The Storm God

Chapter 3656 Pure land of the underworld! (Please subscribe!)

"Don't talk about Wude!"

On Sanddust Star, seeing Uncle Locke and Jiao Niang actually going two against one, breaking the rules, Aya was so angry that his face was livid, and he was speechless.


She will control the other golden holy clothes to help Cancer, because Aya knows very well that no matter how strong Cancer is, it cannot deal with three people at the same time.

Yes, three people, not two.


The leprechaun is not dead yet!

As Uncle Locke guessed, the goblin's soul was exiled to other worlds and was suffering from a special attack.

If it's just Uncle Locke, or Jiao Niang alone, then Cancer can still barely handle it.

But all three together...

That's enough.

"Not urgent!"

But at this moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled and stopped Aya's further action: "I feel quite familiar with Uncle Locke's ability, let's see it first!"

The implication is to appreciate Uncle Locke's battle.

As for the outcome?


does it matter

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

The Zodiac Golden Saint Cloth is just a tool to test the enemy, no matter whether he wins or not, Bai Xiaofei will not suffer.

Just like now.

It is precisely because of the appearance of Cancer and its strong appearance that it leads to the super magic stunt of the goblin and other special abilities of Uncle Locke.

Others may not know Uncle Locke's skills, but Bai Xiaofei came from the real world, and he recognized it almost at a glance. What Uncle Locke just used seemed to be a skill of a paladin in DNF.

For such a situation, Bai Xiaofei was not surprised.

after all……

At the beginning of getting the space-time shuttle.

He has also obtained the enhancer in DNF. The reincarnation space and the space-time shuttle have the same origin, but the development direction is a little different. There is nothing wrong with being able to learn the character skills in DNF.

Bai Xiaofei was just a little curious, to what extent did Uncle Locke cultivate the paladin's ability?

Is it to specialize in one of the four professions, or to dabble in all of them?

According to Uncle Locke's various performances before, Bai Xiaofei guessed that the latter should be more, after all, Uncle Locke's combat power is not low.

If it is a pure profession, it cannot be so powerful.

Of course.

Even if you have dabbled in all of them, human energy and assets are limited after all, and it is impossible to be proficient in all of them.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei guessed that Uncle Locke should focus on a certain profession, supplemented by other professional skills.

Otherwise, in the end, due to various reasons, it is easy to make yourself look like a four-faced person, and you can't do anything!

And this main occupation is undoubtedly the paladin.

The evidence is the resurrection god-level angel guard just now, which is the signature ability of the paladin. Although the performance may be different from the game, the effect is the same.

In addition, the previous shield, the power of vengeance, the power of repentance, Grandma Kelie, and the current Holy Light Barrier, all these undoubtedly confirmed that Bai Xiaofei's conjecture was correct.

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to see, what would this paladin father do in the face of Cancer, who possessed the means to manipulate the soul?

after all……

The soul of the goblin is now in the underworld he created.


There is no underworld in this DC world.

Even if there is, with the ability of Cancer, it is impossible to send people in unimpeded and casually, or even to go in and out by oneself.

Because his ability itself comes from the outside world.


In order to maximize the ability of Cancer, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to open up a space world in his own small universe world, as the pure land of the underworld.

But the souls of all creatures hit by the underworld wave of Cancer's accumulated corpse energy will be transferred to this special underworld.

Of course.

It is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to come there anytime and anywhere, and bully the small with the big ones. Even if the enemy's soul is sent in, if he wants to solve the opponent, he still has to rely on Cancer himself.

Just like now.

After getting the goblin's soul in, Cancer uses special abilities to project his own mirror image in the underworld to fight it.


In this pure land of the underworld.

Cancer, as one of the landlords, will naturally enjoy a certain strength bonus, so even if it is just a mirror image, the combat effectiveness is still leveraged.

The most important thing is that the laws of this underworld are extremely special. After all, the setting is the world of the dead, so many rules of the living do not apply here.

Just like strength.

After the goblin is brought in, although it still has a certain fighting ability, it is only limited to the soul itself, which can also be said to be spiritual.

His physical combat ability was almost weakened to the extreme.

Not only that.

As time goes by, the more the soul is contaminated with the atmosphere of the underworld, and the longer it loses contact with its own body, the soul will become weaker and weaker, until it finally dies and becomes a part of the underworld.

And these souls after death will be completely controlled by Bai Xiaofei, the Lord of the Underworld, the Lord of the World.

For example, transforming it into the void in "Reaper", or training it with a spirit body (Reaper), and training it to become a younger brother...

In short.

No matter how he counts, he is not at a loss.

Closer to home.

The goblin doesn't know anything about the outside world.

Right now, he only knew that he was unlucky. He didn't know what happened to his body, but his soul must be in danger.


The Cancer on the opposite side is really too strong.

Coupled with the fact that his own strength has been severely weakened, it is only a matter of time before he is beaten to death. In order to delay time and find life, the goblin had to adopt the principle of strategic retreat.

If it weren't for this, with the terrifying strength of the Cancer mirror image clone, I'm afraid it would have sifted the soul of the goblin long ago.


This also has something to do with Bai Xiaofei's design flaws.

After all, it is the pure land of the underworld that has just been built, and related settings, there must be bugs of one kind or another, otherwise it is impossible for the goblin to take advantage of the loopholes and run around the world.

Feeling the scenes happening in the underworld, Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly, and said in his heart: "It seems that the design of this pure land of the underworld is still not perfect, it must be patched as soon as possible and upgraded to version 2.0."

"Otherwise, it would be a waste of time for the enemy to scare them away all the time. We must set a limited range in the future..."


And it doesn't matter what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

This side of the scene.

Cancer has also started a confrontation with Uncle Locke and Jiaoniang.

Uncle Locke is the main attacker, and Jiao Niang is the assistant.

"Hammer of Repentance!"

"The spring color is alluring!"


Uncle Locke incarnates as a trial knight, with shields, barriers, super sledgehammers, spirits of revenge, and various buffs in one body, and his combat power is outstanding.

Coupled with Jiaoniang's various unique skills, assistance and harassment from the side, the two cooperated in perfect harmony, and directly restrained Cancer.

Every time Cancer attacks, it will be blocked by Uncle Locke's protective shield, or the barrier of holy light, or smashed open by the hammer of repentance.

Although the intelligent program of the Golden Saint Cloth will not be affected by Jiao Niang's charm, its ability is not limited to the traditional role.

Whenever you get hit, or don't dodge in time, the movements of Cancer will be greatly disturbed, as if a cow is in a quagmire, extremely slow.

And this time.

Uncle Locke will take the opportunity to step up his onslaught, and he will output a crazy meal to Cancer, making Cancer embarrassed.

at last……

Cancer finally broke out.

With a move of Crab Claw, he used the sign of Cancer to support Uncle Locke's Hammer of Repentance. At the same time, he himself directly cast the wave of the underworld with corpse energy at a terrifying speed close to the speed of light.


The radiant light bloomed again.

The charming girl who was caught off guard was instantly hit. Just like the goblin before, Uncle Locke's protective measures were all ineffective.

The point between the eyebrows was touched by Cancer's finger, and the whole person fell limp in an instant.


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