The Storm God

Chapter 3635 Sell teammates! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei withdrew his gaze, and showed an obviously satisfied smile on his face, and then said to Dallore: "This secret is interesting, congratulations, it has successfully aroused my interest..."

"Tell me."

"What are you going to exchange it for? As long as it's not too much, I can promise you!"

"This is what you deserve."


Bai Xiaofei didn't have any ink marks.

He expressed his liking directly and straight to the point, asking about Dallol's demands.

That is.

It was a deal, and he took it.


Dallol was slightly taken aback for a moment, obviously he did not expect that Bai Xiaofei would be so direct, without delay.

After reacting, I was overjoyed.


He made his request.

Dallol's request is actually very simple, one is to hope that Bai Xiaofei can revive his teammates.

Furthermore, it is to enhance the strength of oneself and others.

after all.

Weakness is the original sin.

Without enough strength, everything is useless.

What about resurrection?

To know.

Dallol's behavior has completely betrayed the space of reincarnation.

Once this matter is exposed, not only him, but even his teammates will probably be implicated as well.


The premise is that they are resurrected.


After listening to Dallol's request, Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and said: "These two requests are quite reasonable, there is nothing excessive..."

"Alright, since you've already made up your mind, I'll agree to your request, but it may take a little time..."

"After all, you also know that their corpses have been used by the black lamp. If you want to resurrect them, you must need some materials."


Dallol understands.

After all, Bai Xiaofei's side is not the reincarnation space, and the samsara space directly has the identities of Xiao Yao and others as backups.

Even if there is no corpse, you can rely on points and other costs to revive and restore your strength.

But that's almost impossible.


He will find Bai Xiaofei.

In fact, at the beginning, Dallol didn't know whether Bai Xiaofei had this ability, he just put all his eggs in one basket and wanted to try it out.

Unexpectedly, everything went so smoothly.

It's God's will!


Dallol immediately said that from now on, his life belonged to Bai Xiaofei, and he would be there whenever he was called, never complaining.

"It's fine to be a cow or a horse!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and said with a smile: "But there is one thing right now, I would like to ask you, how much do you really know about the Oneiroi Lord Murphys?"

"For example, how many troops are there this time, and what are the planned deployments? After all, he is my enemy now."

"This can be regarded as your vote!"


When Dallol heard this, he immediately felt a little bit bitter.

Because he really doesn't know much about the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, after all, his strength is still a bit too low.

There are many, many masters and powerhouses above him.

Like Fantasy Team.


Dallol can't solve any too core secrets at all.

However, this time the task is quite special, and the action is more urgent, so Dallol has heard Long Zhan and others talk about some actions.

Since Dallol decided to take refuge in Bai Xiaofei, he naturally would not choose to hide it, he knew how much to say, and he didn't hide anything.


After Bai Xiaofei heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and pondered: "Are you so careful? There's not even a single person who knows the detailed plan, and basically let you act freely?"


Dallol explained: "Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is a special one among the many god emperors. The dragon sees the head but does not see the end."

"Don't say it's a small person like me, even Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team rarely see him."

"Once the action figures were all remotely issued orders and instructions by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, this time is the same."

"We didn't know that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was coming to the scene until we got near the Dust Star..."


When it comes to this.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but interrupted: "Come to the scene in person? Hehe, I don't think it must be the Oneiroi Lord Murphy himself!"


Dallore was puzzled by this.

Bai Xiaofei explained: "When I was on Earth before, I killed one of his clones. From what I know about him, it's the same this time. I don't have complete confidence and odds of winning. It is estimated that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will not I took the risk to let the deity come in person..."

"That is to say, the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus you saw should probably be his avatar."


Dallo was dumbfounded for a moment.


Have you killed one yet?


Seeing Dallol's expression full of shock and disbelief, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly and said, "Actually, it's nothing special, it's all happened in the past. The key now is to win the battle ahead!"


Dallol nodded in understanding.

After that, he began to sell his teammates like a few treasures, and directly told Bai Xiaofei all the information he knew about Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team.

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei immediately became happier.

He smiled and said: "With this intelligence information, my mechanical army will be more confident in dealing with them. Even if they can't defeat them, they can delay for a while."

"This credit belongs to you!"


Dallore listened.

Immediately overjoyed, he quickly and modestly stated that he hadn't done anything.

But Bai Xiaofei said: "Okay, don't talk about what's there and what's not, and don't like that, I'll say it's thanks to you!"


Dallore responded.

The new boss has said so, what can he do as a younger brother?

Of course, he accepted it obediently and silently.


Bai Xiaofei started to transfer data.

Directly transmit the information and intelligence materials about the members of the fantasy team to the data center of Hongmeng Dark System.

And through the cloud sharing function of the Hongmeng Dark System, almost all the top mechanical creations under Bai Xiaofei's command received information about the enemy in an instant.

Especially the merged Guren Gojira.


It was still fighting fiercely with Long Zhan and others, and the fight was indistinguishable. As a result, after receiving information about Long Zhan and others, it was like a different person, and the attack was instantly sharper.

Moreover, the moves are all aimed at the weaknesses and flaws of Long Zhan and others, or attacks where they lack abilities.

Immediately, it made Long Zhan and others very headache and depressed.

"Damn it!"

"What's the situation with this big guy? Why did he suddenly see through our tricks and flaws? It's just crazy!"

"We are completely passive now!"


Haotian is the most bitter.

As a sword fairy, his attack power and destructive power are undoubtedly the strongest among the crowd, but at the same time, other aspects will be relatively weakened a lot.


As the player with the worst overall strength.

Haotian was under the intensive care of Honglian Gojira, and all kinds of terrorist attacks followed one after another, making him stressed and extremely embarrassed.

The situation of the others, although not as hard as Haotian, is not much better, after all their information has been leaked by Dallol.

When the strength is relatively not very disparate, the saying that knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles can be said to be vividly demonstrated by Honglian Gojira.

It fought against the crowd with one enemy, but in the end it still had the absolute upper hand.

This scene.

The Nemesis team was immediately dumbfounded.


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