The Storm God

Chapter 3655 Two against one! (Please subscribe!)

Long Zhan and the others couldn't believe it.

Uncle Locke explained with a solemn expression: "Actually, the goblin can't be said to be completely dead, but his soul seems to have been exiled to other worlds, so that my resurrection angel protection can't work for the time being..."

"This state is basically the same as being dead. If the goblin's soul cannot be recovered within a certain time limit, then he will die, and my resurrection will not work!"

"Because the goblin's soul has been completely imprisoned, without the soul as a medium, the resurrection cannot work."


As soon as the words came out.

Long Zhan and the others couldn't help but immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

So that's the case, I knew that fairies didn't die so easily, but their souls were exiled to other worlds?

What's happening here?

Could it be...

Everyone looked at Cancer.

According to their understanding, Cancer's abilities and unique skills seem to be related to the soul, and can send a person's soul directly to the underworld...

Could it be him?


Just now, Cancer performed his signature skill - accumulating corpse energy and waves of the underworld. Although it is somewhat different from the one in Saint Seiya, the effect is expected to be similar.

That is.

The soul of the goblin who was recruited has been sent to the underworld?


Is there an underworld in this world?

Think here.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, their eyes were full of shock and doubt, not to mention whether there is an underworld in this world...

Even if there is, how can they save it?

To know.

They don't have the ability to travel between Yin and Yang.

In the end, everyone's eyes still fell on Uncle Locke. After all, only Uncle Locke was a little proficient in matters of the soul.


Uncle Locke was speechless.


In terms of soul, I am also a three-legged cat.

However, he also knew that everyone was completely helpless, and Uncle Locke did have an idea.

Whether it works or not is another matter.

Considering the current special situation, even if Uncle Locke feels bitter, he can only be a dead horse right now.

next moment.

Uncle Locke said to Long Zhan and others: "I have a plan, and that is to let Cancer perform the stunt again, and then I will risk my life, enter the underworld, meet the goblin, and finally fight two against one... "


Everyone fell silent when they heard this.

After all, this plan is too dangerous. Uncle Locke is a god-level dad, and he is the top priority of the entire team.

If something happens to Uncle Locke, the loss will be heavy.

to be honest.

If it's not a last resort, Long Zhan really doesn't want to let Uncle Locke take risks, after all, his importance is far above that of goblins.

But Long Zhan also knew that since Uncle Locke had made a decision, he wouldn't change it easily, and the goblin's group attack ability couldn't be given up easily.


Think twice.

In the end, Long Zhan nodded and agreed to Uncle Locke's plan, and said, "Well, let another person go with you!"


He looked directly at Jiao Niang.

Jiao Niang was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then she understood what Long Zhan meant.

The strength of the soul is closely related to the body and spirit, especially the latter, the relationship between the two is directly proportional.

That is.

The stronger the spirit, the greater the soul strength.

Among the members of the Dream Team, apart from Uncle Locke, the Goblin and Jiao Niang have the strongest mental power.

After all, both of them took the path of almost pure magic attack. The higher the spirit, the more terrifying the power of the spell.


The goblin is in trouble, and Uncle Locke wants to risk himself.

Jiao Niang is the only spiritual master, and it is undoubtedly the best choice for her to accompany Uncle Locke into the so-called underworld to support and rescue the goblins.

After all, this Cancer is too perverted.

In case Uncle Locke and the goblin are not opponents of each other when they join forces, wouldn't it be impossible to save people, and they need to get another one?

But if there are three people, then there should be no problem.

Long Zhan doesn't believe it anymore, no matter how strong the Cancer is, he can beat all three of Uncle Locke with one-on-one?

If this is the case, then Long Zhan has nothing to say, and obediently admits it.

But he firmly believes that this is impossible.


Long Zhan decided to take a gamble.

Naturally everyone is happy if they win, but if they really lose...


"We will never lose!"

"I will definitely win!"


Long Zhan secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

Afterwards, a few of them gathered together and began to quickly discuss feasible action plans, as well as specific steps and key points.

And Hao Tian and the Nemesis Team and others are on the outside to protect them, to ensure that they will not be attacked by Cancer.

In fact.

Cancer doesn't mean that at all.

He just stood quietly and proudly in the starry sky, with a cynical expression on his face, allowing Long Zhan and others to gather together to discuss countermeasures, indifferent.

Just like a god, ignoring a few ants discussing how to go against the sky, his eyes are full of disdain.

It made Hao feel bad enough.


There was nothing he could do about it.

After all, even a master who is as strong as a goblin and whose spirit and soul are far stronger than himself, has been given a second move by the opponent.

If you go up by yourself...


Haotian is 100% sure that when the time comes, he will be the one who will be forced to suffer the most, and even worse by the current goblin, he may be completely dead on the spot.

Although Haotian is good at swordsmanship, he is really not very good at soul, so it is completely free to go up.


Haotian can only bear it.

Then he cursed Cancer fiercely in his heart, and he would die early and hit the street.


The three of Long Zhan discussed it.

Uncle Locke handed the body of the goblin to Haotian, carrying and protecting it on a platform built with divine power.

Haotian was confused for a while: "What's the situation? Why did you give me the goblin's body? Could it be that the three of you want to go to bed together?"


Long Zhan shook his head and said, "It's not the three of us, but Uncle Locke and Jiao Niang. I'm only in charge of the finale. If there is any danger, I will rescue it in time."

When saying this.

Long Zhan's complexion didn't look very good.

Think about it too.

They can also be regarded as strong masters in the top sequence of the upper pyramid, which one has no self-esteem and face?

The results of it.

Now they actually want to bully the few with more, and there is even a person waiting outside the arena who is ready to enter the rescue at any time...

Even if people say something, but in their hearts, they always feel a little embarrassed and depressed.

But for the sake of the goblin, they had to endure it.

"Holy light!"

"Angel Love!"

"Elf Wind!"

"Barrier of Light!"


Uncle Locke is more free and easy.

As soon as he came up, he started to apply various buff effects to himself and Jiao Niang, as if he was about to fight Cancer for 300 rounds.

And Jiaoniang is not idle either, the fiery devil's figure, set off by the strange power of pink, is even more charming and seductive, exuding infinite charm all over her body.

The Nemesis team's Dabada and others who were closer to her, although they were all women, were still not lightly affected by Jiaoniang's power.

Fortunately, Jiao Niang is very measured.

Stop the further spread of your own charm in time, otherwise the female members of the Nemesis team will have to commit nympho one by one and lose their minds.

With the introversion and compression of Jiaoniang's strength, as well as Uncle Locke's various buff blessings, her strength level has also been raised by two levels in an instant.

"The Eye of Enchantment!"

When her own power was raised to a certain extreme, Jiao Niang directly shot, her glamorous and peerless pupils glared lightly, and immediately a heart-shaped pink power was released, heading straight for Cancer. go.

at the same time.

Uncle Locke was not idle either.

Raising his hand was a barrier of holy light, the vast and unparalleled power of holy light instantly formed several huge walls of cross light, protecting himself and Jiaoniang in the middle.


The two of them charged into Cancer as if they were driving a tank.


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