The Storm God

Chapter 3639 Terror law! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei also accidentally understood the special space-time world that Dallol mentioned, without any clues or clues.

However, following Dallol's explanation, Bai Xiaofei finally realized, isn't this a work played by Kung Fu superstar Li Jie?


Because of the age, the work of Universe Wanted, so the special effects are not very good.

Moreover, the focus is on kung fu, so many effects are also based on kung fu, so that this good idea is seriously stretched.


When this world becomes the real world, it will be completely different.

Many unreasonable places will be corrected by the world of time and space, and even strengthened and modified magically.

Just like the protagonist played by Li Jie.

Good guy!

Obviously, there is only one avatar short of becoming the number one person in the universe. Logically speaking, it should be quite awesome.

The results of it.

In theory, he is extremely powerful and terrifying, but he is still afraid of a small pistol and the two space-time policemen who are chasing him.

This is outrageous!

If he was really that badass, he probably had a slightly normal head, so he wouldn't have to go to so many parallel universes to hunt down his clones.

After all, the results showed that he was only a little bit stronger than ordinary people, not an exaggerated one.

If you really want to tease him, the army can directly deploy super powerful weapons, which is not as scary and exaggerated as in the legend.

Will it lead to the destruction of the entire universe?

It's ridiculous!


All of this is based on the effect shown in the movie, but if it is the real world, then I am afraid it will be a different matter.

And Dallol's personal experience has indeed proved this point.

Otherwise, the world of Universe Wanted will not be defined as an extremely dangerous copy of the mission.

To know.

When Dallol went, he was at the level of Super Saiyan 2.

Starburst or something, it's like a joke, but even Dallol with this strength almost fell...

It can be seen from this.

That world must harbor great secrets and dangers.

Not to mention the mysterious palace and those special laws, just the people in that world, such as the space-time police of the special forces, are definitely not as rubbish as shown in the movie.

after all……

They can even travel through parallel universes at will.

In the end, the means of transportation used were still old and backward ordinary cars, and guns and bullets from around the 1990s...

This is outrageous!

At worst, it has to be an energy weapon or something.

In short.

Like Dallol said.

That world is very weird, mysterious and special.

This is not only because of the special settings and rules in that world, but also because of a series of subsequent mutations.

To know.

These masters of reincarnation space have been to countless time and space worlds to perform tasks.

But no one has encountered it before, entering a world that weakens itself hundreds of times and creates hundreds of clones.

And even the boss of the Venerable Realm is no exception.

This is scary!

after all……

A saint is not necessarily a big shot in the field of the Venerable Realm, but a big shot in the field of the Venerable Realm must be a saint.

What is the concept of a saint?

That is the absolute ruler of one side of the world. When the world is destroyed, nothing will happen to the saints.

The results of it.

After going to that world, he was immediately weakened.

He also made hundreds of clones, so that they were calculated by other people, and finally fell, and died...

Simply incredible!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also felt a little creepy.

It's just too scary.

The bosses in the field of the venerable realm may not come back alive even if they go, and he is not a venerable, so wouldn't it be more dangerous to go?

No wonder Dallol has been guarding this secret, but he dare not go to that world to explore again.

If it were me, I wouldn't dare!

To know.

Now it is completely a purgatory upgrade field, and most of the people who go there are going to kill and rob cultivation base and power.

Typical incomparable law of the jungle, cruel and ruthless.

Of course.

Danger also means chance.

High risk and high reward, if you want to soar into the sky, you must be prepared to bleed and sacrifice at any time.

Bai Xiaofei is not afraid of death.

He is just afraid that death is worthless and has no meaning.

Thinking of the horror of the Universe's Most Wanted Order world, Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a doubt, so he asked Dallore: "By the way, do the special laws of that world affect abilities like avatars?"


Dallol froze for a moment.

Obviously he didn't understand the meaning of Bai Xiaofei's words, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to explain: "It's my avatar."

That world is too dangerous.

If he goes there, he will be weakened, and at the same time there will be hundreds of clones of himself, obviously putting himself in an extremely dangerous situation.


In this case, it is not impossible.

It's like taking pictures of your own avatars to go in, even if all of them are hung up, the loss is at most one avatar.

Just come back from practice, and it doesn't have a big impact on the deity.

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe that there were so many big bosses in the reincarnation space, no one would think of such a method.

as expected.

Following Bai Xiaofei, Dallol said, "Oh, I understand. What you mean is that instead of going to the deity, let your avatar or incarnation enter that world?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Dallol shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "No! It's not that the masters and even the bosses in the space have tried similar methods, but they are all useless!"


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly surprised: "Why is it useless?"

Dallol explained: "Whether it is a clone entering or a deity entering, the weakening of strength is the same."

"That is."

"Regardless of the avatar or the main body, once entering that world, the one that stays in the wishing world will also be weakened into a few hundredths."

"Even, for some special reason, he will be randomly sent to a world among the many parallel universes in that world, becoming one of the many clones."

"On this point, countless strong men have used their own experience to prove the horror of that world, otherwise there would not be a purgatory upgrade field, because there are no luck or exceptions!"


Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

Depend on!

Can it still be like this?

Entering the avatar will affect the main body, and even send the deity to the parallel universe of that world randomly, becoming one of the countless avatars?

How the hell does this work?

Just going in is jumping into the fire pit!


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's speechless and despairing expression, Dallore smiled and said hastily: "Actually, it's not that there is no solution..."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested.

Asked: "What can I do? Tell me and listen!"


Dallol explained: "The laws of that world cannot be changed, but nothing is absolute. You can't do it straight, you can bend it."

"I heard people say that before going in, you can take the initiative to reduce your strength to a certain level, so that you can greatly reduce the possibility of yourself becoming the target of others..."

"Also, with the help of some special magic weapons, you can also strengthen or weaken your own strength. As long as you plan properly, basically there will be no major accidents..."


Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized: "So it can still be like this. Indeed, if there are really ten deaths and no life, there will not be a purgatory upgrade field, attracting batch after batch of strong experts to enter it to find their own opportunities."


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