The Storm God

Chapter 3659 End up together! (Please subscribe!)

"This is the only way!"

Uncle Locke naturally knew why the two of them were surprised, because the horcrux's sense of compassion was simply expensive, even comparable to an artifact.

If he is cared for and nurtured carefully, it is definitely not impossible to be promoted to become an emperor soldier in the future, or even to ask questions.

This thing is placed in the reincarnation space, it can be said that there is a price but no market.


I want to detonate it myself.

Not to mention them, even Uncle Locke himself is extremely reluctant and distressed...

But so what?

My life is gone, everything is nonsense, and it will take advantage of the enemy in vain. Instead of this, it is better to fight!

Think here.

Uncle Locke stopped hesitating immediately.

He glanced at the goblin angrily, and then said viciously: "And after all, it's not because of you..."


The goblin shrugged immediately, speechless.

After all, this matter is really his fault. If he had obeyed the words of Captain Long Zhan from the beginning and returned obediently, there would be so much trouble.

In the end, he tried to be arrogant and angry, which not only harmed himself, but also implicated Jiao Niang and Uncle Locke...

"Feel sorry!"

The goblin smiled awkwardly.

Then he solemnly promised: "Uncle Locke, don't worry, after I go back, I will redouble my efforts to make money and make up for all your losses..."

"That's about the same!"

Uncle Locke smiled immediately.

Then, he glanced at Cancer outside the Black Tortoise Formation, frowned slightly and said: "Time is running out, and the efficiency of Cancer is far beyond my imagination and prediction, you two should be optimistic, and when I issue instructions, Get ready!"


Fairy and Jiao Niang expressed their understanding and nodded heavily.

at the same time.


The giant crab's dharma is still chiseling the dharma tortoise shell of the Xuanwu formation, and every time it strikes, it will cause terrible shocks.

And because of multiple consecutive attacks on a location, this point has suffered too much damage. As for it, it gradually began to show some traces, even cracks and gaps.

And the accumulated corpse energy released by Cancer also immediately hit the nail on the head, and got in extremely violently.

in the microcosm.

I saw countless ultra-miniature giant crabs swarming like a flood of beasts, and instantly poured into the cracked canyon of the tortoise shell.


They began to sweep wildly.

It filled the entire Grand Canyon almost in a blink of an eye, and began to scan and search for the most critical ant nest...

Just find it.

The army of corpse energy can drive straight in and completely destroy this almost indestructible defensive dam.

Although the ant nest is hidden very well, the army of corpse aura is too many.


If you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Uncle Locke has to defend against the attack of the Cancer's dharma. At the same time, he has to be distracted, maintain the large formation, and protect the key points of the ant nest...

Maybe it was nothing at first, but as time went by, Uncle Locke's mind was getting more and more exhausted.


some moment.

He couldn't hold on any longer.

An exhausted slowness, as a result, some ultra-miniature giant crabs in the army of corpses immediately discovered the existence of the ant nest.


In an instant, the corpse-accumulating army went mad.

Then, desperately, they frantically rushed towards the key point of the ant nest, obviously trying to get a thorough understanding of this defensive dam in one go.


Uncle Locke's face suddenly changed.

At the same time, he hurriedly reminded the goblin and Jiaoniang: "They have found the key to the weakness of the formation, and I believe it will not take long to completely destroy the formation. Pay attention, you two, and be ready to attack at any time..."


The eyes of the two were concentrated, and they nodded heavily.

next moment.


"Ka Ka Ka..."


The army of corpses in the microcosm finally successfully arrived at the ant's nest, and directly smashed it with a rather brutal and arrogant attitude, turning it into a thoroughfare for the army to pass through.

And at the same time.

On the macroscopic level, the basaltic grand formation immediately had a corresponding reaction, and the unknowingly hard texture lost its luster in an instant, and even wilted for a while.

Near the point where the two terrifying giant pincers of the giant crab slashed wildly continuously, there were even cracks visible to the naked eye.


As the Cancer Aspect gouges harder, each hit does more damage, as well as intensifies the shattering of the rift.

The incomparably terrifying power even shattered some small fragments in the cracks, making the dharma form condensed by the basalt formation instantly show the first scars in history.

Although it is a little small, it is unprecedented, and it can be regarded as completely breaking the myth of the invincibility of Xuanwu Dharma.


Inside the Xuanwu formation.

As a key figure in the eyes and core of the formation, Uncle Locke also suffered a certain amount of backlash because of the destruction of the Xuanwu method.

Fortunately, Uncle Locke is more powerful.

Leng Shi forcibly held back the blood in his throat, just let out a muffled snort, spat out a small mouthful of blood, and returned to normal.

"Uncle Locke!"

The goblin and Jiaoniang were shocked when they saw this, full of worry. Uncle Locke shook his head and said: "I'm fine, just a small injury, don't worry about me, you just need to do your own thing!"


Uncle Locke had a thought.

The paladin's restoration of magical skills, the wind of healing, was instantly blessed to himself, the goblin and Jiaoniang.

The healing effect of the Wind of Healing is absolutely outstanding. Even if the three of them are only in the state of soul, they can still exert a miraculous effect.

Uncle Locke's mental state, as well as the backlash damage he suffered just now, were healed and restored almost instantly.

at the same time.


The defense of the Xuanwu formation had finally reached its limit.

There was a soft sound, and the faster tortoise shell shattered and flew into the air.

And with the complete collapse of the trajectory defense, the invasion speed of the army of corpses is even more terrifying.

The ant nest that became the Tongtian Avenue was almost instantly exploded by the army of dead bodies that had expanded no less than dozens of times.

The defense dam finally completely collapsed.

The follow-up army of corpse aura is like a vast ocean pouring in, and the flood is overwhelming, and it is simply out of control!


"It's now!"


The Xuanwu formation almost completely collapsed.

The powerful and terrifying backlash immediately made Uncle Locke uncontrollably spit out a big mouthful of blood again.

But now he can't control so much at all, but immediately reminds the goblin and Jiaoniang, I'm going to do it!



The two of them didn't dare to be negligent, and when they replied immediately, they were all ready to make a move.

The vast and incomparable soul power has already been accumulated by the goblin and Jiao Niang, and when the time comes, they will launch the strongest stunt and give Cancer a fatal blow.

And this moment, did not wait too long.



The Xuanwu formation was finally completely shattered.

At the same time that the familiar cynical and smug smile was rippling from the corner of Cancer's mouth, Uncle Locke also smiled.


Without any hesitation.

He grabbed the Horcrux's sense of compassion with both hands, and with the last of his strength, directly detonated the spirit of the Horcrux.

next moment.


The Xuanwu Great Formation that was already on the verge of collapsing and disappearing suddenly seemed like a balloon connected to an air pump, from wilting at the beginning to rapidly expanding again.

And it's still the kind of instant limit expansion like an explosion!


How keen is the perception of Cancer.

He noticed something was wrong almost immediately, but by the time he realized it, it was too late.

The dharma form of the Xuanwu formation has completely inflated, like a super big meat ball, directly enveloping the giant crab.

at the same time.

An invincible and terrifying force also came directly from the core of the Xuanwu formation and was released.

"Damn it!"

Cancer suddenly screamed something bad: "Is this guy going to die with me? I'm careless..."


It also quickly propped up the defense in case of emergency.


A terrifying explosion suddenly broke out.


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