The Storm God

Chapter 3632 Destruction and decomposition! (Please subscribe!)


Looking at the brand new mechanical monster that had been combined, Long Zhan and the others were immediately depressed, and they were all stunned, shocked.

It's because...

The Guren Godzilla in front of him is really too domineering.

The body shape is about twice as big as before, and the momentum and energy level have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Compared with the previous single body, its strength is even more different.

Facing Honglian Gojira, Rao is as strong as Long Zhan, and he feels tremendous pressure and threat at this moment.


After the fusion, the strength of this mechanical monster has reached an incomparably terrifying level, even if it is a master of the god emperor realm, it dare not underestimate it.

This is outrageous!


If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, even if you beat them to death, you would never believe that technological creations can be so awesome.

"So strong!"

Dallol in the crowd, when he saw Honglian Gojira, in addition to being shocked and shocked, he was more envious and yearning.

this moment.

He suddenly remembered something about the world of Dragon Ball.

For example, artificial humans.

To know.

The technology of the Dragon Ball world is also very powerful, and it can even be described as abnormal and terrifying.

Compressed capsules, time machines, artificial humans...

One is more powerful than the other.

Especially the latter.


No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 are so powerful that they compete one by one, not to mention Cellu behind.

Dallol, who has had a similar personal experience, is far more in awe of technology than Long Zhan and others.

Especially after seeing Guren Gojira in front of him, Dallol became more convinced of one thing, the combat training system in the Dragon Ball world cannot be achieved by relying solely on himself.

Only with the help of technology can we go faster and farther!

But he heard that some other masters who have been to the parallel world of Dragon Ball have personally encountered the devastating blow of Super 17.

At that time, the strength of those masters was far above that of Dallol, that is to say, the strength of Super No. 17 has completely surpassed the level of Super Saiyan 3!

This is scary!

You know, in the space of reincarnation, the combat power of Super Saiyan 3 is comparable to that of a god emperor, and even at the peak level, it is enough to toughen a junior master of a god emperor.

As a result, a man-made human completely crushed, beat, and almost wiped out a group of powerful groups led by the God Emperor Realm.

This incident caused a huge sensation at the time.


The world of Dragon Ball has been listed as one of the most terrifying and dangerous dungeon worlds by countless masters, and no one dares to travel through it easily.

Because the vast majority of people have gone and never come back.

A real narrow escape.


Dallol also felt that such a statement was a bit exaggerated. The reason why those strong teams did not come back was probably because they encountered the extremely strong boss in the later stage, so they were wiped out.


Dallol understood a little.

If that person hadn't lied, the parallel world of Dragon Ball that the other party traveled through might have developed even more outrageously and pervertedly in terms of technology, so that a terrifying existence like Super No. 17 was created.

Just like Guren Godzilla in front of me.

Although Honglian Gojira is not the same as an artificial human, the principles are similar. After all, they are all following the path of technology, and they are all terrifying existences that they believe to be created.


It also made Dallol see great hope.

The death of his teammates and being used by the black lamp made Dallol despair for a while, and then he vowed to resurrect Xiao Yao and others at all costs.

But the Dallolians knew it too.

In the space of reincarnation, the price required to revive a master like them is terrifying.

Not to mention the resurrection of several people!

The points required are simply astronomical, and it also means that Dallol has to do n more tasks.

It is impossible to obtain high points for ordinary tasks, only those who are jealous of the dangerous dungeon world are able to do so.

That is.

If he wants high points, Dallol must sacrifice his life.

With Dallol's current level of strength, this is almost impossible, unless... he can quickly improve himself and step into the God Emperor Realm in a very short period of time.

That is to break the Super Race 3 restriction of one's own bloodline, and achieve a higher level of domain, such as Super Race 4, or Super Blue!


In the reincarnation space.

Among the strong players who practiced the Dragon Ball combat power system, it is not that no one has achieved this step, but none of them have paid a huge price beyond imagination.

And it is quite good to have one out of a hundred people. This shows how difficult it is to break through successfully.

If you just rely on yourself, Dallol's hope is naturally extremely slim.


How about with the help of technology?

To be precise, Dallol wanted to take refuge in Bai Xiaofei and use the hands of this terrifying powerhouse to complete his own transformation.

As for the limitations and dangers of the samsara space?

Feel sorry!

Unfortunately, Dallol happens to have a special treasure that can block the detection of reincarnation space...


After witnessing the horror and power of Honglian Gojira, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Dallol's heart.

Then, when Long Zhan and others were still shocked by the strength of Honglian Gojira, Dallol was the first to charge forward.

Full power, super race 3, destroy light wave!

The whole person turned into a golden streamer, and slammed into Honglian Godzilla more straightly, with a completely desperate posture!


Seeing this, Long Zhan and the others couldn't help cursing inwardly: "You're giving away your head!"

They were very surprised and puzzled, why Dallol would do such an outrageous behavior at this time.

That's not Dallol's style.

Was it stimulated?

at the same time……

They are also very happy.

Because someone finally did it, which means that they don't have to do anything, and they can intuitively observe and analyze how awesome the combined Red Lotus Gojira is in front of them.

Although Long Zhan and others were puzzled by Dallol's act of "selfless dedication", they were more grateful.

Good man!


And at the same time.

Honglian. Gojira's is not easy to mess with.

After the fit, it has a larger body and a more violent temper. Facing Dallol's almost suicidal attack, Honglian Gojira actually showed a very humane sneer.

next moment.

But seeing its three-headed mutated mechanical tail fused with Ghidorah, with a fierce flick, infinite golden thunders were released immediately.

The golden thunder was extremely terrifying, instantly covering the star field with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally collided fiercely with Dallol's destructive light wave.

follow closely……

It's as if a water gun is facing a waterfall.

Poor Dallol, that little wave of destructive light was completely overwhelmed by the golden thunder almost instantly.

And he himself, without any chance to react, was directly buried in the endless golden thunder, and was decomposed into countless particles in the blink of an eye, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Not only that.

The golden thunder released by Honglian Gojira was undiminished, and continued to charge forward. As if consciously, they rushed towards Long Zhan and others who were watching the battle. They were so scared that they hurriedly dodged, fearing that they would catch up with Daluo In your footsteps.

A top expert as strong as Long Zhan didn't mean to defend or block at all, because through Dallol's personal experience just now, they had already felt exactly that this golden thunder is not just as simple as it looks on the surface.

It also contains extremely powerful laws of destruction and decomposition. Without enough strength to support it, you will die if you touch it.

That's what Dallol is all about.

after all……

Although the Dragon Ball Warriors have strong destructive power, they are easily restrained by the power of attributes and the power of laws.

If it was a normal battle, Dallol might not die so quickly, but it is a pity that he is too impulsive.

And when he came up, he ran into the golden thunder that contained the power of destruction and disintegration, using his own short to attack the enemy's strong, the result can be imagined.

With the lessons learned from the past, Long Zhan and others will naturally not make the same mistakes.


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