The Storm God

Chapter 3648 Nemesis! (Please subscribe!)


Regarding Dallol's excitement, Bai Xiaofei just nodded lightly, and said: "You grow up as soon as possible is the best reward for me, because I am relatively short of high-end combat power now..."


Dallol thought about it.

On the battlefield, Gemini has already started a confrontation with Uncle Locke.


The confrontation between the two sides was very intense.

All kinds of magnificent special effects and explosions seem to be free of money. All kinds of indiscriminate bombings spread all over the void.

The battle was so big that the rest of the Nemesis team had to back off to avoid being affected by Chi Yu.

after all……

Gemini is not very hot.

The stunt involves the extreme and powerful laws of terror, such as space and spirit, even Uncle Locke dare not underestimate the enemy.

"So strong!"

Haotian, who had rested and regained his strength, looked at the two sides in the fierce battle, his eyes were full of envy and shock, and he sincerely sighed, if it were him, he would probably have to get a box lunch within a few rounds.

It's not that he is too weak, but that both sides are too strong.

To this.

Long Zhan agreed.

You know, in the world of saints, Gemini is an existence that is both good and evil, and extremely powerful.

Even the counterfeit version is not inferior, even worse, at least the original level of spiritual strength is not as awesome as the one in front of you.

Jiaoniang and Fairy are especially curious about a simple armor that can use special spiritual laws, even inconceivable.

after all……

The paths of the two of them are more or less related to the spirit.

If they can crack the mystery, it might be of great help to them, so the two of them looked at it very carefully and seriously.

They don't really care about winning or losing.

Uncle Locke's strength, the two are still counted, even if they lose, they will definitely not be in any danger.

Because as far as they know, Uncle Locke still has a lot of killer tricks that he hasn't used yet. To put it bluntly, he is hiding his strength.

Of course.

Hiding strength is not for pretending to be coercive, but for the sake of the overall situation.

Who made these masters in front of me be nothing more than cannon fodder? If all the big moves are used here, what if we meet a real elite or even a boss later?

Why be beaten?

Hehe, if it's just being beaten, that's okay, I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my life.

In short.

The two of them didn't care about Uncle Locke, knowing that each other's life was safe, so they were studying the mysteries of Gemini's spiritual laws throughout the process.

He stared at Hao Tian and was speechless for a while.


in the whole team.

It seems that he is the only one who is more worried about Uncle Locke. This has nothing to do with strength or weakness, but pure worry.

"It's really unfair to meet people!"

Haotian secretly said in his heart: "If it were me, you would definitely write it down in your notebook, and when you are struggling, I will let you not give you healing + buff..."

In the scene, the most shocking expressions were undoubtedly Dabada and others from the Nemesis team.

They thought that the strength of themselves and others was almost the same as that of the Dream Team, at least they could carry it for a while...

They have always thought so before.


Now they know they were wrong.

And it's the kind of big mistake. The feeling is not that I wait for others to be awesome, but that they don't show their real strength to deal with me at all.

The appearance of Gemini undoubtedly made them see their own strength and level clearly, and they are still far from the ranks of top experts.

A group of female fighters inevitably felt a little sad and depressed.


They are also mentally tough.

Soon, Dabada and the others recovered, their eyes became firm and unyielding again, obviously they all regained their beliefs and goals.

And this time.

The battle between Gemini and Uncle Locke has almost reached a fever pitch. The galactic starbursts are constantly released, with terrifying power, bombarding the void and smashing the stars, leaving no safe place on the entire battlefield.

Uncle Locke's side mainly focuses on dodging and defense. The transparent round shield on his body, angel wings, and various buffs that enhance attributes emerge in endlessly and have never been broken.

The two of you came and went, although their styles were different, they fought very fiercely, making everyone present dazzled and nervous.

Objectively speaking.

In terms of attack power, Gemini, who has mastered the laws of space and special spiritual attack power, undoubtedly has a huge advantage.


Although Uncle Locke had been dodging and defending and looked a little embarrassed, he had not received any damage from the beginning to the end.

It's completely like a guerrilla.

It's really hard to say what the final result of this duel between the two sides will be. The key to the outcome lies in who can't stand it first.

after all.

Whether it's Gemini's galactic starburst stunt, or Uncle Locke's various coquettish skills and positioning, all of these require strength to support.

Once someone can't bear it and the battery life can't keep up, they will definitely hear the opponent's violent counterattack and strive to completely defeat the opponent.

at this point.

Everyone present can see it.

However, no one will be able to see who will be unable to bear it first, after all, both parties are not ordinary people.

One of them wasn't even human at all.


According to the existing data analysis and performance, Long Zhan can vaguely see some clues. After all, he is different from others. He has a pair of special eyes with supernatural powers, which can see more and more thoroughly.

In the current situation, there are nothing more than two outcomes.

One is Uncle Locke, who couldn't hold on first, but in order to win, he had to use his own trump card to turn the tide of the battle.

Or the amazing battery life of the Gemini completely exhausted Uncle Locke, thus consuming a top combat power.

The two possibilities are almost 50-50.


According to the specific situation at the scene, Long Zhan believed that the possibility of Uncle Locke being dragged down would be higher.

Because although Uncle Locke has many hole cards, there are also many secrets involved, which are not suitable for easy exposure and display.

Just like the resurrection secret technique.

Once the enemy knows that Uncle Locke has such a heaven-defying skill, he will definitely set up a killing plan against Uncle Locke at all costs, and strive to be the first to kill him.


With Uncle Locke, a god-level daddy, the Dream Team can almost keep fighting until they completely wear down the enemy.


The victory or defeat in front of him is nothing at all.

For the sake of the overall situation, if it were him, Long Zhan would not easily reveal his secret trump card.

What's more, the current Jiaoniang and the goblin have almost recovered, so it's no problem for them to take over and continue to deal with Gemini.

It turns out.

Sure enough, Long Zhan was thorough enough.

Uncle Locke really took the lead and couldn't bear it anymore, seeing that he still couldn't find an opportunity to break through the blockade of Gemini.

Unwilling to reveal his secret killer in advance, in desperation, Uncle Locke had to withdraw from the battlefield in the end.

Instead, he handed over Gemini, a very difficult enemy, to the goblin who was almost full of health to deal with.


Before the goblins go to war.

Uncle Locke also applied more than 20 buff effects to him in a row. With the goblin's terrifying firepower output, this round should be stable.

At least Uncle Locke thinks so.

after all.

One of the two sides appeared on the stage with full blood, while the other had consumed a lot of strength, and the tricks had been analyzed and studied for a long time.

If you can't win like this, then Uncle Locke has nothing to say.

"Do not worry!"

The goblin's face was full of confidence: "With me, even Gemini can't make waves, because in a sense, I am his nemesis!"


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