The Storm God

Chapter 3645 Feather of Light! (Please subscribe!)


Star Dust, Aya watched Uncle Locke's attack and reaction, and sincerely praised, because even she couldn't do better.

If it's just a simple attack, it's fine. The key point is Uncle Locke's vengeful spirit and the power of repentance, which is simply too perverted.

As long as you attack, there is a certain chance that the spirit of revenge will be triggered, turning into a mountain of thunder to attack yourself...


How can I fight this?

I hit you, you're fine, but I'm going to be struck by lightning...

It's just playing around!


The power of repentance is even more disgusting.

Once he is influenced, he will do things against his heart. Doesn't that mean that he will become the enemy's younger brother directly?

Oh My God!

How could there be such a shameless ability in this world.

Aya couldn't accept that.


Bai Xiaofei is not surprised.

Because of this kind of thing, he has seen too many in the game, even if it is realized in reality, it is not surprising.

after all.

The world itself was born out of fantasy.

Even the world is like this, what else is impossible? The key is your own strength, as long as you are strong enough, everything else is a paper tiger.

Just like Taurus.

His speed is not very fast, and he doesn't have any other special skills, but when encountering Uncle Locke's fatal attack, he is also not without power to fight back.

And the technical means of fighting back are quite simple and rude.

"Giant horn!"


Taurus explodes.

The signature stunt was used suddenly, and the majestic and majestic power instantly transformed into countless golden bulls, like ten thousand horses galloping, directly smashing Uncle Locke's attack.

Not only that.

The terrifying vast attack, even more so, directly forced Uncle Locke back.


Uncle Locke is protected by a shield. It is true that physical attacks are almost completely ineffective, but there is one thing that cannot be changed.

That is the inertial effect of the impact.

The giant horn is the signature stunt of Taurus, and it is regarded as one of the most powerful moves among the golden saints of the zodiac.

Even though it couldn't cause any damage to Uncle Locke, the fierce and unparalleled impact force was enough to force Uncle Locke to fly away.

It's like a stubborn rock, I can't knock you open, can't I get you away?

not to mention……

The current Taurus is not the same as before.

In the attack of the giant horn, a certain degree of spiritual attack is also added at the same time, which can be described as a double attack of material and demon.

Uncle Locke can resist physical attacks, but he cannot be exempted from violent mental attacks, so he can only dodge under the combination.

Otherwise, the unlucky one must be him.

after all.

That's someone's unique skill.

Only a fool will directly confront the enemy without thinking, and it's not that they can't avoid it, or they have to resist...

Uncle Locke is not an idiot, so naturally he will not resist.

He directly chose to dodge.

The movements are elegant and agile, and it is very easy to dodge.

The key point is that he is also very clear about Taurus's attacking skills. Although the current Taurus is somewhat different from the Saint Seiya, they reach the same goal by different routes.

Knowing the principles of Baili Rong, Uncle Locke is also well versed in it.

The battle between the two sides has therefore reached a certain stalemate. Taurus knows the details of the enemy and will not attack rashly again.

Uncle Locke didn't take the initiative to attack either.

The two faced each other like this.


is thinking about strategy.


On Dust Star.

Bai Xiaofei's face was calm, without any fluctuations.

This kind of expression made Aiya very bitter. Is it okay or not for her own performance?

What should I do next?

Want to take the initiative to attack? But the enemy obviously knows Taurus' tricks, and the Spirit of Vengeance and the Power of Repentance are too disgusting.

If you are not careful, you will be taken advantage of.


Aiya really wanted to ask Bai Xiaofei what he should do in this situation, but when he thought that the Golden Saint Cloth of the Zodiac was under his command, he felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately at this time.

Dallol, a new member who just joined, said something for her: "Mr. Bai, according to the information and information I know, the members of this fantasy team should have been to the world of Saint Seiya..."

"That is."

"They are very familiar with and clear about the tactics of the saints. Letting the gold saints of the zodiac against them means that they use their own strengths to attack the enemy's strengths."

"Do you want someone else to come?"


Dallol had no other thoughts.

Even after seeing Aries' defeat, Taurus seemed to suffer a bit. From the perspective of the new backer, he felt that he needed to explain the situation.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care about it.

Wen Yan just smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, these are also one of the means used to test the enemy."

The implication is, let him go!

Just do it.


Aya was shocked immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he cheered up, his eyes regained his demeanor and excitement, and at the same time commanded the Taurus to launch an attack on his own initiative.

"Giant horn!"


The two sides fought again.

It's just that this time, Taurus has taken the initiative, regardless of Uncle Locke's protective shield, and the spirit of revenge, just keep attacking.


In order to prevent being affected by the power of repentance.

Taurus does not stand still, but moves at super high speed, like a moving turret.

It was a burst of indiscriminate bombardment against Uncle Locke.

No matter how strong your defense is, I will just beat you up, and I still don't believe it. Can your protective shield last until the end?

It turns out.

Taurus' persistence is correct.

A moment later, after being bombarded by a large number of Taurus, Uncle Locke's protective shield became a lot thinner visible to the naked eye.

Not only that.

The spirit of vengeance it triggered has also become less powerful and terrifying than before. So much so that Uncle Locke had to lift the hammer and occasionally use it to parry and block Taurus' stunts.

Obviously, Uncle Locke's protective shield is not absolutely invincible. Once it exceeds a certain limit, it will collapse and dissipate.

But at this moment.


Uncle Locke suddenly smiled strangely.

Aiya suddenly looked confused: "What's the situation? He was beaten passively, why is he still smiling?"

"Could it be..."

She suddenly had a bad feeling.

next moment.

Aya knew why.

I saw the hammer of repentance in Uncle Locke's hand, thrown into the void with a bang, like a broken jar.


In the void around Taurus, six complex and mysterious golden rune circles suddenly appeared.

At this time, Uncle Locke's explanation came too late: "Do you know why I didn't bombard with the power of repentance just now?"


Taurus is silent.

Uncle Locke continued: "All of this is for this magic circle. After all, you are just a pure mechanical body. It is not known whether you have thoughts. If you have, or if you don't, even the power of repentance will not have much effect... ..."

"In order to be safe, I can only take risks. While resisting and dodging your attacks, I will continue to secretly force..."

"Now that the Holy Light Circle is complete, you can't escape!"

"Get ready to accept sanctions!"


At this moment, Uncle Locke's face was ferocious, like the villain in the movie, but his whole body was bathed in the power of holy light, brilliant and holy, and his treasure was solemn.

The combination of the two extreme performances made him look very weird and gave a person a creepy feeling.

at the same time.

His back began to emit billowing divine power.

These powers are transformed into substantial six-winged wings, which complement the six-sided holy light circle all over the body of Taurus.

next moment.

Countless holy light spears, mixed with countless holy light wings, suddenly sprayed violently from the six-sided holy light circle like a violent storm.

And the Taurus, which is located in the center, suddenly became a poor living target, and was directly buried by the violent attack!

Until then, the name of Uncle Locke's unique skill slowly came out of his mouth: "Angel's Judgment - Feather of Light!"


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