The Storm God

Chapter 3654 Kill the goblin in seconds! (Please subscribe!)

"Wang Defa!"

Not only the goblins, Long Zhan and others who were on the sidelines also stared wide-eyed, each of them stunned, completely frozen on the spot.

The brilliance of the goblin just now has clearly locked on Cancer, and the big bang has indeed hit the opponent.

Why is Cancer unscathed?

This unscientific!


And no matter how confused and surprised everyone is.

At the scene, Cancer, with a cynical smile, directly explained the ins and outs to everyone:

"I don't understand why I'm safe and sound, right?"


"As a respect for you, I will tell you the truth, because I used one of my special abilities just now..."


"As for the ability, it's inconvenient to say. I can only tell you that the people who go there are basically only the dead."


That's all for now.

Then there is arrogance and indifference.

And the goblin here, after listening to it, was completely stunned, and after a brief silence, what was ushered in was a limit runaway.

"I do not believe!"

"The brilliance of my goblin is almost invincible. Once it is locked, it will definitely die. How can you have nothing?"

"Just now you must have used some special magic weapon. This time, I will definitely knock you down!"

"Look at my goblin trick..."


The goblin mentality completely collapsed.

Self-esteem, face, and confidence, it can be said that the whole line collapsed, completely lost, and then ushered in a goblin who was eager to prove himself and completely ignored the overall situation.

I saw that he was extremely crazy, his hands were in a strange posture, and his body was surging, as if he was launching some powerful stunt.

But just when the goblin was halfway through its activation.

"Demon! Fairy!"

Long Zhan, who was on the sidelines, finally realized that something was wrong, recovered his senses, and then suddenly stopped talking.

This roar was just loud.

It even contains some kind of special refreshing effect, similar to the lion's roar skill of Buddhism, the goblin is roared by the voice of Long Zhan, and the state of the power is stopped suddenly.

The whole person was instantly sober.


The goblin was like an eggplant beaten by Shuang, looking at the angry Long Zhan bitterly, and the latter said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, come back to me immediately! Immediately!"


Although he was very unwilling, but now the boss has lost his temper, and he almost did something stupid just now, the goblin had no choice but to grit his teeth, turn around and leave obediently.


At this time, Cancer suddenly spoke.


"You want to leave after beating someone, you don't really think this is your territory, do you? Want to leave? You can..."

"But at least you have to catch up with me!"

"Corpse gas..."


Cancer's eyes are cold.

With disdainful eyes, with a strong smirk and evil spirit, he looked at Long Zhan and the others with a playful look, especially a strange power that condensed in his hands.

Although that power looks small, its quality is very high.

The most important thing is that Long Zhan and others all felt an inexplicable danger from this force...

Reminiscent of Cancer's ability...


Everyone secretly screamed in their hearts that it was not good.

"Uncle Locke!"


As soon as Long Zhan opened his mouth, Uncle Locke nodded quickly, expressing that he knew what he should do. At the same time, the power he had prepared for a long time also suddenly activated in his hand.

next moment.

A ball of holy light flew out of Uncle Locke's hand abruptly.

The ball of light was extremely fast, and it landed on the dazed goblin in an instant, followed by a translucent circular shield formed on his body.

The passport is exactly the same as that used by Uncle Locke before, that is: it can be 100% immune to physical attacks from the outside world, and can trigger the spirit of revenge, and has a certain chance to lower the power of repentance.

Not only that.

On top of the goblin's head, there actually appeared one red and one blue, two little angel elves who looked extremely bright and didn't know what to do.

The little angel elves do not seem to be real, but illusory and transparent, as if they exist in another dimension, but their abilities can intuitively act on the elves.

And with their help, the power that the goblin consumed just now is recovering in an astonishing manner.

at the same time……

A special powerful force, like a seed, was deeply buried in the goblin's body, even in the soul.

That seems to be a very special kind of protection.

"This is……"

As the person involved, the goblin naturally knew about his changes, and after a moment of daze, he instantly understood what was going on.

Isn't this Uncle Locke's resurrection magic angel guardian?

Why are you using it now?

I'm not dead yet!

At this time...

Cancer's icy voice finally spit out the second half of the sentence completely—"...Underworld wave!"

at the same time.


The figure of Cancer disappeared instantly.

But when he reappeared, he appeared directly beside the goblin, and at the same time, the mass of corpse energy in his hand was released suddenly...


The endless cold light was released suddenly, but fortunately, the light came and went quickly, and disappeared almost instantly.

But when it disappeared, the spirit in the eyes of the goblin on the other side also completely disappeared.

until then.

Long Zhan and others discovered that Cancer's finger had already touched the goblin's brow at some point.

The so-called absolute physical defense shield imposed by Uncle Locke was just like a fake, without any reaction at all, just let Cancer's arm pass through and hit the goblin's eyebrow.


The next moment, Cancer leisurely withdrew his arm.

The goblin's body, on the other hand, seemed like a walking corpse whose soul had been sucked out, without any vitality or fluctuations, it just fell down straight.

Not only that.

The two illusory angel elves that had been floating above the goblin's head suddenly disappeared.

"not good!"

Long Zhan and the others suddenly turned pale with shock, they obviously realized something, followed suit and rushed towards the goblin.

And the fastest mover is undoubtedly Uncle Locke.

after all……

He was already prepared.

While watching the battle, he had secretly accumulated his strength.

Now that an accident happened, and the goblin was suspected of being hit and overturned, Uncle Locke naturally took support and ambulance operations immediately.

The first is auxiliary protection, followed by a quick rush to prevent Cancer from further harming and destroying the goblin.

In order to be safe, Uncle Locke even directly carried out the angel incarnation, and the seraph's magic form reappeared in the world.


Cancer has no further action.

Therefore, Uncle Locke received the fallen goblin very smoothly, and started investigation and testing in time.


Uncle Locke's face sank instantly.

"How about it, the goblin..."

But until this time, Long Zhan and other talents arrived late, and they directly formed a formation, surrounding the goblin and Uncle Locke in the middle.

Long Zhan asked worriedly.


Uncle Locke's face was serious, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were full of disbelief, but in the end he gritted his teeth and informed everyone of his test results: "The goblin... is dead!"


"You said the goblin...he is dead? How is this possible!"

"Just kidding!"


After Uncle Locke had spoken, Haotian was completely stunned.

Jiao Niang and Long Zhan also looked in disbelief and stunned. How could someone as powerful as a goblin be given a second by the enemy?

Just kidding me!


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