The Storm God

Chapter 3634 Mysterious Palace! (Please subscribe!)


Dallol is not blind.

Especially Bai Xiaofei's eyes and attitude were undisguised, so Dallol felt Bai Xiaofei's emotions almost instantly.


He gave a wry smile in embarrassment.

Then he explained: "Mr. Bai made me laugh. To be honest, this pagoda of the pagoda is an accidental acquisition in another mission. It's a pity that my ability is low and I can't exert its power at all, so it can only be used as a safety device." , to keep your own secret!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded clearly.

Squinting his eyes, he said: "The secret that you can keep with the emperor's soldiers is not too low in value, right?"


"It seems that I really underestimated you a little, so stop talking nonsense. I'm getting more and more interested in your secret."

"Unlock it quickly and let me have a look. If it satisfies me, there is no problem in agreeing to your terms."


I didn't say anything later.

But what it means, even a fool can understand it.


Dallol didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, and then began to use the secret method to stimulate the power to unlock his own pagoda of the Buddha.

This pagoda has seven floors.

Each layer has a set of extremely mysterious and complex ciphertexts, and as Dallol unlocked them, the ciphertexts began to gradually emerge.

at the same time……

The power of brilliant merit gradually emerged from the pagoda, turning the entire room into a golden color.


Bai Xiaofei felt it.

It is preliminarily concluded that whether this pagoda is preserved or unlocked, it will consume a certain amount of merit.

Especially when it is unlocked, it may consume more, otherwise there will not be such a large loss of merit power now.

And in order to prevent the vision here from being perceived by the outside world, Bai Xiaofei also specially applied several isolation barriers to ensure nothing goes wrong.

after all……

Among the enemies is Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

The opponent's strength is not inferior to his own, even if ten thousand people are cautious, it is absolutely right.


All the Buddha pagodas were unlocked by Dallol.

And with all the ciphertexts on the last layer lit up, this tower-shaped imperial weapon finally revealed the secret information it kept.

That was a special memory of Dallol.

It's like a series of movie clips. After they emerge, a series of memory clips flash one after another.

And the content of his memory is a special planet, where the fairy energy is lingering, like a fairyland, and flying beasts and floating islands abound.

What is even more astonishing is that somewhere on this almost uninhabited special planet, there is an incomparably splendid palace.

The palace seemed to have suffered some kind of war and was severely damaged, but even so, it was still hard to conceal its aura and majesty.


Just looking at the words on the plaque on the entrance of the main hall, which was only half destroyed, Dallol was shocked on the spot and nearly injured.

It's as if the words on the plaque are not just simple words, but a super master. Anyone who is not strong enough to watch it will suffer a huge backlash.

To know.

At that time, Dallol's strength, although he hadn't reached the level of the gods, was only at the level of Super Saiyan 2, but it was quite powerful, okay?

But even so, when looking at the font on the plaque, he vomited blood and retreated in less than two seconds, completely unbearable.

From this, it can be seen how awesome and terrifying this palace is. Just a pair of plaques with less than half of them destroyed can instantly injure a master at the level of a god emperor!

Dallol concluded at the time that this palace was definitely the residence of a certain lord of the Venerable Realm in ancient times.


His strength realm is too low.

Even if you encounter such a great source of blessing, you still don't have the ability to go in and explore it, and you can't even take a few more glances.

It is really bitter and sad.


Dallol got the Pagoda of the Buddha by chance, so he sealed up the secret, planning to come to this palace to hunt for treasures and continue to improve himself when he is strong enough in the future.

How can I think...

The future is unpredictable.

After entering this DC universe world, not only was he frustrated again and again, but in the end, he even took all his brothers and teammates into it.

In order to revive Xiao Yao and others, Dallol had no choice but to use the secret as a bargaining chip in exchange for Bai Xiaofei's help.

Because he knew that it was almost impossible to accomplish the goal of resurrecting Xiao Yao and others just by relying on his own efforts.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, but Dallol is very clear that his aptitude and ability have almost reached the bottleneck.

If you want to go up, it will be extremely difficult.

Especially when all his teammates were wiped out and he was the only boss left, this was even more impossible to achieve.

To achieve the goal, the only way is to take risks!

And Bai Xiaofei.

It is the best shortcut and method.


After a long time, Dallol sighed deeply, then looked at Bai Xiaofei full of hope, and said, "This is my bargaining chip, Mr. Bai, are you satisfied?"


Bai Xiaofei ignored him.

He stared fixedly at the mysterious palace in the memory fragments displayed by the Buddha Pagoda, as if he was firmly attracted by something, and there was nothing else in his eyes except the palace.

Not only that.

In the depths of Bai Xiaofei's consciousness, also because of the appearance of this mysterious palace, some strange information and special memories faintly emerged.

It was as if some secrets buried deep in the soul consciousness were finally inspired by this mysterious palace and popped out again.

But alas.

These strange information and special memories are really too scattered, even more mysterious and elusive than a flash of inspiration.


Bai Xiaofei was very confused.

His intuition told himself that he seemed to have a little impression of this mysterious palace, as if he had been there before.

Especially the one and a half words on the plaque made Bai Xiaofei feel inexplicably familiar, but in fact, Bai Xiaofei had never seen this writing at all.

Is it an illusion?


This long-lost sense of familiarity is definitely not an illusion!

It's more like a special memory deeply imprinted in the soul, which is gradually awakened and revived, but it seems that there is no clue at all.

But this doesn't make any sense at all. It's obviously the first time I've seen this palace, okay? How could I have such a special feeling?

Could it be...

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a possibility: "What is the important connection between this palace and my previous life?"

All right.

Although what he said in the previous life was a bit outrageous and mysterious, but apart from this, Bai Xiaofei really couldn't think of any other explanations that could explain all of this.


None of that matters either.

The most important thing right now is, where is this mysterious palace?

Because I saw this through Dallol's memory fragments, and was limited by various factors, the feelings it brought to Bai Xiaofei were not very deep.

If he had visited the scene in person, Bai Xiaofei believed that the feeling would be even more shocking, and he might be able to "recall" more clues and memories.

As for the treasures in the palace, Bai Xiaofei didn't care that much at the moment.

In short.

Even a torn plaque with such awesome font, the things inside must be even more terrifying and awesome.

According to Bai Xiaofei's observation and analysis, this mysterious palace is conservatively estimated to be the residence of a saint-level venerable realm.

It is impossible for the field of god level and venerable realm to have such a big name and background, because even the current Bai Xiaofei feels deeply shocked when he looks at the font on the plaque.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei is at the pinnacle of the God Emperor Realm.

After cutting out the evil corpse, the distance from the realm of the saint and even the realm of the venerable is only short of the top powerhouse with two feet in childbirth.

Even he is like this, which shows the horror and horror of this mysterious palace. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary residences in the Venerable Realm to be like this!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help becoming more interested in this mysterious palace.


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