The Storm God

Chapter 3643 Save face! (Please subscribe!)

"Can he do it?"

Big Bada was a little worried.

Although Long Zhan has repeatedly signaled that they don't need to intervene, Aries will be handed over to Haotian to solve it, but the members of the Nemesis team still don't believe it.

after all……

The experience just now is obvious to all.

The spear that gathered everyone's strength was directly wiped out by Aries' Starlight Extinction move. Can Haotian really handle it by himself?

"Do not worry!"

Uncle Locke said with a smile: "Hao Tian can do it, don't look at this guy who usually looks out of place, but he is still very reliable at critical moments."

In Dream Team.

Although Haotian is the weak one, he still has a terrifying strength that cannot be underestimated, the key depends on whether he uses his territory.


Without two brushes, it is impossible for him to join this team. Now that he has come in, it means that no matter how weak Hao Tian is, he definitely has something special in him.

And according to Uncle Locke's understanding of Haotian, this kid's most powerful thing is to attack, after all he is a sword fairy.

If it really broke out, even his almighty dad wouldn't dare to say that he could withstand that terrifying combat power.


The members of the fantasy team have exposed part of their hole cards, and their energy consumption is very serious.

Facing a super master who combines offense and defense like Aries, the best choice is to let Haotian make a move.

The key point is that this kid has played against Aries in the world of Saint Seiya, and he has a lot of experience.

It couldn't be more appropriate to let him come.


Regardless of how others react.


Haotian and Aries face each other across the air, one is high, the other is ground, one is up, and the other is down.

With a wave of Haotian's big hand, the fairy sword in his hand began to change quickly, and finally turned into a ball of golden light and merged into his body.

at the same time.

Haotian's body also began to glow with a strange golden light.

It seemed to be in the shape of a sword pill, rising from the abdomen, and slowly drifting away towards Haotian's mouth.


An extremely terrifying force is also brewing, like a volcano about to erupt, giving people an extreme sense of oppression and danger.

Aries is the remote control.

Peeping below, there is a virtual holographic image, the face is Bai Xiaofei's face covered with a Zodiac golden saint, the design has been slightly modified, it is very realistic.

I saw that his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were full of dignity.


After all, Aries didn't take the lead.

Instead, he mobilized all his power, ready to go, ready to respond to all changes with the same, and waited for the rabbit.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was also very curious.

He wanted to see what kind of abilities this sword fairy, Haotian, dared to stand up against Aries by himself.


Haotian made a move.

He first smiled slightly, then closed his mouth, and said with a special vibration method: "Aries, we are old acquaintances, in the world of Saint Seiya, you are my defeated opponent, and now it is no exception !"

next moment.

Haotian's mouth suddenly opened.


A golden thunder and lightning spewed out from his mouth in an instant.

But in fact, that is not a thunder sword at all, but a special sword pill that condenses all the power of Haotian.

This sword pill is like a meteor that destroys heaven and earth, it hits Aries straight, unstoppable and unstoppable!

"Crystal wall!"

Aries is also not slow to respond.

He first tentatively released his signature stunt crystal wall, but the invincible crystal wall is as fragile as a piece of window paper in front of this sword pill, which can almost be broken with a single poke.

Jianwan shattered the crystal wall without any effort, and then continued to smash towards Aries.

There is a kind of attitude that you will not give up until you are killed.

"Starlight is extinct!"


Seeing that the crystal wall has almost no effect, not even the slightest effect of offsetting and blocking the sword pill, Aries immediately knows that this trick is not easy to do.


Without any hesitation.

The next moment to attack is the strongest trick, the near-full-power starlight is extinct, and a terrifying starlight piercing through the starry sky is blasted in an instant.


Surprising and incredible.

Like the ferocious starlight of the terrifying waterfall, it still didn't have much effect on Shang Haotian's golden sword pill.

The opponent is like a ten thousand year old rock standing in the middle of the waterfall, no matter how frantically impacted and washed by the Starlight Waterfall, it is safe and sound.


Still resisting the terrifying impact of endless starlight, he went upstream and continued to bombard Aries.

And all of this is a long story, but it actually happened in a flash. By the time Aries realizes that something is wrong and wants to dodge, it is too late.

When the sword ball approached a certain distance from the constellation of Aries, it suddenly changed its shape, and it directly transformed into a fairy sword shrouded in golden light. It grew in the wind, and in a blink of an eye, it became a terrifying sword of hundreds of feet.

After the immortal sword became gigantic, the impact of starlight extinction would have no effect on it at all.

However, its sudden sprint and furious exertion formed an invincible terrifying force.


The power is used to punching.

The Great Waterfall of Starlight Extinction released by Aries was split in half directly, the middle path was opened, and a flaw suddenly appeared.

follow closely.

Immortal Sword is powerful and relentless, making a surprise attack at the speed of light, and hits directly.


There was a terrifying bang.

Aries was blasted out on the spot, and his figure was like a falling meteor, directly hitting the defensive barrier of the Taurus Palace below.


Taurus withdrew some of his power in time.

Otherwise, the terrifying defense force, the terrifying strength of the upper bombardment on Aries, and the confrontation of the two forces are enough to destroy Aries.

But even so, Aries is not having a good time.

Especially where his chest was hit by the fairy sword, a huge spider web shattered immediately.

Although it wasn't completely broken, it was severely damaged, as if it might disintegrate at any time.


These holy clothes were all made by Bai Xiaofei himself.

The materials used are very particular, and it has the function of self-healing, but the cost is that it will consume a certain amount of energy.

It only takes a certain amount of time and energy, and the horrible shattered scars on the chest of Aries can be gradually repaired, pointing to perfection as before.


Aries is still defeated after all.

The first palace has been completely lost, and because of my injury, I can't fight again in a short time.

This result made Aya very depressed.

Because, the time that Aries sticks to is less than one-tenth of that of the mechanical monster, which is unbelievable.

On the other hand, the Fantasy team, after seeing this scene, the members of the Nemesis team were collectively taken aback, obviously they didn't expect Haotian to defeat Aries so easily.


They just burst into cheers and excitement. A few members with more cheerful personalities even gave Haotian a thumbs up.

Haotian was smiling on the surface, but in fact, he was suffering in his heart and couldn't tell, just like the sword pill, which was completely useless this time.

To know.

That is one of the trump cards that Haotian hides in his body, which he has painstakingly refined and cultivated for several years.

I thought it would be easy to defeat the enemy, and then it was recovered again, continued to be nurtured, and reused.


After hitting Aries.

Although the sword pill severely injured Aries, it was also backlashed by a terrifying force and collapsed on the spot.

Such a loss made Haotian want to cry.

Unable to show it.

after all……

He still wants face, even if he doesn't want it, the Dream Team wants it, and the Oneiroi Lord Murphys wants it even more.

So no matter how hard it is, no matter how sad it is, at this moment, Haotian has to put on a relaxed appearance that he is awesome, and these are all trivial things, in order to make the team and the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus look good.


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