The Storm God

Chapter 3658 Micro attack! (Please subscribe!)


With the continuous injection of soul power, the image of the basalt method condensed by the basalt formation is closer to reality, lifelike, domineering and awe-inspiring.

Especially the tortoise shell part behind it has a more prominent texture.


Uncle Locke's defense is focused on strengthening, as for the attack of the basaltic snake tail, it is almost meaningless.

But it's also easy to understand.

after all.

Xuanwu is good at defense, not attack.

If he really wanted to attack, Uncle Locke would not summon Xuanwu, but the more powerful and terrifying Mingfeng.

It's just that Uncle Locke also knows that it is obviously impossible to drive Mingfeng to defeat Cancer with his own strength.

Only by choosing defense can the three of them have a chance.


Once it fails.

I'm afraid that the three of them will die completely and become part of the underworld, with no possibility of resurrection.

Even if Uncle Locke had applied the resurrection technique to all three of them in advance, it would be the same. After all, the soul is imprisoned, and the resurrection technique is invalid.

For the sake of their lives, none of the three dared to neglect.

After everything was thrown out, the soul power was poured into the thoughts of compassion like no money.

The rolling soul power, frantically agitated, made the thoughts of compassion hum uncontrollably, as if it might explode at any time.

Uncle Locke gritted his teeth and supported desperately.

And this time.


Cancer's tricks are finally condensed.

Following the second half of his sentence: "...Burning the soul!" broke out, and the terrifying Cancer form immediately rushed towards the Xuanwu formation.


Cancer moves extremely fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he rushed to Xuanwu's reluctance, and then directly attacked the Xuanwu Faxiang with a giant crab pincer.

But it's a pity.

Although the power of this move is fierce and the pressure it creates is quite astonishing, the final result is not satisfactory.

Relying on his excellent defensive power, Xuanwu Faxiang was able to resist Cancer's stunt unscathed.

There was not even a single trace left on the tortoise shell behind it, and the snake's tail even waited for an opportunity to counterattack.


Also has no effect.

It was directly blocked by another giant claw of the giant crab.

no way.

Who made Xuanwu not good at attacking?

Coupled with the fact that Uncle Locke put all his energy on defense, the attack power of the basaltic snake tail is actually a bit stretched, and the symbolic meaning is more than practical.

At most, it acts as a harassment.


In the Xuanwu formation.

Seeing Xuanwu Dharma, which blocked the giant crab's attack safely, the goblin and Jiaoniang were overjoyed.


Uncle Locke's complexion did not improve because of this.

This made the two of them very puzzled.

"what's the situation?"

"Uncle Locke, don't we have the upper hand in the current situation? Why do you still look worried?"

"Could it be..."

The fairy hadn't finished speaking.

Cancer explained it to him with practical actions.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

With a sneer from Cancer.

The giant crab Faxiang riding on Xuanwu completely ignored the attack of Xuanwu's snake tail, and directly launched a crazy attack on Xuanwu with two giant pincers.

The two giant pliers seemed to be a mountain drill, and they were a series of terrifying gouge attacks on Xuanwu's tortoise shell.


It strikes every time.

A strange smoke will be secreted from the cancer...


That's not smoke!

It's a dead body!


Now, no matter how stupid the goblin is, she can see something is wrong.

Cancer what is this for?

Are you going to break the surface with a point? But in this way, the consumed soul power will be very huge!

Isn't he afraid that we will take advantage of this and completely reverse the situation of the battle?


These consumed soul powers are actually not worth mentioning to Cancer?

If it's only the latter, doesn't that mean that the soul power of Cancer is far beyond our imagination, almost unlimited?

Oh My God!

The more the goblin thought about it, the more terrifying she became.

At this time, Uncle Locke finally spoke: "Don't think about it, that giant crab is completely composed of accumulated corpse energy. It won't work by force. He is planning to start from the microscopic aspect..."

"The micro aspect?"

"That's right!"

Uncle Locke explained: "Although the defensive power of the Black Tortoise Formation is terrifyingly powerful, it is only limited to the macroscopic aspect, but there are major flaws in the microscopic aspect..."

"It's like the protective wall of a fortress. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is naturally extremely hard and cannot be easily destroyed or crossed. But what if you can shrink infinitely and become like nanoparticles?"

"At that time, the impenetrable city wall in the eyes of ordinary people will become like a sieve, full of loopholes and flaws!"


When the goblin heard this, she was stunned: "Can it still be like this?"


Uncle Locke sighed: "After all, he is an expert in playing with the soul. The Black Tortoise Formation, to put it bluntly, is a huge defensive formation constructed using Horcruxes."

"Its essence is the special reorganization and arrangement of soul power factors. If the control of soul power can be raised to a microscopic level, then in theory, it can penetrate almost all defenses!"

"The premise is that the opponent's soul power control degree does not exceed the attacker himself, and this happens to be why we are not as good as Cancer..."


Speaking of which.

With a thought in Uncle Locke's mind, a strange scene suddenly appeared in front of the goblin and Jiao Niang.

Just like watching a movie, the camera goes straight down from the tortoise shell of Xuanwu Faxiang to the microcosmic world of the place where the giant crab attacked.

However, on the macro level, the seemingly billowing and boundless corpse aura, on the micro level, has directly turned into a cancer army composed of countless miniature cancers.

They are like tides, wantonly acting recklessly in the microcosmic world of the tortoise shell, rampaging, as if they are looking for something.

See here.

No matter how stupid the goblin and jiaoniang are, they will understand.

The accumulated corpse energy of Cancer (the army of Cancer) is obviously to find the weakness and flaws of the basaltic tortoise shell.

As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by ant nests!

The same reason.

For the Cancer army, the tortoise shell of the Black Tortoise Formation is like an indestructible flood control dam.



This flood control dam is not perfect.

Because of Uncle Locke's personal ability, there are still some flaws and weaknesses in the Xuanwu formation.

That is to say, the so-called ant nest.

Once it is found by the army of cancer crabs and breaks into it in a mighty way, the consequences will be unimaginable.

what to do?

The goblin and Jiaoniang, who finally understood the situation they were in, suddenly couldn't be happier anymore, and their faces were full of worry.

For this matter, they didn't dabble much, and they hardly had any clues, so they could only turn to Uncle Locke for help, hoping that the only savior could come up with a solution.


Uncle Locke naturally has a way.

After all, long before he came in, he had anticipated all kinds of dangers and embarrassments he might encounter.

Although the current situation is somewhat beyond expectations, fortunately, Uncle Locke is well prepared, and no matter the cost, he can still deal with the current situation.


This comes at a price.

For example, in the hands of Uncle Locke, this extremely precious Horcrux with many functions - the thought of compassion.

"Don't worry, I have a solution..."

If Uncle Locke gritted his teeth in the end, he explained his strategy to the two of them: "When the time comes, I will detonate my compassion in advance and let him die with the enemy!"

"At that time..."

"I will completely lose my soul power and become extremely weak. You must seize the opportunity in a millionth of a second and give Cancer a fatal blow!"

"Only by killing him can we leave here!"

"So you are the key!"


When the two heard it, they were a little dumbfounded.


Detonate the compassion of the Horcrux, die with the enemy, and then let us take the opportunity to make up for Cancer?

my God!

Do you want to be so crazy! ?


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