The Storm God

Chapter 3636 Wanted! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Bai Xiaofei, Aya, and Dallol, who had just turned from darkness to light, also saw the scene where Gulian Gojira fought against the crowd without losing the slightest bit, and even completely grasped the initiative and rhythm of the battle situation.

"not bad!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "It seems that your information is quite reliable. In this way, Godzilla can hold on for a while longer."

"One more credit to you."


Dallo was overjoyed.

Then he quickly said that he didn't do anything, mainly because Mr. Bai's creation itself was powerful and terrifying enough.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for someone else to do the same.


Bai Xiaofei smiled noncommittally.


He looked away.

He looked at Dallol with deep eyes.

"Dallol, since there is no need to worry about the battlefield for the time being, let's go back and talk about the palace."

Bai Xiaofei asked directly.

That mysterious palace had a profound impact on Bai Xiaofei, and his intuition told him that this palace was very important to him.

So he just wanted to learn more about intelligence and information related to it.

after all……

The Buddha Pagoda can only record some memory fragments, but it cannot explain Dallol's own feelings and associations.

As the only person who has been there, Bai Xiaofei wants to know what Dallol thinks and thinks about it.

Of course.

Most importantly, where is this palace?

Are there any special contraindications.

no way.

Who let this thing really arouse Bai Xiaofei's interest.

"Mr. Bai..."

Dallol didn't dare to be negligent when he heard the words, he quickly tried his best to recall, and told Bai Xiaofei everything he knew.

The imperial weapon of the Buddha Pagoda surpassed Dallol's strength so much that Dallol couldn't grasp its power at all.

This caused some confusion or even loss in Dallol's memory, so when the seal was unsealed, the memory fragments they saw flashed irregularly rather than coherently.

Of course.

If someone uses huge meritorious power to reactivate the Buddha Pagoda and reproduce its memory, the memory saved by Dallol can also be retrieved.


This operation and process is quite repetitive.


Dallol wants to remove the imprint of the Buddha Pagoda, that is to say, he must give up the ownership of this imperial weapon.

But it's a pity that it's easy to recognize the owner of this thing, but difficult to get rid of it.

After all, Dallol's strength is not enough, and it has been kept in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness before, fused with the power of merit, which is even more difficult.

Even Bai Xiaofei couldn't forcefully glass him.

Unless Dallol is killed.



The memory in the Buddha Pagoda will completely disappear because of Dallol's death.

Therefore, the only way is to improve Dallol's strength and try to make him strong enough to fully grasp the Buddha Pagoda as soon as possible, so that all the memories can be retrieved.


The increase and consumption of the power of merit can also have a certain effect, helping Dallol think of something.

Just like now.

The reason why Dallol can think of some related things is because Bai Xiaofei transferred him a lot of merit.

Then, under the consumption and stimulation of the power of merit, the Buddha Pagoda took pity on him and reminded Dallol of some memories.

But even so.

The information that Dallol can obtain is also very scarce and pitiful.

after all……

When this insurance was first established, Dallol's original intention was to completely seal it off, lest someone else be a courier for nothing.

What a dream.

The previous design has now become its own problem.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei was lucky. After a large wave of merit power was consumed, some of the relevant memories that Dallol obtained were basically on the key points.

According to Dallol's statement, as well as Bai Xiaofei's analysis and associations, the context of the matter was finally restored to this -

earlier before.

Dallol's strength is not very strong, just about the level of Super Saiyan 2. During the execution of a special mission in the reincarnation space, due to an accident, he fell into a strange space world in the universe.

And this world is the planet shown in the memory fragment in the Buddha Pagoda, and then Dallol found the mysterious palace in a daze.



It should be that palace that found Dallol.

Because according to Dallol, when he woke up, he was already outside the mysterious palace.


There seemed to be many dangerous and terrifying organs and traps in the mysterious palace, but those things seemed to avoid Dallol on purpose.

So that Dallol came to the gate of the palace very easily, so that he could look directly at the ruined plaque.

But it's a pity.

After all, Dallol couldn't stand the plaque because his strength was too low, so he had to quit early.


before leaving.

Dallol, with the intention of never leaving the house, even snatched some plants, land, and even weeds near the mysterious palace.

At that time, he didn't think much about it, he just thought that since this palace is so awesome, the plants growing around it, and even the soil, after years of assimilation, must not be ordinary things.

It turns out.

Dallol was right in his guess.

After returning to the reincarnation space after some twists and turns, the things he brought back were directly recognized by the reincarnation space as top-notch precious materials, and they were sold for a lot of points at that time.

And it is precisely by virtue of these points that Dallol can raise his strength to the level of Super Race 3 in a very short period of time.

after that.

Dallol and his team members were brought into this world by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and said that they had a big order to be entrusted to them.


They met Bai Xiaofei.


After figuring out the reason and origin of this, Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment, narrowed his eyes and said: "Even the soil, plants, and even weeds around the palace are extremely precious materials. It seems that this palace The origin of it may be far more powerful than I imagined!"

"Dallol, do you still remember the world when you fell, and the relevant coordinates? I think, after you left there, you must have left some special marks nearby?"


Dallore nodded yes.

But it's a pity that Dallol couldn't remember what special mark was made.

The most critical part of memory was swallowed up by the Buddha Pagoda.

That's fucked up.

"Feel sorry!"

Dallol looked depressed.

"It's okay!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled, said it was nothing, then asked again: "Then do you remember what kind of world that is?"

It doesn't matter if you can't find the relevant coordinates, we can settle for the next best thing, first find the moment world where it is located...


Bai Xiaofei believed that with his ability, as long as he searched hard, he would definitely find some clues and traces.

"What time and space world? I have to think about it..." Dallol immediately began to think hard when he heard this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't rush either.

Standing silently by the side, waiting for the good news.


Dallol opened his eyes.

As if a flash of light flashed in my mind, the whole person seemed energetic, and shouted excitedly: "Ah, I remembered, that world seems to be called "Wanted Warrant"..."

"Wanted warrant?"

Hearing this strange name, Bai Xiaofei's face was full of doubts. After thinking back and analyzing it carefully, he couldn't think of any information related to it.

After all, when Dallol went to this world to perform missions, he was at the level of Super Saiyan 2.

In this way, there were accidents, so it can be seen that it is definitely a very dangerous time and space world, not some ordinary ordinary time and space.

But here comes the problem again.

The name is a wanted warrant, or the space-time world that is related to this, Bai Xiaofei really doesn't know much about it.

And most of them don't meet the requirements.

In desperation, Bai Xiaofei could only continue to ask Dallol, "Then do you remember any other clues about this world?"


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