The Storm God

Chapter 3650 Admit defeat! (Please subscribe!)


On the dusty star, Bai Xiaofei, who saw the shriveled Gemini, frowned slightly, showing a look of interest.

Forbidden area?

It seems that this goblin has a lot of tricks.

To be able to come up with such a method to indirectly seal the power of the Gemini's galaxy starburst, even if it's a little troublesome, the effect is great.


This is also related to Bai Xiaofei's design.

If it is a real Gemini, its unique skill Galaxy Star Explosion cannot be purely the power of space, but uses tyrannical strength to create a terrifying power comparable to the Milky Way Big Bang.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't have so many high-end combat powers on hand now, or to be precise, there is no suitable person to wear Gemini...


I have to add more content to the holy clothes. After all, what is needed for combat is the armor itself, and the stronger the ability of the armor, the better.

The result is what is now known as the Galaxy Starburst.

In terms of power.

The Galaxy Starburst of the Saint Cloth is definitely more terrifying than the original version. After all, it involves the power of the law of space, which is naturally more advanced than brute force.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei never expected that this goblin would have the ability to seal even the laws of space...

So much so that Gemini's stunt was forcibly restrained.

Not only the galaxy starburst, but also the space of different dimensions, because of the formation of the forbidden space field, it cannot be used.

The only thing that can be used is the powerful power that he possesses, as well as the power of spiritual law, but such power is not as good as before.

On the other hand, the goblin is able to attack more easily because the forbidden area is filled with endless particles of various elements.

No matter what kind of attack, it is almost casual, because the surrounding elements are already rich and full to the extreme.

The tricks that used to require a lot of effort to mobilize and use, now the goblin only needs one thought to complete.

One ebb and flow, the result is self-evident.

Although Gemini is tyrannical, it is really weakened by restraint now, and I am afraid it will be difficult to parry and secure victory.

Unless it can escape from the air-forbidden domain and regain contact with the law of space, once the stunt returns, it will naturally not be afraid of all kinds of attacks by goblins.


The goblin spent so much effort to complete the layout of the forbidden area, so how could it allow Gemini to escape easily.

As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you.

This moment.

The goblin is like a tarsal maggot, chasing and beating Gemini non-stop, while beating, researching all over again, that is called madness.

All aspects of Gemini are complete!

If there is no special change, I am afraid that it will not be long before the goblin will be completely defeated, and will follow in the footsteps of Aries and Taurus.

"Aya, end the battle!"

Bai Xiaofei saw everything clearly, so he didn't bother to continue observing, and turned his head to give Aya an order.


Aya was a little dazed and surprised.

Because Gemini has not reached the end of the mountain, for example, now she can operate Gemini, call the power of space law in other regions, and use herself as a bridge and foundation to launch a more terrifying galaxy starburst.

Aya believes that once this is done, and if the timing is right, even if the goblin can't be killed, it will definitely blow up this forbidden area, so that Gemini can restore its peak combat power.


What Bai Xiaofei meant was to directly deny this plan.

what's the situation?

Aya didn't understand.


She didn't ask too much.

Little brother, if the boss speaks, don’t ask if you can, just do it. After all, this is only the third house in the zodiac, and there is still a long way to go.

Not bad for this.


If it was the last Pisces Palace, Aiya would definitely ask. After all, without the Zodiac Palace, Dust Star's defense power would be almost lost by half.

Now these are trivial.


on the battlefield.

Gemini quickly received Aya's instructions.

Then, after avoiding the goblin's elemental nuclear fission, he directly raised his hands to show that he had surrendered.


This sudden result stunned the goblin at the time.

What the hell?

throw in the towel...

Depend on!

Still can play like this!

You really think this is a competition and exchange of ideas, this is war, okay?

The goblin felt insulted.

After being stupefied, there was a burst of anger, followed by a complete disregard for Gemini's admitting defeat, instead of stopping, it intensified.

It's completely like a look that will never give up until the Gemini is destroyed.


In order to achieve this goal as soon as possible, the goblin also used a new stunt for the first time—element detonation!

The effect of this trick, just like its name, is very easy to understand. It is to detonate all the elements within a certain range, forming absolute fission and destruction, thus giving a devastating blow to the opponent.

Especially in an environment where the air-forbidden domain is absolutely powerful against goblins, the power of elemental detonation has been enhanced several times.

In terms of pure power and performance, its horror level has even completely surpassed the Galaxy Starburst of Gemini.

It can be regarded as the super power MAX version of Galaxy Starburst.

The element explodes.

The Gemini on this side immediately realized the danger, seeing the deadly threat that was about to hit, and as a last resort, the Gemini could only use the last trick - a different dimension space.

Directly mobilize the power of the law of space outside the forbidden area, use itself as the foundation, and teleport itself to other locations in an instant, thus avoiding the terrifying fatal blow of the goblin.


Seeing the figure of Gemini disappearing suddenly, and then flashing out from somewhere outside the forbidden area, the goblin suddenly widened his eyes, expressing disbelief continuously.

"Was that just now...a different dimension?"

"How is it possible! The law of space has been sealed by me, how can Gemini still use space techniques?"

"Could it be that some special hole cards were used?"


Not just fairies.

Even Long Zhan, who was on the sidelines, and Dabada and others from the Nemesis team were shocked by this unexpected scene.

"what's the situation?"

"Hasn't Gemini been sealed with the power of space? How come it can be used again suddenly? If he can crack it all the time, what happened to his previous passivity?"

"Deliberately showing weakness to the enemy?"


Everyone was very puzzled.

Only Long Zhan, who possesses supernatural powers, frowned, faintly seeing some tricks in it.

Haotian knew that Long Zhan's eyes had special abilities, so he was the first to ask: "Boss Long Zhan, what happened just now?"


Long Zhan pondered for a moment.

In the end, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "If I'm not wrong, it should be that Gemini used its own special channel as the foundation to call the power of space from other places..."

"Called the power of space in other places?"

"That's right!"

Long Zhan's expression turned serious.

He looked at Gemini on the battlefield who did not attack even after leaving the restricted air domain, and explained in a deep voice: "As we all know, these opponents are just saints, and there are no real saints who use them, that is to say, these saints Clothes are all controlled by remote control..."

"Since the Saint Cloth can be remotely controlled, why can't the power? I think Gemini should use some similar special skills to do this..."

"As for whether there are any restrictions on this method, I don't know, but judging from the fact that Gemini gave up the fight and took the initiative to admit defeat, I think there should be restrictions, otherwise it has no reason to do so."


Everyone suddenly realized.

So, from this point of view, these golden holy clothes of the Zodiac seem to be far more powerful than what I and others imagined.


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