The Storm God

Chapter 3657 Come here! (Please subscribe!)



Seeing that Jiao Niang had been tricked, Long Zhan and the others were shocked.

And this time.

Uncle Locke was not in a hurry, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and at the same time he launched another stunt of his own - soul sacrifice.

Redeem the lives of your teammates at the cost of your own death.

in short.

It is to use your own life to exchange the lives of your teammates, but at this time, Uncle Locke slightly changed the usage.

Because Jiao Niang didn't really die, but her soul was exiled to other worlds, so Uncle Locke didn't have to sacrifice himself to revive Jiao Niang, he only needed to bind his soul to Jiao Niang's soul.

This is the real purpose of Uncle Locke.


And as Uncle Locke's unique skill was launched, a bright golden light visible to the naked eye immediately turned into a figure, escaped from Uncle Locke's physical body, and then quickly disappeared into the void.

Uncle Locke's physical body fell down together with Jiaoniang's body, but in the end Long Zhan and Haotian rushed to catch him.



It's not that he doesn't want to stop, or pursue further.

Instead, after discovering that he had been calculated, he had to concentrate his mind and attention, and teleported himself directly to the pure land of the underworld.

His mirror image avatar was no match for the three powerhouses.

Even the soul.

after all……

None of the three is simple.

Especially Uncle Locke, this guy's soul strength is the highest among the three, and he seems to be proficient in some special spells.

Now that Uncle Locke took advantage of the loophole and entered the pure land of the underworld in a special way, something will definitely happen there.

Can't go without Cancer.


This side of the scene.

That left Long Zhan and the others.

Cancer left the battlefield, and the whole person entered the pure land world of the underworld.

And when he arrived, the three of Uncle Locke had joined together in a special way to deal with the mirror image of Cancer.

The enemy is three against one, and Uncle Locke's special soul technique, the result can be imagined, the mirror image clone is completely at a disadvantage and is in a panic.

Even though Cancer himself has rushed over at the fastest speed, he was still a step too late. In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Uncle Locke used a move of justice to summon a huge and vast array of angelic light to cooperate with the goblin. The vitality attack, and Jiao Niang's auxiliary containment, completely smashed the mirror image into pieces.

at the same time.

Everything encountered by the avatar is also transformed into experience and information, which is completely integrated into the body of the main body of Cancer.


Cancer's cynical face showed a dignified frown for the first time. It turns out that according to the explanation of the mirror image, both Jiao Niang and Uncle Locke are carrying special Horcruxes.

The so-called Horcruxes are special weapons that can be controlled and used in the state of souls. The higher the level, the greater the power.

To put it bluntly, it is an existence similar to the Zanpakuto of the Shinigami.

With Horcruxes and without Horcruxes, the fighting power of the soul is completely two concepts, just like whether a saint warrior wears a holy garment.

Coupled with the fact that the three of Uncle Locke bullied the few with more, even if the mirror image clone had the advantage of the home court, it was difficult to compete and eventually lost.


After understanding the information, Cancer's face immediately turned cold, and his eyes looked at the three of Uncle Locke, full of cold killing intent.

And opposite.

Uncle Locke and the other three couldn't help but be surprised when they saw Cancer's true self, and their faces were full of confusion: "What's the situation? Didn't we kill him just now? This..."

The goblin came first and felt the deepest.

Seeing that Cancer seemed to have an immortal body, he was suddenly terrified, and a faint look of despair appeared in his eyes.


Jiao Niang also looked dignified, a little flustered.

Both of them looked at Uncle Locke in the end, hoping that Uncle Locke could help explain, what should they do now?

"I understand!"

Uncle Locke really didn't build it.

The moment he saw Cancer, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "This is his true deity. What we defeated before was just his clone!"


When the goblin heard this, her eyes widened immediately, and she didn't dare to say anything: "You mean, that guy just now is just the clone of Cancer, and this one is the real one?"

"That's right!"

Uncle Locke nodded.

Explained: "According to what you said before, after entering the underworld, you have been evading the pursuit of Cancer, but in fact, the Cancer in the outside world also exists, and launched a fierce battle with the two of us..."

"At the time, I thought it was a bit strange, but now I understand it. It seems that Cancer also knows that only one avatar can't deal with the three of us, so the deity also came directly!"


while speaking.

Uncle Locke didn't stay idle, he directly threw out a string of huge golden rosary beads, and the seals changed repeatedly, and the rosary beads burst out with incomparably bright and terrifying power of holy light and sacred breath.

This is the special Horcrux brought by Uncle Locke—the idea of ​​compassion, which can strengthen the soul, defend against attacks, and possess many magical effects.

The mirror image clone of Cancer that was bombed and killed just now mainly relied on the Mingfeng summoned by Uncle Locke's compassionate thoughts.


Cancer himself is present.

From the opponent, Uncle Locke felt the horror and power that was completely different from the mirror image, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.

The strongest protective ability of the thought of compassion, the Black Tortoise Formation, was summoned and triggered in case of emergencies.

after all.

People are experts at playing with the soul.

At best, Uncle Locke is a bit heretical, and he is obviously not qualified enough to be tough with Cancer.


There are more people on their side, and their soul strength is not low, and their cooperation is relatively tacit. As long as they don't make waves and fight steadily, there is still some chance of winning.


And with the launch of the basalt formation of the thoughts of compassion, with the rosary beads as the center, each of the upper white rosary beads released a special type of basalt figure.

These basalt forms are arranged in an orderly manner, and they are directly combined into a special formation of one hundred and eight, which protects Uncle Locke and the three of them.

at the same time.

Together with the big formation, the spiritual form of the formation is also instantly condensed into the world.

From a distance, it looks like a huge basalt with no friends. While protecting Uncle Locke and the three of them, the basaltic snake-tailed head roared at Cancer.

It seems to be saying, "Come here!"

Very provocative!


Cancer feels offended.

With bulging veins on his face, he clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth: "Very good! Since you are so confident, let's make a deal in this pure land of the underworld!"

"Corpse gas..."


Lift up with Cancer's right hand.

The terrifying corpse energy began to surge out from the Cancer, and continued to condense and compress, instantly gathering into a mighty and domineering Cancer image.

Cancer and Xuanwu are facing each other across the air, standing face to face.

The size of the two sides is almost the same, and the momentum is also between the two, but one of the two sides is better at defense, while the other seems to be more inclined to attack.

"So strong!"

"The difference between the avatar and the deity is really big. Fortunately, Uncle Locke has prepared a lot of Horcruxes in advance. Otherwise, even if the three of us join forces, I'm afraid we won't be his opponent."

"How about it, is Uncle Locke sure?"


The goblin swallowed.

Then he turned his head to look at the dignified Uncle Locke and asked.

"have no idea!"

Uncle Locke frowned and said, "In order to find you and deal with Cancer's avatar, the soul power of the compassionate thought was consumed a lot. Now even if the Xuanwu formation is summoned, it may not be able to withstand such a terrifying attack from the Cancerian self..."

"Then what to do?"

Jiao Niang was a little anxious, rolled her eyes, and suggested: "How about we give you a little bit of our own soul power to enhance the power of the Black Tortoise Formation?"


Uncle Locke nodded and said: "This is the only way to do it now, if it still doesn't work, then I can only..."

It can only be nothing, he didn't say anything later.

But both the goblin and Jiaoniang could understand what Uncle Locke meant, so they all nodded to express their understanding and support.

at the same time……

The two did not hesitate.

He put his hand directly on Uncle Locke's shoulder, and the transmission of soul power began.


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