The Storm God

Chapter 3652 The law of goblins! (Please subscribe!)

This Cancer seems scary...

The members of the Goddess of Nemesis team didn't know about the Saints of the Golden Zodiac, but from Long Zhan's tone, they could also feel that the Cancer in front of them...

It's a little difficult!

So much so that even before the goblin had fought against the opponent, Long Zhan had already taken the initiative to ask him to go back on his word.

Apparently out of fear that the goblin would be in danger.

And the more this is the case, the more curious Dabada and others are, what kind of ability does Cancer have, and why is Long Zhan so cautious?

Could it be...

Is it related to the soul just mentioned?

Big Pata was thoughtful.

And the scene.

The goblin's face was very ugly.

Obviously, it was a bit difficult to accept Long Zhan's order, and felt that he had humiliated himself in front of the public.

But the goblin also knew that Long Zhan basically couldn't joke. Since he opened his mouth, it must have seen something.


Knowing is one thing.

Whether it can be done is another matter.

After all, this can't help but involve the outcome, life, and even more about face and dignity. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, but face...

Sometimes you have to!


The goblin gritted her teeth and thought about it for a while, but in the end she was still unwilling to give up, so she said, "I want to try..."

The implication is that if it really doesn't work, I will return it.


Long Zhan remained silent.

Obviously the goblin's reaction was completely within his expectations.

After hearing what the goblin said, Long Zhan didn't continue to press, but looked directly at Uncle Locke beside him.

And the sound transmission said: "Uncle Locke, please pay more attention later, if the goblin is in any danger, immediately rescue it!"


Uncle Locke was slightly surprised.

He looked at Long Zhan in disbelief, his eyes seemed to say: "Boss, why are you so disapproving of goblins?"


Long Zhan sighed helplessly, and the sound transmission explained: "The goblin's ability is powerful and terrifying, but in terms of body, it's not very powerful, and the ability of Cancer is extremely strange, and it's a master at manipulating the soul..."

"Even high-powered people are not inferior to other golden saints in terms of strength and physical body, and this Cancer gives me the feeling."

"The goblin just fought against Gemini. Although not much power was wasted, the enemy has already mastered a lot of tricks and styles."

"This time I'm facing such a terrifying Cancer, I'm naturally worried that the goblin will be targeted, and there will be danger..."


When Uncle Locke heard it, he suddenly realized.

Although the goblin still has some hole cards, but when it comes to the ability of the soul, it is very difficult to deal with.

Let alone a goblin, even a god-level dad like him has very few defenses against souls.

It's no wonder that the Long Zhan boss is so worried.

If you think about it differently, if Uncle Locke is in the position of the boss, terror is more anxious than Long Zhan.


Uncle Locke nodded.

And the sound transmission said: "Don't worry, Boss Long Zhan, in the buff increase I gave to the goblin before, there is a special defense mechanism. Once the goblin is in danger of life, an alarm will be issued to let me know as soon as possible."

"Although I can't guarantee that I can rescue the goblin immediately and protect his personal safety, as long as the goblin doesn't die in an instant and his soul is imprisoned, I can save him if he still has a breath!"


Long Zhan nodded in relief, and said via voice transmission: "Then I'll leave it to you. You are the most worry-free guy. The goblin is still young after all, and he has to work harder in the future."


He even glanced at Hao Tian in a rather secretive way.

Obviously, in Long Zhan's mind, besides the goblin, there is this one who needs to double temper his character.


Compared with the fairy, Haotian needs it more.

And not only in terms of xinxing, but also in other aspects such as his own strength, Haotian also needs to make great progress.

after all.

Haotian is the weakest one among the members of the Dream Team, not one of them.


Although Long Zhan's eyes were dark, Haotian's spiritual sense was very strong, as if he had sensed something, he couldn't help turning his head to look over.

It's just that at this time, Long Zhan's eyes had already turned back to the battlefield, and continued to observe the goblin and Cancer.


Hao Tian found nothing.

It's just that I secretly felt that there seemed to be a very bad malice hovering around me just now, as if I was calculated by someone.

Very bad.

"An illusion?"

Haotian who didn't find anything can only think so.

And at the scene at this moment, the goblin has already launched an attack on Cancer, and it is a brand new attack method.


The goblin also knows about Cancer's special ability.

Therefore, he was a thug, and did not choose close combat or pure physical attack, but adopted a more terrifying method of law warfare.

And this trick is called the law of goblins.

It is said to be a law, but in fact, it is closer to a special law, which is an extremely terrifying and terrifying conceptual trick.

in short.

As long as the goblin uses this trick, in a certain respect, he is equivalent to an absolute god, and he can do whatever he says.

I don't accept any rebuttal at all, it's so tyrannical and unreasonable, there is no other way but to resist!

It basically belongs to the almost invincible type of tricks.

Of course.

This is not to say that the goblin's move is really invincible, the key depends on whether the enemy can completely resist this move.

If you can't bear it, then needless to say, you will lose directly.

Even die on the spot!

hold on...

That also depends on the extent of the resistance.

Maybe not dead, but seriously injured, or nothing happened at all, these are all possible, the key depends on the strength of the enemy.

for example.

As soon as the law comes out, directly force the enemy to turn into a frog!

Perverted enough?


Even if it turns into a frog, this frog does not mean that it will be completely slaughtered by others. Even if most people will lose their strength and become extremely weak, some opponents with extremely terrifying strength can still retain part of their abilities.

At best, it changed the shape of the enemy and partially weakened it. The impact on the direction of the entire battle situation varies from person to person.

And now.

The special skill launched by the goblin—the law of the goblin is one of the more brutal and terrifying types: the brilliance of the goblin!

This is the legendary super magic, which collects and concentrates the brilliant power of the sun, moon and stars, and the ruthless light that will never allow the enemy to survive can destroy all enemies.

After use, it forms a huge locking halo, tightly strangling the enemy and finally giving the sanction of destruction, which is terrifying and terrifying.


Seeing that the goblin used one of its trump cards, the goblin's brilliance, in order to fight, Long Zhan's face became even more ugly and speechless.

Because, in his prediction, these special skills of the goblin should be saved for the end, and used to deal with more terrifying and powerful enemies.

In the end, the goblin ignored everything and directly used it on the Cancer in the fourth house of the zodiac. It's really a waste of money!

Although the goblin still has two equally terrifying and powerful legal killers left, they were exposed too early after all.

This is very unfavorable to Long Zhan's battle plan.

If someone is deliberately targeting... like Sagittarius in the zodiac, if the enemy takes the goblin's legal ability into consideration and makes a sneak attack, it will be very troublesome and headache.

After all, the Golden Saint Cloth of the Zodiac in front of them is far more powerful and terrifying than what they have known and recognized.


Long Zhan only hoped that the goblin's move of the law would play a certain role, otherwise it would be really worth the candle.


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