The Storm God

Chapter 3633 Tower Emperor Soldiers! (Please subscribe!)


Cosmic starry sky.

Honglian Gojira roared and roared with unrivaled momentum.

At this moment, it is arrogant and domineering, and the combined Red Lotus Gojira has a huge body, exaggerated wings, and a tail turned into a three-headed dragon head, which can be said to be the best of the three monsters.

Not only the appearance, but also the ability has been greatly improved.

Just like the move just now, what was obtained after the fusion was just one of Honglian Gojira's unique moves.

If only a single king, Ghidorah, could release golden thunder, but its power would definitely not be as terrifying.

Or because of the fusion of the three monsters.

The current Guren Gojira can be said to have perfectly inherited all the abilities of the three major monsters, and has also been infinitely strengthened and upgraded.

after all……

The fusion between them is not a simple fusion of three-headed monsters, but an enhanced version of monsters specially developed by Bai Xiaofei by drawing on the special fusion method of the Dragon Ball world.

That is.

The effect of combining three monsters is not 1+1+1, but the multiplication of each other's abilities, directly multiplying geometrically!

Facts have proved that Bai Xiaofei's experiment was very successful.

At the very least, as soon as Honglian Gojira made a move, he immediately frightened the fantasy team and others on the scene, and no one dared to make a rash move or attack.

Dallol's death obviously caused great panic and shock to everyone, for fear that he would follow in the same footsteps if he was not careful.

And in fact.

That was just an illusion.

Dallol is not actually dead. What happened just now is just a way of escape created by him using a special magic weapon.

The real him didn't receive any harm.


It also directly broke through the defense of Gulian Gojira, and successfully entered the land world of Dust Star.

And the reason why he can do this is thanks to the few treasures on him, everyone is his energy and points, almost all of which have been consumed.

That is.

Dallol is completely desperate.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.


His plan was successful.

Not only did he escape successfully by feigning death, he successfully arrived at Dust Star, and he was discovered by the patrolling sentinel hunters immediately.


These sentinel hunters did not attack Dallol directly, but after releasing special ability means to suppress and restrain him, they brought them in front of Bai Xiaofei and Aya in the base.

"I can't tell, you guys still have a lot of money!"

Looking at Dallol who was captured, Aya was amazed, her eyes were full of surprise, she obviously didn't expect that this enemy, who was not favored at the beginning, would have such a trick.

If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's special ability, a pair of primordial eyes, able to see through the essence of everything in the world, he would have been deceived by Dallol.

Of course.

Bai Xiaofei just felt a little strange, so he took another look. In fact, at this moment, he didn't pay much attention to the battle outside. He was still in the dust star, busy setting up other mechanical creations.

What appeared in front of Aya and Dallol at this moment was nothing but a clone of his mind.

Bai Xiaofei would like to ask, what is this Dallol trying to do at such a huge price?

"I want you to help me!"

Dallol is also direct enough.

Without waiting for Bai Xiaofei and Aya to ask, he looked directly at Bai Xiaofei and said straight to the point: "As long as you can help me revive my teammates, you can ask me to do anything!"


Bai Xiaofei looked at Dallol in surprise.

Immediately he laughed again, and said, "I have to say, your frankness is still very likable..."


"Speaking of which, do you think you have any qualifications to negotiate terms with me? Strength, identity, or something else?"

"No matter how you look at it, isn't it enough?"


The tone is indifferent.

The attitude is even more noncommittal.

after all……

Under Bai Xiaofei's command, there are many elites, and although there are not many who are as strong as Dallol, they are not too few.

Why did Dallol believe that Bai Xiaofei would definitely help him? Do you really think that Bai Xiaofei is doing charity?

What a joke!

Could this not be the enemy's bitter trick?


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei looked at Dallol, full of sarcasm, disbelief, and deep contempt.

Do you really think you are a dish?

mock up.

My uncle is in the reincarnation space, but there are many undercover agents who say that you are not bad at all, okay?

If he can't come up with enough eye-catching conditions, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not easily cooperate with Dallol.

To this.

Dallol himself knows it all too well.

So, after hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, he immediately expressed his prepared remarks:


"I don't have any great skills, and my abilities are not outstanding. In your eyes, my only capital may not be worth mentioning at all..."

"However, I have a secret message that you are definitely interested in, and this will definitely allow you to reap benefits beyond imagination!"

"This is my bargaining chip!"


Dallol looked serious.

When he said this, his face and eyes were full of confidence.


Seeing him like this, Bai Xiaofei became interested instead, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "What secret information, let me tell you first, if it is really valuable, it's not that I can't give you a chance..."


Dallore hesitated.

Hearing this, he didn't tell his secret immediately, as if he was afraid that Bai Xiaofei would not admit it if he found out.


Bai Xiaofei saw through Dallol's thoughts at a glance, and immediately sneered coldly, saying: "This is your last chance, tell me, maybe you still have a glimmer of hope, let alone..."

"I'll kill you right now!"


Still want to negotiate terms with me?


When Dallol heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. He seemed to think that Bai Xiaofei was right, so he finally nodded.

Said: "Okay, to show my sincerity, I will tell you the secret I know first, if you want to kill people after you know it, I will be unlucky!"


He cast a special secret method.

Immediately afterwards, a small pagoda appeared in Dallol's sea of ​​consciousness.

This small tower seems to be an extremely special magic weapon, which contains the power of merit to protect the body. While spinning around, it also forms a group of extremely mysterious and complex password protection to protect the things inside.

Moreover, Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eyes immediately saw that this small tower has a self-destruct device, if someone intends to forcibly seize and decipher its secrets, the tower will be destroyed and nothing will be gained.

From this point of view, in order to keep this secret, Dallol really spent a lot of thought. At least this small tower is definitely not an ordinary treasure.

Even Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised and surprised when he saw it: "It's a bit interesting, I never thought that you, who are mere masters of the God Sovereign Realm, are armed with an emperor-level artifact. It seems that your fate is very legendary."

That's right!

This small tower is an imperial weapon.

Although the level and ability are not very high, but they are real emperor soldiers, otherwise it is impossible to be full of those god emperor level powerhouses.


Dallol's realm is too low.

Without fully displaying the power and effect of this tower-shaped imperial weapon, it can only be used as a prop to protect secrets. If this thing is in Bai Xiaofei's hands, it will be completely different.

For example, it is used to protect the consciousness of the sea of ​​consciousness, and even the soul from the attack and infection of external forces, etc.

It's better than being a safe anyway.

In short.

The first time he saw this tower-shaped imperial soldier, Bai Xiaofei felt a little worthless for it, why did he follow such a master?

What a waste of money!


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