The Storm God

Chapter 3631 Red Lotus. Godzilla! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

An unprecedented super war is also breaking out here.

Long Zhan and others from the Dream Team, as well as all the members of the Nemesis Team, and even other scattered super masters, almost all participated in the battle, with only a small number of people sitting in the rear, watching the overall situation indifferently.

Just like Morpheus, God of Dreams.


Looking at the crazy and fierce battle scene in front of him, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was silent, with surprise and surprise in his eyes, but more dignified.


Others can't see it, but he can recognize the true identity of these mechanical monsters at a glance, which is basically the circle from "Godzilla: King of the Monsters".

Although they are all mechanical creations, they are almost the same as the original version in terms of appearance and abilities.

Even more powerful and terrifying than the monster itself.

after all.

Godzilla, Ghidorah and other monsters, no matter how powerful they are, are only planetary grades, but these mechanical creations in front of them have all reached the level of super universe.

Even if Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team want to take down these mechanical monsters, it may not be possible in a short time.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was very curious, how did Bai Xiaofei create these mechanical creations?

They are obviously just some low-level biological prototypes, but how did they become such terrifying and powerful existences in the hands of the other party?

What kind of ability does Bai Xiaofei have?

battle scene.


Mechanical Godzilla, as if he didn't want money, spewed out terrifying rays of light continuously from his mouth, confronting the unique moves of Long Zhan and others, and was at a disadvantage in the slightest.

The other mechanical monsters are also the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their supernatural powers, and fighting with their respective opponents in an inextricable, inseparable manner.

These mechanical monsters actually don't have too many fancy skills, the only thing is that they have enough rough skin and thick flesh.

Absolutely resistant to beating, with almost endless energy, and amazing self-healing ability.


Even though Long Zhan and others are powerful and have a variety of tricks, they still cannot knock down the mechanical monsters in the first place.

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is very small.

If you want to crush the mechanical monsters with absolute strength, then you can completely eradicate the mechanical monsters, unless they all burst out with 100% strength.


In this way, many of their trump cards and information will undoubtedly be exposed, which is extremely unwise for the entire battle situation.

In addition, Dust Star doesn't know how many masters there are, as well as ambush traps waiting for him and others...


Long Zhan and the others would not easily blow up their cards without time requirements and when it was absolutely necessary.

Even if it is going to explode, it can only be made by some slightly weaker ones, such as Dallol.


Poor Dallol became that target.

First of all, the training system of Dragon Ball Warriors is extremely simple and rude. One power down ten times, all abilities highlight one characteristic - destructive power.

With such an existence, basically there is no special hole card, even if there is, there is not much suspense.

It is nothing more than the strength of the combat power.

Of course.

This is generally speaking.

If you have a special bloodline that can be awakened, or transformed, that's another matter.


Dallol's team has existed in name only.

Except for Dallol, the leader of the captain, the others were all killed in battle, and their corpses became Black Lantern Warriors.

That is.

The actual value of Dallol has been greatly reduced.

Even if one's hole cards are exposed, it's no big deal. Unlike Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team, all members are there, and they are all elite powerhouses. Naturally, they must be kept until the end as much as possible.

To this.

Dallol had no objection either.

After receiving the instructions, he immediately broke out without hesitation.


In an instant, a terrifying aura, like a volcanic eruption, or a shattering sky, continuously gushed out from Dallol's body crazily.

And he himself has undergone a huge change in this short period of time - his hair has grown long in an instant, almost reaching the level of his heels, and the overall structure is blocky and full of texture.

That's right!

This protruding appearance is exactly the third stage of Saiyan's transformation in the Dragon Ball series, Super Saiyan 3.

After transforming, Dallol's actual combat power also immediately broke through the 100 billion level, reaching the level of a god.

follow closely.

The whole person is like a cannonball, rushing directly towards the opponent. Before the person arrives, the terrifying light waves have already arrived first.


Changing body is not the same.

Dallol, who had been crushed a little before, immediately turned around and gained the upper hand, and directly beat the mechanical monster in front of him back again and again.


The terrifying light wave even destroyed many of its mechanical bodies for a while, causing the mechanical monster to let out painful screams.

And it won't be the last.

Dallol, who transformed into Super Saiyan 3, has greatly improved his strength, speed, strength, and explosive power, which are completely different from before.

These mechanical monsters created by Bai Xiaofei, although they are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, are extremely durable, but they are also divided into levels of strength and weakness.


The strongest is undoubtedly Mechanical Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and the remaining mechanical monsters such as Supreme Muto. Their strength and other aspects should be higher.

Unfortunately, most of the mechanical monsters facing Dallol are relatively weak.

Because the strongest ones have been held back by Long Zhan and others.


Here it directly becomes Dallol's personal show.

Mechanical monsters such as spider monsters, mammoths, and flame demons were attacked and suppressed by Dallol in a short period of time, and the wounds on their bodies became more and more serious.

Its self-healing speed is far behind the destruction.

Coupled with the joint assists from the Nemesis team and others, the battle situation was completely at a disadvantage.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be eaten up by the enemy and completely defeated.

And this situation and situation is like a dam collapsed in an ant's nest. As the torn hole becomes bigger and bigger, the protective circle formed by the mechanical monster is quickly withdrawn from a big hole.

"Attack with all your strength!"

Seeing this, Long Zhan and the others were immediately overjoyed: "Try to go all out and break through the defense line and rush in!"

A group of super masters all broke out at this moment.

Even though Mechanical Godzilla and other mechanical monsters desperately tried to stop them, they still failed to stop Long Zhan and others in the end.

Coupled with the bombardment of the fleet from the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, the loopholes in the monster protection circle were instantly torn apart, until it finally collapsed completely and ceased to exist.

follow closely.

Mechanical monsters began to suffer casualties.

Dallol was like a sharp knife, stabbing hard at the weakness and vital points of the monster army, and then twisted and fiddled in various ways, and finally succeeded in killing the mechanical monsters such as the flame demon, completely tearing and destroying the monster protection circle.

With the disintegration of the monster protection circle and the large formation, the strength and defense of other mechanical monsters such as Mechanical Godzilla also dropped a lot in an instant. downwind.

In less than a moment, the entire army of mechanical monsters was defeated by the opponent one by one. In the end, only Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah were left, the three most special mechanical monsters.

But just when Long Zhan and the others thought they had the chance to win, the three mechanical monsters suddenly erupted. After driving away the crowd, they gathered together and started a strange fusion!

"not good!"

"They are merging and evolving, interrupt their actions quickly, or they will be fused successfully, and it will be troublesome!"

"Use your trick!"


Long Zhan and the others were shocked.

However, it was too late, and by the time they realized something was wrong, the three monsters had merged with each other.

Almost in the blink of an eye, an even more terrifying and gigantic super mechanical monster appeared directly in front of everyone.

Guren. Godzilla!


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