The Storm God

Chapter 3644 Trial Paladin! (Please subscribe!)


Uncle Locke flew in front of Haotian, and asked with concern: "How about it, can you still hold it?"

He knows his family affairs from his own family.

Haotian's battle just now seemed easy and simple, but Uncle Locke knew a thing or two about the actual loss.


Come over to comfort me in a hurry.

"It's okay!"

Haotian maintained a bright smile, but he was crying in his heart. He secretly sent a voice transmission to Uncle Locke, and said bitterly: "It's just that the loss is a bit big, energy or something is fine, the key is my sword pill..."

"That's one of the strongest sword pills under the emperor's army!"

"It just disappeared..."


Uncle Locke was speechless.

He looked at the Aries below, and saw that the other's chest was covered with horrible spider web marks, and the corner of his mouth grinned.

He smiled and said: "The effect is pretty good. Seeing him like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to fight again in a short time."


Uncle Locke looked at Haotian again.

At this moment, his breath is very unstable, which is obviously caused by the consumption of too much strength in the sword pill just now.

So Uncle Locke patted Haotian's shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work, leave the next one to me!"


Haotian nodded and did not refuse.

He is still very clear about the abilities of Taurus, especially known for its powerful and terrifying attack power, and he is the strongest in the zodiac.

In a sense, they are similar to Haotian's Sword Immortal. Although they have different professions, they lead to the same goal in some places.

Not to mention that Haotian's strength is seriously depleted and he can't continue to fight, even if he can persist, it is difficult to deal with an opponent like Taurus who fits his zodiac very well in a short time.

That is to say, it is thankless.


The best choice is to choose another zodiac sign that can restrain Taurus a little bit to replace Haotian.

And Uncle Locke is good enough for this task.

After all, he is an all-around daddy who can fight, fight, nurse and help, and now he only needs to focus on one of them.

As for Long Zhan and others?


Either they are inappropriate, or their energy has not fully recovered, so they can only stay in the auditorium and watch the show.

The members of the Nemesis team are no exception.

Even if their strength is maintained well, but because they don't understand the enemy's moves and characteristics, it is easy to rush to the street.

Rather than letting them take risks, it is better to let the familiar Uncle Locke play.

In short.

Haotian has great confidence in Uncle Locke.

Hearing this, without any hesitation, he directly handed over the battlefield to the latter, and ran back by himself.

no way.

Who let the special aura of goblins speed up their recovery speed? It would be really stupid not to use such a free buff.


And Uncle Locke here, a pair of tiger eyes fell directly on Taurus, muttering to himself: "Famous for strength..."

at the same time.

On Uncle Locke's body, the divine power suddenly changed.

In an instant, a translucent eggshell-shaped shield was formed out of thin air, directly wrapping his entire body inside.

This is one of Uncle Locke's tricks, called Absolute Guardian, which can completely block physical attacks.

at the same time……

The Spirit of Vengeance combined with the divine power can form a special combat technique that integrates offense and defense. Without any attack, just standing in place can grind the opponent to death.


Facing the Golden Saint Cloth of the Taurus Palace, Uncle Locke has already slightly biased his professional characteristics towards Warrior Test.

The shield is formed, and the spirit of revenge is brewing.

Not only that, a terrifying golden sledgehammer that shone with endless thunder and the power of repentance also suddenly appeared in the hands of Uncle Locke.

this moment.

The trial paladin is fully formed.


Thunder roared.

A thunderbolt transformed by divine power crashed down on the Hammer of Repentance in Uncle Locke's hand, making his unrecognizable appearance even more frightening.

next moment.

Uncle Locke came directly to Taurus, and said in a deep voice, "This time, let me be your opponent."

"Taurus, you go first!"


Uncle Locke didn't attack first, but let Taurus take the lead angrily, as if he didn't care at all.

Taurus is silent.

Although Aya is currently controlling the golden holy clothes of the Zodiac, Bai Xiaofei specially designed a certain intelligent auxiliary program for it to facilitate the operation and fully exert the power of the holy clothes.

These auxiliary programs are endowed with personalities and characteristics consistent with the Golden Saints of the Zodiac.

In this way.

As long as Aya simply issues orders, they can follow the orders, choose their own actions and complete task indicators.

It can be described as very humane.

And now...

Taurus's intelligent assistant program, a little butler assistant who fits the character of Arudiba in the original book, couldn't help frowning immediately after hearing Uncle Locke's words, looking very displeased.

He even said back: "Let me shoot first?"

"That's right!"

Uncle Locke nodded: "Because if I make the first move, you won't have any chance."

After changing the gentle atmosphere just now, it has become very domineering.


When Taurus heard this, he became even more upset.

He sneered and said, "Really? Anyone can say big things, but whether they can do it or not is another matter!"


"Since you have asked so, then I will grant you, let you see what it means to shoot yourself in the foot with a rock."

"Golden Buffalo Fist!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Taurus doesn't know what politeness is.

While speaking, he shot directly, and the terrifying and terrifying power emerged in the void behind him in the form of a violent bison, and then turned into countless meteor punches, all of which blasted at Uncle Locke.

Uncle Locke's eyes flashed, but his body did not move. He just stood there and let Taurus attack, as if he was stupid.


What's even more weird.

All the heavy punches thrown by Taurus, when they hit the translucent shield around Uncle Locke's body, were completely wiped out of their power, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if a cow had fallen into a quagmire and sank into the sea.

Uncle Locke was unscathed.

Even the shield around him didn't change at all, as if his attacks were all illusions.

But the truth is, it's all true.


Taurus was stunned at the time.

It seems that he didn't expect his attack to be so useless.

But just when he was surprised and puzzled, a terrifying thunderbolt suddenly fell from the top of Taurus' head.


Taurus is not slow to respond.

Sensing that something was wrong, he jumped away immediately.


The golden thunder is like a tarsal maggot, no matter where Taurus hides, there will be terrifying golden thunder and lightning falling from the sky above his head.

There is a posture of not giving up until he is killed.

at the same time.

Uncle Locke's proud explanation also came from his mouth: "These lightnings are all generated because of your attack just now. They are called Spirit of Vengeance. The attack power is not bad, but the most terrifying thing is not like that. It's the power of repentance contained in it..."

"Once you are possessed by the power of repentance, all your actions will be contrary to your original intention within a certain period of time because of repentance..."

"Taurus, you are ridiculous, so be careful."


The voice did not fall.

Uncle Locke also took action.

I saw him holding the Hammer of Repentance, saw the right moment, and shot suddenly. The golden Hammer of Repentance was packed with terrifying power, as well as rolling thunder and lightning. At the moment of dodging under the Taurus, it appeared directly on the only way for Taurus. .

The target is directed at the head of Taurus!


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