The Storm God

Chapter 3649 Forbidden! (Please subscribe!)


After hearing what the goblin said, Dabada of the Goddess of Nemesis was slightly taken aback, his eyes full of disbelief.

It is really hard for her to imagine, how can a terrifying master as strong as Gemini be defeated?

Let alone restraint.

Could it be...

Is the goblin going to use some hidden terrifying killer?

But the fact is not.

"Boom boom boom!"

The goblin's fighting style is completely different from that of Uncle Locke.

There is no dodge or defense, just straight up, so what about the galaxy starburst? Our elemental bombing is also not weak, right?

The shot is the nuclear fission of various elements, wind, fire, water, earth, light, thunder, ice and darkness, just like a hundred flowers blooming, dazzling and dizzying.


The explosive power of nuclear fission of these elements should not be underestimated either. Even if the Galaxy Starburst of Gemini is better, it can't hold back the amount of others.

It is often Gemini that blasts out a starburst, and the goblin directly blasts out several elemental nuclear fissions to fight against it.

With explosion against explosion, there is no fear at all.

And the result of this kind of confrontation is undoubtedly quite terrifying. The entire void is almost instantly torn apart by unparalleled power, and all kinds of void turbulence and storms run around unscrupulously...


Before these things start showing their power.

The second wave and even the third wave of indiscriminate bombing by Gemini and Goblin followed closely one after another, blowing back the power of those turbulent turbulent explosions in an instant.

It can be said that the negative and negative are positive, and it couldn't be more appropriate here.

This scene.

All the members of the Nemesis team were stunned and speechless for a long time, how could it be like this?


However, didn't you say before that it is the nemesis of Gemini?

Is this what it means?


Not too bad.

If you just use strength to fight against it, you can't even reach the point of crushing or ravaging.

Just call it the nemesis, isn't it too much?

Big Bada was full of doubts.

Through the contact with the fantasy team during these times, although the two sides actually did not have too much contact.

But Big Bada still has some understanding of everyone's general character and temper. According to her analysis, although the goblin is a bit arrogant, she doesn't seem like a big talker.

In this way, the things in front of him should be far from the real means of the goblin, but just testing, and even further consuming Gemini's power.

I'm afraid it won't be long before a strong outbreak will suppress the opponent.

as expected.

It was in the eyes of Dabada and others who were looking forward to it.

The next moment, a gleam flashed in the goblin's eyes, and he laughed loudly and said, "Gemini, your prestige moment is over, now it's my turn to take the initiative!"

And just as the goblin's voice fell.

Dabada and others at the scene were horrified to find that the group of Geminis who were fierce just now couldn't perform such a stunt as the Milky Way Starburst.



It should be the Galaxy Starburst of Gemini, which cannot be played due to some special reason, so that it has completely failed.

It's like trying to detonate a bomb with a lighter, but after igniting it, you find that this terrifying bomb has misfired.

"what's the situation?"

"It was fine just now, so why is it not working all of a sudden?"

"What the hell did the goblin do?"


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

No matter how hard they think about it, they still can't figure it out.


It was Haotian who laughed and gave an explanation.

I saw him holding his head high, with a coquettish look, and said proudly: "Why don't you understand? Let me tell you the truth, in fact, from the very beginning, the goblin's attack was not aimless..."


The faces of Dabada and the others were at a loss.

The initial attack? Untargeted? what does it mean……


Can you speak human language?


Facing the ferocious eyes of the Nemesis team members, Haotian was speechless for a while, and finally he could only explain in a simpler way: "I really convinced you, you can't even understand such a hint..."

"Then let me make it simpler and clearer. From the very beginning, the goblin's elemental nuclear fission attack is not just a simple confrontation with Gemini, because it has no meaning at all..."

"It's not as powerful as it is. It can only win by quantity, and it's also thankless. If that's the case, then why does the goblin still do this?"

"Of course there is a bigger picture!"


Speaking of which.

Haotian paused for a moment, seeing that Dabada and others had almost digested it, and then continued: "And the effect, as you have seen just now, is to block the galaxy starburst in Gemini!"


"That's right!"

The expression on Haotian's face became more and more complacent: "You don't naively think that those previous attacks are useless, do you?"

"In fact, after the explosion of those elements, the nuclear fission reaction produced has formed special particles and new elements..."

"And these can be remotely controlled by the goblins, and even rearranged, such as sorting them into forbidden areas!"


Speaking of which.

Haotian just kept silent.

Because, needless to say, Dabada and the others should understand the following words, if they can't understand, then there is no point in continuing to explain.

"Forbidden field!?"

As the captain of the Nemesis team, Big Bada really has a good brain, and she is almost the first to understand the meaning of it.

Hearing the words, he was completely at a loss, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he muttered to himself: "You mean, the attack launched by the goblin with elemental nuclear fission before not only resisted the galaxy starburst of Gemini, Moreover, special elemental particles were generated, and in the end, they were arranged and combined without anyone noticing to form a forbidden field, completely turning the void of the battlefield into their own territory, directly isolating the effect of the law of space?"

"That's right!"

Haotian nodded.

Looking at Dabada with his eyes, he said with a smile: "That's it. Without the elements of the power of the law of space in the void of the battlefield, the galaxy starburst in Gemini will naturally lose its effect completely."

"It's like there is no combustible gas such as oxygen in the air. No matter how many matches you hold, you can't light it for a reason!"

"I see!"

And it wasn't until this time that other people finally understood.

at the same time.

The Gemini on the battlefield was also passive because of the failure of the Galaxy Starburst, and was directly bombarded by the goblins with various elemental attacks.


In addition to the Galaxy Star Explosion, Gemini is also proficient in spiritual stunts. From time to time, he will give the goblin a Phantom Demon Emperor Fist, which can also force and frighten the goblin, and he has to back away to avoid its edge.

after all……

This terrifying boxing technique is no joke.

Even if the spirit power of the goblin is very high, he dare not try its power lightly. If he is really tricked, he will be the one who suffers the most.

not to mention.

The original intention of the goblin is to force Gemini to use more spiritual achievements, so that he can analyze and study the opponent more intuitively, why he can use the mechanical body to drive and utilize such powerful and terrifying spiritual power.

This is generally impossible, but the golden holy clothes of the zodiac have achieved almost all of them, not only spiritual power, but also other law powers, and even some special original powers.

The goblin is very strange, what kind of method did Bai Xiaofei use to turn a pile of scrap copper into such a terrifying and powerful top combat power.

Compared with them, the strength cultivated by people like myself, who have worked so hard, will lose their fragrance almost instantly!


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