The Storm God

Chapter 3653 The strongest Cancer pony! (Please subscribe!)


Cancer's cynical face seemed to feel the horror of the goblin's move, and he couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

But the smile rippling from the corner of his mouth didn't dissipate from the beginning to the end, and he said in admiration: "This move of yours seems to be very good..."

"Let me guess, one of the killer features?"

"Concept trick?"


These words are naturally not what Cancer himself meant.

In fact, it wasn't what Aya who controlled him said, but the real big boss insurance premium, after all, the former two were not experienced enough.

Only a boss like Bai Xiaofei can see through the horror of the goblin's unique skill at a glance.

Just gathering energy and concentrating, already has an extremely terrifying power, almost using Zhou Tianxing's power for his own use...

Such a stunt is very rare.

Even if the goblin can't fully exert its power, the horror of this move is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

The goblin came up with such a terrifying big move, it seemed that he was really rushed, but that's okay, this was exactly what Bai Xiaofei wanted to see.

Because the more killer moves the enemy exposes, the easier it will be for him to fight in the future, otherwise, the younger brothers under his command don't know how many will die.

And at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei planned to let Cancer meet each other well.

It would be best to be able to force more stunts.

Of course.

He was also already prepared to fail.

After all, the Zodiac Gold Saint Cloth is strong now, but it has not been rigorously tested and honed. At this moment, it is just right to use these enemies as a whetstone.

Even if it was completely destroyed, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't feel bad.

Because all the data are shared and transmitted by the Hongmeng Dark System in real time, if the Saint Cloth is destroyed, it needs to be rebuilt.

not to mention……

Cancer pony brother is not so easy to mess with.

That's right!

Bai Xiaofei, the archetypal character of Cancer in front of him, was modeled after Brother Xiao Ma, not that scumbag like Dismask.

To know.

In Hades Mythology LC.

Brother Xiao Ma is very awesome, not only is the pope's disciple, but also directly kills the gods of sleep and death.

He even teamed up with the master to successfully kill the god of death and seal him. Among other things, just this courage is awesome enough.

Cancer Magnit is honored as Little Ma for this reason.

Be regarded as the strongest Cancer in history!

its ability to...

Even to a certain extent, they are stronger than Gemini and Virgo. After all, they are experts in playing with the soul. They can freely enter and exit the underworld without an eighth sense. With this ability, they are quite a few blocks away from other gold.


It's too early to die, otherwise it will be one of the main forces on the cliff.

But then again, if it wasn't for this, Xiao Ma's popularity might not be so high, and it would be even more impossible for him to be favored by Bai Xiaofei.

Take Libra for example.

Tong Hu was the last person in the last jihad, and even a goddess like Athena was tortured by Tong Hu for two generations...

It can be called the strongest dog saint.

The results of it……

The record is mediocre, nothing outstanding.

Bai Xiaofei's deepest impression on him was squatting in front of the waterfall of Wulaofeng, and he squatted for more than two hundred years.

As for the others?

Feel sorry!

The use of the Libra Saint Cloth is awesome.

But Tong Hu, the surviving golden veteran of the previous generation, Bai Xiaofei can hardly remember his outstanding achievements and performances...

It's really sad.

Brother Xiao Ma is different, with his cynical attitude, domineering, full of wildness, he directly entered the territory of the god of death and the god of sleep, and his handsome figure when he smashed the chessboard of the twin gods left an extremely deep impression on Bai Xiaofei at that time .

to this day.

Bai Xiaofei still clearly remembers that when he first saw this cartoon, there were only two words in his mind over and over again——


Great my little pony!


The strongest Cancer was born.

Bai Xiaofei not only equips it with the strongest special skills that suit its own characteristics, but also specially tailors a set of intelligent auxiliary program systems that are far superior to other golden saint clothes.

Compared with the mobility and wisdom of other golden saints, Cancer is undoubtedly more flexible and full of character.

Even in the remote control state, it can maintain its own personality.

Just like now.

Although the speaker was Bai Xiaofei, the tone, demeanor, and even the eyes of the Cancer zodiac sign were full of the indelible demeanor of Brother Ma.

And such an expression and posture, in the eyes of the goblin, undoubtedly became Chi Guoguo's ridicule and contempt.


The goblin was even angrier.

In a fit of rage, he activated Fairy Brilliance even faster.

In just a few breaths, he absorbed and fused the terrifying power of the stars, and then directly confined it into an incomparably bright super star ring!

The brilliance of the fairy was thus formed.

next moment.


The super star ring was thrown out by the goblin.

The target is directed at Cancer, and Cancer has no intention of dodging because of some special purposes.


The super star ring directly locks up Cancer.

It's like a halo around the planet. After being trapped, it shrinks and tightens instantly, like a rope that traps Cancer in place.


The goblin, who should have been happy and excited when she saw her unique move successfully hit the enemy, was puzzled and puzzled at first.

"This guy, what's the situation, why didn't you hide just now?"

"Could it be that he was tricked on purpose?"

"But why?"


The goblin was a little confused.

Not only him, but also Long Zhan and others who were watching.

Everyone doesn't think that Cancer has no ability to resist and dodge at all. After all, when the goblin's stunt is activated, there will be a short stalemate and hesitation gap.

Experts who have reached their level of single-handed reflexes can definitely sense it no matter how short the gap time is.

But Cancer is just as if he didn't find it.

That's not normal.


He did it on purpose.

But why? After all, this is not an ordinary attack, but the brilliance of the fairy, one of the super killer weapons of the fairy.

Aren't Cancers afraid to play themselves to death?

When everyone was puzzled and confused.

in the field.

Bai Xiaofei's divine sense directly descended on Cancer through remote control, and then unscrupulously carried out analysis and research on the brilliance of the goblin.


He also said while analyzing: "It's a bit interesting. The seemingly simple aura actually has an irrefutable coercive law. While restraining, it will further compress the terrifying power of the stars itself. A bomb is constantly rising towards the direction of the atomic bomb..."

"I have to say, this trick is indeed quite terrifying. Opponents of the same level, even masters who are above a certain level, will never get better once they get hit by this trick!"

"But unfortunately, the person you met today was me..."


That's all for now.

The goblin, who faintly sensed that something was wrong, couldn't bear Bai Xiaofei's chatter anymore, and directly detonated the super star ring on Cancer's body.


An extremely terrifying super big explosion happened instantly.

Just like a small-scale Big Bang, that terrifying force swept everything in an instant.

Even the void was shattered and collapsed by the shock.

The impact and aftermath of the explosion should also not be underestimated. Even experts as strong as Long Zhan couldn't help but exert their strength one after another, either dodging or defending.

I was afraid that if I was not careful, I would be affected by Chi Yu.

But even so.

The crowd of onlookers were also very embarrassed, and they were completely lost to the leisure and comfort they had when watching the play just now.

Even some of the weaker ones couldn't bear it and were injured on the spot.

The power of the goblin's brilliance after the explosion, and its terrifying degree, can be seen from this.

The periphery is so miserable, and the enemy in the center locked and bound by the super star ring is obviously more cruel and terrible.


Even more incredible.

After forcibly enduring the absolute bombardment of the goblin's brilliance, Cancer was still unscathed, standing peacefully in the center of the scene of the big bang.

It was as if the person who was bombed just now was not himself, but someone else. At this scene, the goblin was dumbfounded at that time.

"This is impossible!"

The goblin exclaimed in disbelief.


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