The Storm God

Chapter 3646 The Way of God! (Please subscribe!)

Taurus lost.

There is no way, one wrong step, and the whole game is lost.

In this battle, it was obvious that Uncle Locke was superior, and he had calculated Taurus' various reactions as early as the beginning.

So much so that Taurus was completely cheated in the end, countless feathers of light shot wildly, and Taurus is not known for defense. After receiving this trick, he is naturally powerless to fight again.


Fortunately, Uncle Locke's Feather of Light looks fierce, but in fact the attack power of each spear and feather is not very strong.

Winning purely by numbers, without giving the enemy any chance to react at all, plus Taurus immediately took defensive measures...

Therefore, even if he got tricked and was cheated, the final result was not as terrible as expected. Although he was extremely embarrassed, the holy clothes on his body did not appear to be broken.

It's just that the power loss is too serious.

Taurus's defense method can be regarded as an alternative precedent, actually wrapping himself with the golden bison's dharma to resist the attack of Light Feather, this kind of operation, Bai Xiaofei also accepted.


He looked at Aya.

Aiya couldn't help curling her lips immediately, and shrugged: "It has nothing to do with me, this is entirely the fault of that assistant intelligence applet..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled, and said: "It seems that this small program is not useless. Although the combat and calculation capabilities do need to be improved, the ability to respond to emergencies is still very good..."


His eyes turned back to the battlefield.

Aries and Taurus have lost one after another, and the next third house is Gemini, and this person's strength is naturally beyond doubt.

To know.

Gemini is already famous.

It also coincides with the relatively special and critical position of the third house, so Bai Xiaofei will naturally increase the difficulty to give the enemy a head-on blow.

after all……

The most important thing in war is morale.

Even if Bai Xiaofei's side is mostly made of machines, it still can't make the enemy too arrogant, can it?

It doesn't matter if the guardians of the two palaces in front fail, after all, it can be regarded as the trump card to draw out the two generals of the enemy.

This credit is not small.

It's not that they are weak, but that the enemy is too strong. God knows how many trump cards they have hidden. No wonder they are.

In short.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't worried at all.

Sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, quietly watching Aya control the Gemini, and use the different-dimensional space to receive Aries and Taurus to her side.

Although the enemy doesn't seem to have any intention of chasing it, it's better to come back and repair it to be on the safe side. If there is any accident, the two golden saint clothes can also form shadow tactics with other compatriots.


Dallol was stunned and envious.

Others don't know how awesome the Fantasy Team is, but he knows it very well. These have no operators, and they can force the members of the Fantasy Team to use killer skills just by relying on their armor...


If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't believe it.

But it's right to think about it, after all, these are all made by Bai Xiaofei himself, and each one of them is amazing.


I am too bad now.

Even if you want to go out and do meritorious service, it is impossible.

This is not only because of strength, but also because of Dallol's own identity. Bai Xiaofei means that he is not needed for the time being.

Obviously, it is to wait for some time in the future, and then get Dallol out, so as to pit the enemy hard.

If he went out now, wouldn't he be telling the enemy clearly that he knew the existence of reincarnation space.

Although Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and others may have already guessed it, but the guess is after all a guess. Once Dallol shows up, it will be completely confirmed.

And this is obviously not a good thing for Bai Xiaofei.


Dallol can only be hidden in the snow.

Of course, he didn't have nothing to do. When watching the battle and studying, Bai Xiaofei also threw him a cheat book.

"Primitive power!"

Dragon Ball Fighter's Qi is full of destructive power, but in other respects, his performance is a bit unsatisfactory.


Bai Xiaofei didn't think that this kind of anger could only be like this.

After all, power is common to some extent, the key depends on whether you can develop stronger uses.

For example, the native Kling in the Dragon Ball world, the big devil Piccolo.

The same is all about Qi, others basically only concentrate and explode, and the way to fight the enemy is either fist-to-foot or confrontation.

There is no technology at all in essence.


In the early days of Dragon Ball.

Some of them have invented alternative ways to use Qi, such as Yuan Qi Slash, Demon Penetration Light Killing Cannon, Demon Sealing Wave, Sun Fist...


These special skills are actually special methods that are powered by Qi and changed.

And their performance effects also fully prove that the Qi of Dragon Ball fighters can also develop in many ways, with different attributes and characteristics.

The main reason is that most of them are too pursuing the ultimate destructive power, and discarded these, especially in the late stage of Dragon Ball, not only the combat power is severely collapsed, but also many brilliant superpowers and tactics, etc. They all disappeared too.

The "Primitive Power" that Bai Xiaofei threw to Dallol, although it is not a very powerful exercise secret book, it can directly point to the source, allowing him to understand the true meaning of power.

in short.

If it is said that Dallol only knew about his own strength and qi before but did not know why, then after comprehending this cheat book, he will be able to investigate the essence of qi in the future, and truly understand and master his own power .

Although this does not greatly enhance and improve his own strength, it can actually expand Dallol's growth limit.

Coupled with the various god-level resources provided to him by Bai Xiaofei, as long as Dallol is not as stupid as a pig, he should be able to break through his shackles smoothly and enter the next evolutionary stage of Saiyans.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was quite curious.

After all, there are several types of Dragon Ball worlds, including parallel universes, twin universes, and even fan universes.

Dallol directly said that his blood was obtained from the Dragon Ball world, but it is not clear which Dragon Ball world it is.

after all……

Not everyone is like Bai Xiaofei, who knows most of the world very well, so naturally he has no way of knowing which version of Dragon Ball he has entered.

Of course.

Based on Dallol's description of the Dragon Ball world he has been to, Bai Xiaofei can roughly guess some clues.

"The Sharu game is over after the game, and the following Super Race 3, or use the points of the reincarnation space to bring it up?"

"In this way, the possibility of Dragon Ball's original original universe should be the greatest. After all, everything is most consistent with the original description..."

"According to this calculation, the advanced development after Dallol Super Tournament 3 should be super blue without accident."


Bai Xiaofei secretly analyzed.

Normally speaking, the development of the Dragon Ball world ended with Majin Buu, but there were several so-called sequels.

One is GT and one is Super.

at the same time……

The two sequels also made the development after Super Race 3 move towards two different extremes, one is the ultimate power, and the other is the road to God after a qualitative change.

Namely: Super Race 4 and Super Blue.

Although the combat strength of the two sides is similar, there is an essential difference.

The former is the further sublimation and enhancement of power, which can be regarded as the ultimate in quantity; while the latter is the god-level evolution of its own power, which is a qualitative leap.

In terms of the performance of both parties and the subsequent development limit, there is no doubt that the qualitative change is even more powerful.

after all……

Their opponents are all other top powerhouses in the twelve universes, such as Hitt who has the ability to stop time, Zamasu, the king of the blackened world, Toppo, the candidate for the God of Destruction, and Jiren, who is still more powerful than the God of Destruction. ...

Each of these guys is more difficult and terrifying than the other.

If it's just a pure super game 4, it is estimated that it will be difficult to win against these guys with special abilities.

Unless a stronger state can be developed in the future.

It's like the advanced version of the super blue queen. Otherwise, if you encounter a terrifying opponent like Jiren, you will only be defeated.

Considering that his opponent is the reincarnation space, Bai Xiaofei finally couldn't help but give Dallol a suggestion——

God's way!


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