The Storm God

Chapter 3651 Illusion! (Please subscribe!)


Gemini stood proudly outside the forbidden area, with a virtual face and gaze, a fairy who was still surprised and shocked when he glanced at it from a distance.

After leaving such a sentence, Bian turned around and left, and disappeared with Aries and Taurus.

at the same time.

The fourth house is Cancer.

And a stalwart man who can't see his face but is extremely domineering, but appeared on the battlefield wearing a golden holy garment.

That is the guardian warrior of the fourth house——



The goblin was very angry.

His face was slightly ferocious, what Gemini did made him feel insulted and belittled, but he couldn't attack.

At this time, the appearance of Cancer will undoubtedly become the best vent target and attack.


Without any hesitation, the goblin made a move directly, and when it came up, it was detonated by extremely terrifying elements.

Not only that.

The goblin's elemental detonation move is still a super-large-scale killing move launched with the entire forbidden air field as the foundation of the explosion.

after all.

The opponent has changed.

The strength that Cancer is best at has nothing to do with space, and it is useless to keep it in the forbidden space, but it will continue to consume the power of the goblin.

Rather than keeping it as a decoration and wasting power, it is better to use it as an attack at one time, and directly give Cancer a blow.

The scale of this move is so terrifying and huge, the goblin believes that even if it can't severely injure Cancer, it will definitely make the other party fearful.

And as long as Cancer feels the pressure, the goblin will be able to take a certain initiative, and even the rhythm of the entire battle.

The most important thing is that the ability of Cancer is too special.

Although these are just fake versions of Saint Seiya, but judging from the previous performance, they should all be strictly imitated from the stunts of the Zodiac Saint Seiya, and they can almost confuse the real ones with the real ones, even worse.

According to this calculation, the ability of Cancer is likely to be related to the soul and the underworld of death.

This is very difficult!


The goblin can only preemptively strike, strive to take the initiative, and don't give Cancer a chance to go crazy, otherwise he will suffer a lot.

After all, the abilities of goblins mainly lie in the power of elements and laws, and they are not very good at things like souls.

Don't even say it's him.

Even in the entire fantasy team, except for Uncle Locke, a god-level daddy, there is no existence that is good at soul power.

That is.

As long as the Cancer is not very stretched like Dismask in the Saint Seiya, he will definitely be a strong enemy of the goblin and others.

Naturally, one cannot be soft-hearted in dealing with such an enemy.

Strong attack is king.

"Boom boom boom!"

And with the goblin's hands.

The void of the entire battlefield was completely detonated in an instant, and the terrifying power of the explosion was comparable to the destruction and collapse of a galaxy. Annihilation and space-time turbulence were everywhere.

Cancer seemed to be stupid, without any reaction, he was swallowed up by this terrifying extreme explosion in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the goblin was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

It's that easy?


Not only him, Long Zhan and others who were watching were also a little dumbfounded and surprised. They even wondered if everything just now was an illusion.

No matter how bad Cancer is, it shouldn't be like this.

But try it out...


Long Zhan's face suddenly changed.

Following his words, everyone immediately followed Long Zhan's gaze to another place in the universe starry sky.

And there...

At this moment, there is a golden man standing leisurely with his hands folded on his chest. Who is the Cancer who just appeared?

Just, what the hell is going on with all this?

Wasn't he completely swallowed up by the goblin's full-power element detonation just now? Why did you run there all of a sudden?

Could it be...

This Cancer, like Gemini, has the ability to transfer space?

If this is really the case, it would be too difficult, right?

Play and disappear at every turn...


How can I fight this?


Hao Tian, ​​who couldn't understand what was going on at all, had no choice but to turn to Long Zhan again, hoping that the boss could give a general explanation.

Otherwise, people like them who don't know what to do, if they really meet such an opponent, I'm afraid they won't even know how they died.

"We were the ones who missed it just now!"

Long Zhan's face became more dignified than ever before, and the golden color in his pupils became brighter and brighter.


He has already operated his pupil technique to the extreme level, and he is afraid that he will miss any important information.

at the same time.

Long Zhan did not forget to explain to everyone: "The Cancer we saw before is not the true deity at all, but an illusion displayed by Cancer with some means!"


Everyone was stunned.

Because of the figure just now, none of them saw any problems, and even until the goblin's elements detonated and swallowed Cancer, no one felt that there was anything wrong.

I didn't expect that all of this turned out to be fake!


This is too realistic, right?

Whether it's the body, the breath, or something else, how did this Cancer do it?

Everyone was full of doubts and horror.

With such an ability, if there is no pupil technique of Long Zhan, if the person facing it is himself, is there any hope?

"I think it should be the soul!"

Long Zhan naturally also saw what everyone was thinking, and continued to explain: "Cancer is best at playing with soul techniques. If he uses a living soul to create illusions to confuse the enemy, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish. After all Everything that the soul manifests is true..."

"Papa papa!"

As soon as his words fell, there was a burst of applause from Cancer's side, as well as praise: "That's right, this gentleman seems to know Cancer very well, and he saw the clues in an instant, or all of this Thanks to those special eyes of yours?!"

And until now.

Only then did Long Zhan and the others really see the virtual face of Cancer clearly.

It was a handsome and cynical face, with disdainful eyes, full of wildness, giving people a sense of arrogance, domineering and unscrupulous.


There is nothing in this world that can make the other party look at it, and there is endless stubbornness and arrogance in his bones.

Even when facing such a superpower like Shilong Zhan, Cancer didn't show any emotion at all, the smile on his face remained the same, cheap, naughty, naughty...

Very wild charm.


The moment he saw the true face of Cancer, Long Zhan instantly realized that this person was definitely a formidable enemy, and his level of terror was even far higher than that of the previous Gemini.

Never underestimate the enemy.


The opponent is not at all like Dismask, who acts despicably, takes pleasure in killing people, and believes that power is justice can be compared to a fool.

Although both of them are Cancers, they are in the same world, not at the same level at all, let alone in the same order of magnitude.

Against such a powerful enemy, the goblin would probably lose 90% of the time.

Moreover, given Cancer's special ability, directly attacking the soul, defeat almost means death...

So far.

Long Zhan frowned immediately, and then ordered: "Fairy, come back, this Cancer is not something you can deal with..."


The goblin instantly lost face.

Even embarrassing.

after all……

This hasn't been played yet.

You just let me go, and said that I am not the enemy's opponent, boss, where do you want my face to be?

Even if what you said is the truth, please consider my feelings a little bit, okay, just say it directly in front of everyone, I almost jumped out of my f*cking mentality!


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