The Storm God

Chapter 3638 Grandma Kelie! (Please subscribe!)


The atmosphere fell into silence.

Dallol finished talking about everything he knew, and then he didn't know what to say, while Bai Xiaofei fell into deep thought.

As for Aya?

All right……

She knew only a little about the conversation between Dallol and Bai Xiaofei, as if she was listening to a book from heaven, she was very confused.

Before hearing half of it, she gave up completely.

Rather than wasting this energy, she might as well wait for Bai Xiaofei to explain to her alone, it's better than thinking about it by herself, right?


Dust Star is not peaceful now.

The Apocalypse Fleet outside, as well as those masters, are still fighting fiercely with Honglian Godzilla on their side.

Although Bai Xiaofei had absolute confidence in his own design, Aiya couldn't help being a little worried.

The point is that she is not needed here at all.


Aya became a spectator.

It doesn't matter if it's the conversation between Dallol and Bai Xiaofei, or the confrontation between Long Zhan and others and Honglian Gojira outside the dusty planet.

Aiyadu is just a bystander watching the play.

Just short of popcorn.


Regardless of the atmosphere over Bai Xiaofei's side.

Dust beyond the stars.

After Long Zhan and the others trembled a lot, they finally found sadly that if they didn't use some special skills to suppress the bottom of the box, they really couldn't do anything to this mechanical monster in front of them.

no way.

Who let the other party grasp the weaknesses and flaws of himself and others?

So what if there are many people?


Without a powerful enough destructive force, all the attacks hit the opponent's body, just like scratching an itch.

It will be back to normal in no time.

In contrast to myself and others...


One by one, they were extremely embarrassed.

Not to mention the serious power loss, the key is to lose face!

If it goes on like this, it will be embarrassing and embarrassing. Thinking that Lord Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, is still watching everything in the main ship, Long Zhan and the others immediately feel ashamed and angry.


I couldn't bear it.

Uncle Locke in the fantasy team broke out first.

after all.

His position is somewhat special.

If you want output and output, you need assistance and assistance, you can fight and resist, you can handle it, it's very comprehensive.


It's okay even if some of the stunts at the bottom of the box are exposed.

Who made him have many skills and a wide range of choices, unlike that guy Haotian, who is a professional assault system output.

If his big hole card is exposed, this person will basically be useless, there are almost no secrets to speak of, and it will not be easy to target.


After much deliberation.

Uncle Locke finally decided that since he was going to explode, he should simply expose himself. Anyway, he had a lot of cards, so this one was not bad.

Even if the enemy knows it, it is not easy to target.

To this.

Long Zhan and others did not object either.

They cast their eyes one by one to express their gratitude, and at the same time fully cooperated with the defense and output to give Uncle Locke the time needed to accumulate his big moves and explode.

After a while.

Uncle Locke's big move is finally ready.

"Grandpa Cree!"


Following Uncle Locke's roar, a golden beam of light filled with billowing holy power suddenly appeared out of thin air, and then, like the rising sun, quickly rose into the sky and grew in the wind.

In a blink of an eye.

This golden pearl of apocalypse, which looks like the sun, becomes as huge and bright as a real planet.

at the same time……

Endless sacred power emanated from it.

And all Long Zhan and others who were bathed in this sacred light immediately began to soar in all attributes like chicken blood.

If their strength level was around 100 before, then with the buff bonus of this Apocalypse Pearl, the strength level of Long Zhan and others suddenly increased to more than 400 in an instant.

That is to say, it will directly become four or five times stronger, or even more.

The lower the strength, the more obvious the enhancement effect is, and although the top combat power like Long Zhan, although the increase is not as good as those with lower strength, it is still very amazing, at least about three times.

And such a surge in overall growth instantly raised the comprehensive strength of the Dream Team and the Nemesis Team to an extremely terrifying level.

Of course.

Just talking is useless.

The most intuitive expression is fighting.

it's not...

The two sides played against each other again.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Honglian Gojira's fierce posture was directly suppressed and terminated, but was regained the upper hand by Long Zhan and others.

In just a short moment of confrontation, Honglian Gojira was beaten by Long Zhan and others, and he almost couldn't find Bei.

If it weren't for his body, which has rough skin and thick flesh, strong self-healing ability, and amazing recovery speed, and he also knows the weaknesses and flaws of many Long Zhan and others...

I'm afraid that after this wave of indiscriminate bombardment, they would have already stopped cooking.

But even so, Honglian Gojira was almost powerless to fight back being persecuted by Long Zhan and others.

All are being beaten.

It's not that it doesn't want to fight back, but that it simply doesn't have this opportunity.

Long Zhan and others with the increase of the Buff of the Pearl of Apocalypse are like chicken blood. All kinds of special skills and big moves seem to be free of money, and they are bombarding Honglian and Godzilla.

And their cooperation is also very tacit, one after another, without stopping at all, they directly put Honglian Gojira into their own attack rhythm.

Want to fight back, or break the game?


Let's carry it down and talk about it first, otherwise let alone counterattack, there is no way to hide, there is no other way but to resist hard!

Of course.

Guren Gojira is not a vegetarian either.

While gritting its teeth to resist everyone's onslaught, it also secretly continued its strength. Although its hands and feet were unable to fight back, the atomic reactor inside it was not affected too much.

not to mention……

Guren Godzilla is a fusion of Mothra and Ghidorah, far more powerful than the normal single Godzilla.

next moment.

After continuous hard work, Red Lotus Gojira finally successfully entered the true Red Lotus state, and an incomparably terrifying energy shock visible to the naked eye exploded from its body in an instant.

That posture was as terrifying as the Big Bang, stronger than Long Zhan and others' continuous bombardment with different tricks, and they were instantly suppressed, and even counterattacked back.

The terrorist forces of the two sides collided and canceled each other, forming a direct confrontation, and at the same time, it also won the opportunity for Honglian Gojira to move his hands and feet freely.

follow closely……


When Honglian Gojira opened his mouth, the most powerful atomic breath spewed out, and the target was directed at Uncle Locke's awakening magic skill - Grandma Kelei.


Uncle Locke saw something bad.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and his control gestures changed instantly. At the same time, the grandma Kelie, who was as bright as a star, also changed from extremely bright to extremely dark in an instant.


Like a dark sphere like a black hole, it immediately emitted countless terrifying rays, just like the laser light in KTV. While the special effects are full, it also directly hits the atomic breath of Honglian Gojira.



dust star.

Looking at the battle outside, Aya was excited, excited, and excited. She almost wanted to jump out and fight with those top experts.

But she knew that she couldn't!

after all……

All of this is just an appetizer.

As one of the coaches of the army, she couldn't show up and make a move easily, otherwise, how would the wonderful drama that followed be staged?

In order to restrain her excitement and impulsiveness, Aya had no choice but to forcefully turn her head back and look at Bai Xiaofei.

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei has also recovered from his contemplation.

He looked at Dallol with a smile on his face, and said, "Dallol, if I'm not mistaken, that special world should have been called "Wanted Universe", right?"


Dallol was taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement: "That's the name, Mr. Bai, how did you know it?"


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