be able to withstand it?" ?”


Sinestro remained silent.


He doesn't know either.

To be honest, although most of the people brought here this time are elite experts, and there are quite a few of them, the enemies are not weak.

Apocalypse will not say anything.

The Black Lantern Legion is so fucking disgusting, if the two sides join forces...

This really sucks!

Of course.

If it was a normal battle, Sinestro wouldn't be afraid.

But the key point is that another leader of the Black Lantern Legion has been hiding in the dark, and Sinestro and the others have no clues until now.

The only thing he was worried about was that this guy would jump out and attack at a critical moment. If the other party succeeded, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Sinestro has confidence in his own strength, the level of the leader of the Black Lantern Legion must not be underestimated!

at last……

He decided to strike first.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two enemies have not formally joined forces, they directly break up the opponents, so as not to mix together and form a special complementary formation, adding pressure to themselves and others for no reason.

So far.

Sinestro immediately looked at Razer.

Beside Razer, there are also several other color lamp fighters, such as Mog, Walker and other super masters.

Mog is now the leader among the green lights, the absolute No. 1 in strength.

Walker is the ultimate existence in the blue light.

The relationship between the two is irreversible, and the cooperation is also very tacit. The combination of blue lights and green lights can also produce a huge boosting effect.


Don't even think about it.

Mog and Walker must be an excellent combination of golden partners. It can be said that they will be invincible against the members of the Black Lantern Corps!

But if the opponent is a strong player from Apocalypse, the effect will be unsatisfactory. After all, Lan Deng's combat effectiveness is indeed a bit weak.

With Mog alone, it is difficult to justify the distance of digital high-end combat power. Once Walker is trapped, Mog will inevitably be affected to a certain extent.


The ultimate blue light is huge.

If something goes wrong, it will not only affect Mog alone, but also many Green Lanterns. Therefore, Walker, an alternative supporting role, must be adequately protected.

But in view of the restraint effect of the blue light, the red light must not work, because it will be weakened by the blue light if it is close.

And the ability of the yellow light will restrain the green light.


The task of protecting Walker.

In the end, it can only fall on the other ultimate green lights, and only the green lights can enjoy the increase and strengthening of the blue lights.


Mog and Walker immediately understood.

Nodding their heads, they started to act. Walker exerted his strength, and the power of blue hope spread out in an instant, strengthening a large number of ultimate green lights.

Especially Mog.

His strength immediately strengthened to a very terrifying level, and then transformed into a green streamer, rushing directly towards the enemy.

The other ultimate green lights firmly protect Walker and other blue lights in the middle to prevent them from being attacked and hurt.

the other side.

The Red Lanterns led by Razer and the Yellow Lanterns under Sinestro formed a united front, mainly targeting the strong players of Apocalypse.

after all……

The enemies here are all living.

As long as it is a living person, there will be emotions and emotions, and these just happen to be the source of strength of the Color Lantern Corps.

The angry red light is okay, the source of power mainly lies in himself, just like Lu Fatty, the more angry he is, the stronger he is.

The yellow light represents fear.

The more fearful the enemy is, the more powerful the yellow light's ability will be.

But unfortunately...

The enemies this time are the Black Lantern Corps and Apocalypse. The former is personal, with little emotion.

And the latter.

Most of them are diehard members of Apocalypse, and it is extremely difficult to have emotions such as fear...

That is.

It is difficult for the Yellow Lantern Corps to draw strength from local people to strengthen themselves.

Fortunately, there are soldiers from the Red Lantern Corps beside them. The strength attributes of the two sides have no restraint effect, but they can form a good cooperation.

The fighters of the Red Lantern Corps are known for their strength, so they mainly attack, while the Yellow Lantern is similar to the Green Lantern, with strong plasticity, which can be used for offense and defense, defense and support, and can provide a good auxiliary effect for the Red Lantern Warriors.

With the tacit cooperation of the two sides, there is absolutely no problem in a short period of time against the elite masters of Apocalypse.

Those who can really control the situation of the battle are mainly the leaders of the three forces. After all, their realm has surpassed the average fighter by too many.


On Sinestro's side, besides himself, Razer, Mog and others are also of high realm strength.

Even if the Black Lantern Corps and Apocalypse really join forces, there is no need to worry about falling behind in terms of high-end combat power in a short period of time.


It's hard to say over time.

After all, their strength and mentality are not endless, and they will also feel tired and tired.

The more power used, the greater the consumption.

If the leader of the Black Lantern Legion cannot be found out in time, once Sinestro and the others are exhausted, it will be dangerous.

And the other party obviously intends to hide their own existence.

No matter how fierce and berserk the fighters on Keruga star were, the leader of the Black Lantern Legion just didn't show up.

After forming a cooperation with Apocalypse, the roles of cannon fodder and entanglement with opponents all became the tasks of the Black Lantern Corps.

As for the masters of Apocalypse, this is mainly to deal with the strong players of Keruga.

Although it was the first time for the two parties to join forces, they cooperated very well. This may have something to do with the fact that most of the puppets used by Heileng are masters who died in battle from Apocalypse.

after all……

Black Lantern can inherit the abilities and memories of the dead, and most of these dead are accomplices of Apocalypse.

If this doesn't work together, it's a bit unreasonable.

that's all.

It was originally a three-way melee situation.

Now it has become two against one. As time goes by, the battle situation becomes more and more unfavorable for Sinestro and others.

Although the abilities of the Color Lantern Warriors can restrain the Black Lantern Legion to a certain extent, with the intervention of Apocalypse, their hit rate has become very low.


The consumption of the Black Lantern Legion is almost negligible.

They can even get supplements at any time, but the color lamp fighters of Kruga star are not. As time goes by, the consumption will only increase. Once the lamp ring runs out of energy, it will be bad.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.


As the best support on the battlefield, the Blue Lantern fighters such as Walker were the first to be unable to hold on, and the energy of their Blue Lantern rings was severely consumed.

If it is not replenished in time, I am afraid that it will soon run out of energy and lose the boost to Mog and others.

"Mr. Sinestro, if it really doesn't work, call some mechanical troops to help, we really have to slow down..."

Walker was sweating profusely and panting.

Obviously very tired.


Sinestro looked serious and remained silent.

To be honest, it's not that he doesn't want to call the mechanical corps to help, but the high-end fighters of the mechanical corps are usually on the dust star and Aya is in charge.

Star Kruga is mainly responsible for the colored lamp fighters, and this time the battle was also proposed by Sinestro himself.

If he suddenly tells Aya that he needs to ask for help from the high-end combat power of the mechanical corps, wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

If it's just Aya, it's fine.

The point is.

Mr. Bai Xiaofei is also on Sanddust Star.

If Mr. Bai found out about this, and there was a problem with his plan, how embarrassing would it be? !

Do you still want to hang out in the future?

"Hold on!"

Considering the stakes involved, Sinestro finally decided not to ask for help, but to persist to the end.

Rely on your own strength as much as possible to solve the current troubles, unless it is really to the point where you can't ask for help.


Walker was silent.


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