The Storm God

Chapter 3647 Super race difference! (Please subscribe!)

"Super blue?"

Dallol looked surprised.

In fact, in the reincarnation space, it is not that he has never seen a stronger version after Super Saiyan 3, but most of them are red and black Super Saiyan 4 types, like the Super Saiyan god Bai Xiaofei said.

It is also called Super Blue or something, but Dallol has never heard of it.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then patiently explained: "Simply put, the two are essentially different, one is returning to the original, and the other is becoming a god after transcending catastrophe."

"Theoretically, gods are stronger than humans, but this requires a process. Under the same conditions, humans are stronger than gods..."


Dallol was dumbfounded.

It feels like listening to a bible, man is stronger than god? If this is the case, then why do you want me to take the ultra-blue path?

Could it be...

What is the special reason for this?

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Dallol's performance, and said with a smile: "Although the foundation of Super Race 4 is strong, the limit of growth is not as good as that of Chao Lan, especially when facing enemies with unpredictable abilities. advantage is greater.”

"After all, he is a god, not a man!"


this time.

Dallol stopped and understood a little bit.

Simply put, it's like one will use various tools to achieve different purposes, while the other will use brute force.

Although when the power is extremely strong, it can be reduced by ten times with one force, but in the final analysis, it is still not as easy as the former.

for example.

Let's just say that it spans a very distant starry universe.

If it is a god, with special skills, it can be easily reached by using the ability similar to teleportation.

And the latter...

You can only forcefully cross the universe and starry sky at your own speed. Even if the speed of the two parties is almost the same, there is a big difference in essence. It is not as time-saving and labor-saving as the former, and it is elegant and comfortable.

This means that under almost the same conditions, what if you face an opponent whose ability is unknown and unfathomable?

no doubt.

Obviously, those with the attributes of gods are more popular, because the enemy doesn't even know how much ability you have.

But people are different.

after all……

You will only drop ten meetings with one effort.

Once the enemy sees through this point, they can easily make defenses and deployments, so as to fully grasp the rhythm of the battle.

The premise is that the opponent can resist this person's onslaught.

"I see!"

Dallore nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Mr. Bai, you mean to let me strive for all-round development. Even if I am weak, I won't be easily targeted by the enemy, right?"

"That's about it!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "The most important point is that Chaolan's promotion path is far simpler than that of Chaosai 4. It only needs the integration of the same source of power, and then comprehend the elites, and you can easily reach the level before Chaolan. Transition stage..."

"Transition stage?"


Bai Xiaofei explained: "At this stage, it is called super red, and it is regarded as an incomplete body of super blue. Because most of the power comes from the outside, so there is a certain realization. As long as you are familiar with this feeling, comprehend and practice it, Transforming into Chaolan is only a matter of time."

"But Super Saiyan 4 is different. First of all, you have to keep the tail of a Saiyan, then mutate into the form of a golden ape, and then regain your human sanity. Finally, you have to rely on a lot of Super Bultz waves to successfully transform. .”

"In comparison, the latter is undoubtedly more troublesome."


"Although the transformation of Super Saiyan 4 is a bit troublesome, the effect is still amazing. After the transformation, the body has a very strong bearing capacity, the control of strength is also better, and the load on the body is also extremely weak."

"Chaolan is different. His form changes are mainly divided into two stages, namely Chaohong and Chaolan."

"Super red, that is, super Saiyan. This state means that the Saiyan body releases the breath of God. The fighting method focuses on seeing through the opponent's moves and dodging. Although they will use some very magical skills, their power is not enough to end fighting!"

"As for Super Blue, it is the form achieved after surpassing the limit based on the power of Super Saiyan. It is stronger, more stable, and calmer. It is a Super Saiyan who releases the breath of God!"

"The difference between the two is just like that between a Super Saiyan and an ordinary Saiyan. They pay more attention to using strength to beat their opponents. It is also the strongest form that Saiyans can master!"

"If you want to go to the next level in the future, what you need is no longer pure strength, but techniques and special skills."


Bai Xiaofei didn't continue to talk about the Ultimate Instinct in the end, lest Dallol be too ambitious and think about things all day long.

But even so.

What Bai Xiaofei obtained also shocked Dallol a lot. It turned out that the subsequent transformation of the Saiyan also had this kind of operation.

Absolutely nothing!

at the same time……

He also understood almost immediately the general difference between Super Saiyan 4 and Super Blue, and why Bai Xiaofei asked himself to choose Super Blue.

Although Super Saiyan 4 is awesome and powerful, and it can persist for a long time at a level, but overall, there is not much change.

This is absolutely unfavorable for long-term development, and facing such a terrifying enemy as the reincarnation space.

But Ultra Blue is different.

The changes of Chaolan are more extensive, free and flexible, and the upper limit is very high, which is far beyond what Chaosai 4 can match.

Although in the early stage, the combat power may be inferior, but it can't be found in other places.

For example, using magic weapons to increase attack power is easy to solve, but if Super Saiyan 4 wants to use magic weapons to make up for other shortcomings, it will cost a lot.

Give an example.

Take the equipment in the game as an example.

Super blue is equivalent to a type with relatively balanced development of attributes and relatively complete abilities. If you want to improve your combat power, you can simply increase your attack power.

Super Saiyan 4, on the other hand, is more like a fighter with a serious bias. Except for high attack power, other aspects are a bit stretched.

To achieve a certain special effect, he needs to replenish far more than Super Blue, and generally similar equipment is not cheap.

In the early stage, it was better, and the gap was not very big.

But in the later stage, the equipment needed is no longer a simple whiteboard, but rare or even epic equipment with colors, the gap can really go away.

Take the simplest.

Chaolan may only need a high-skilled whiteboard equipment to make up for the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

However, if Super Saiyan 4 wants to make up for the other attributes between the two sides besides offense, the equipment needed often has to be very rare, not to mention expensive but not cheap, anyway.


On the whole.

Chaolan is still more cost-effective, whether it is the difficulty of upgrading, follow-up development, and the required volunteering, etc., it is easier than Chaosai 4.

Think here.

There was no more hesitation or entanglement in Dallolton, and he made a decision immediately: "I've decided, just follow what Mr. said, and follow the path of Chaolan!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

I was very satisfied with this newcomer, and said, "In this case, then hurry up and study "Primitive Power". Once the battle here is over, I will find you a few dragon balls to practice." Qi masters come here and help you reach the realm of Super Saiyan!"

"As for the Super Saiyan's follow-up Super Blue training and improvement, it depends on your own comprehension and training!"


Dallore nodded vigorously and said: "I will work hard, thank you sir for your guidance and teaching, today's kindness, I, Dallol, will never forget it!"


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