The Storm God

Chapter 3637 Purgatory upgrade field! (Please subscribe!)

"I still remember some."

Dallol replied honestly: "I remember that it was a special world composed of hundreds of parallel universes..."

He began to explain the ins and outs of it.

Although because of the relationship between the Buddha Pagoda, there are many vacancies in Dallol's memory.

But most of the contents are still remembered very clearly, but the information related to the mysterious palace has been forgotten.

The matter of the task has not been affected much.

in short.

That special world of time and space has hundreds of parallel universes. Although the development of civilizations in these parallel universes may have great differences, no matter how they change, there must be a clone of someone.

A parallel universe means a clone.

And here lies the problem.


Hear here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

Someone's doppelganger? This familiar setting is somewhat similar to something in "The Flash".

In the story of The Flash, in countless parallel universes, there may be countless clones of himself, also called replicas, or his number 2, number 3...

The most famous of these is Wells.

As the saying goes, the iron-clad Wells and the flowing superhero, no matter how the story of The Flash changes, they must be inseparable from the great god Wells.

The special space-time world that Dallol described is somewhat similar to this one. The same person may have countless possible eyes in countless parallel worlds.

Just like Wells.

On Earth 1, it may be the upright and kind-hearted scientist Wells, while on Earth 2 or 3, his avatar, or the existence of a replica, may be a murderer, a superhero, or an ordinary person...


That special space-time world is somewhat different from some settings of The Flash in that the energy between these clones is completely shared.

That is: all the same people in hundreds of parallel universes share supposedly millions of astronomical horror energies.

Then the energy averaged to each person is about 10,000 to 20,000, which is the normal level of ordinary people.


If there is one, or a few, of the clones in other parallel universes, they will die of illness, or die unexpectedly...

The 10,000 to 20,000 energies that originally belonged to this avatar will be instantly divided into all the same avatars in other parallel universes.

In this way, the problem comes.


What if there is a person who has the ability to travel through parallel universes and constantly hunt and kill his own clone?

When all the parallel universes in the whole world are left with only himself, then he will be able to enjoy these millions of terrifying energies exclusively.

And this level of strength, to other ordinary life individuals, is absolutely like a superman, or even a god-like existence.


This world also has its special defense mechanisms.

According to the information that Dallol learned, this special space-time world has a parallel universe world whose technological development has reached an astonishing level.

They set up a special force to monitor and maintain the normal development and safety of all parallel universes.

Any irregular time and space travel, as well as illegal and criminal activities, will be listed as hunted and wanted objects by them.


Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

Among the countless criminals, there is such a special person who accidentally knows the secret between clones.


Since then, he has gone further and further on the road of becoming stronger and killing people.

As the number of clones hunting him increased, his strength became more and more terrifying and powerful.

The Special Forces spotted him, designed to arrest him, and even put him on trial at one point.

But just when the court announced that he would be given special punishment, his accomplice designed to rescue him.

Not only that.

They even used the instruments of the special forces to successfully locate their own clones in other parallel universes.

This saved him a lot of time and energy. With the help of this east wind, this crazy guy who was addicted to killing himself quickly killed hundreds of himself in parallel universes at an astonishing speed.

And the task Dallol accepted was to choose a camp, or join this crazy guy, help him successfully kill his last clone, and become the only existence in the universe.

Or join the special forces and stop this evil and arrogant madman.

at the same time……

There is also a third hidden mission.

Be the partner of the madman's last clone, and fight against the madman's pursuit together until he is successfully captured alive and imprisoned.

At that time, Dallol chose the special forces for the convenience of action, and with the help of the official force, he mastered a lot of secret information.

But it's a pity.

At the critical moment when his mission was carried out, an accident occurred due to the intervention of other members of the reincarnation space.

During the confrontation, the space-time shuttle fell into a turbulent zone, and the opponent died tragically on the spot, while Dallol was lucky enough to meet the mysterious palace.

The whole process is probably like this.

As for the details, Dallol can't remember exactly where it fell into the turbulence of time and space, and Dallol has no influence at all.

He only knew that this special space-time world called "Wanted Order" had become an extremely special copy world in the reincarnation space for some special reasons.


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "What kind of special method? Could it be because of that mysterious palace?"

"have no idea!"

Dallore shook his head, then smiled wryly: "I only know that after our group of mission members left, that world has an extremely special and terrifying rule..."

"Once anyone enters that special space-time world, their strength level will be divided into hundreds of points in an instant, and then evenly distributed to their newly born clones..."

"Even the bosses in the Venerable Realm are no exception!"


Speaking of which.

Dallol paused for a moment, and then said: "I remember that one of the bosses in the Venerable Realm didn't believe in this evil, so he ran to that world..."

"As a result, as soon as I entered, my strength level immediately dropped to a horrible level, and then I was cheated by one of the masters who were good at calculating, and replaced him, becoming the substitute of the Venerable Realm. Boss."


Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't that right? Even if that master is good at calculating, he can't succeed. After all, once one of the clones dies, the energy will be shared with the other clones..."


"That's right!"

Dallore nodded.

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, "That's the point I'm going to talk about next. If it's a native of that world, it's true. The more clones die, the stronger the other survivors will be."

"But unfortunately..."

"This rule does not apply to outsiders. The energy of the dead clone will be directly inherited by the person who killed him..."

"Thus, that world directly became a bloody and brutal purgatory upgrade field, countless people fell there, and countless people rose there..."

"Among them are some bigwigs in the realm of the Venerable Realm. After all, that world is so special that even the bigwigs in the realm of the Venerable Realm can't help but want to pry into its mysteries."

"Unfortunately, they all failed."


Speaking of which.

Dallol couldn't help but sigh.

If it wasn't for his being too weak and not having any strong backing, relying on the great secret he discovered back then, no matter what, he would venture into that world again to find out.

Even he is like this, let alone those bigwigs in the realm of the venerable, but the facts tell them cruelly that they underestimate that world too much.

What about the bosses in the Venerable Realm?

Still can't do it!


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