The Storm God

Chapter 3660 Reaper's Scythe! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Without the obstruction of Cancer, Long Zhan and the others did not rush forward immediately, one was not in the mood...

after all.

The lives and deaths of the three goblins are still uncertain.

The body is still in front of everyone, how to fight? Let them go and attack?

What a joke!

not to mention……

Dust Star is not a vegetarian either. Without Cancer, it does not mean that there are no other warriors to guard it.

For example, Leo in the fifth house!


When Cancer left for the pure land of the underworld to deal with the three Uncle Locke, Leo appeared directly.

But in the same way, he didn't take immediate action, but just stood quietly in his position, looking extremely cold.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence.

To this.

Dabada and others of the Goddess of Nemesis team didn't have much to say, because they knew very well that the enemy is not easy to mess with!

Especially in the team, without the support of Uncle Locke, a god-level daddy, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to overcome the enemy's defense.

Waiting is the best option.


The pure land of the underworld.


A huge explosion exploded suddenly.

That terrifying power instantly formed a giant mushroom cloud, and the ring-shaped shock wave swept everything within a hundred thousand miles in an instant!

The whole situation is like the end of the world.



This pure land of the underworld has just been created and developed by Bai Xiaofei, and it still belongs to a huge, special and remote planet, and there are not many souls and creatures in it.

Otherwise, after this wave of explosions and impacts, I am afraid that there will be countless casualties, and the pure land of the underworld will suffer unimaginable losses.

But even so.

The terrifying destructive power and the aftermath of the explosion also destroyed a considerable range of the pure land environment of the underworld.


It also aroused the perception of Bai Xiaofei's consciousness for a while.


"The shock from the pure land of the underworld? Could it be that the duel between the Cancer and the goblin has come to an end?"

"Then let's take a look!"


Bai Xiaofei thought.

He didn't pay attention to the pure land of the underworld before, because Cancer is there, with too many blessings and assistance.

Basically invincible.

Unless the enemy is twice as many as him, and they are all very strong opponents in terms of soul.


Cancer is almost invincible.

As for the sudden intrusion of Uncle Locke and Jiao Niang, Bai Xiaofei didn't worry too much.

Because in addition to hardware enhancements, Bai Xiaofei also specially added some special software benefits for Cancer.

Even against three powerful opponents of the same level, in the pure land of the underworld, Cancer also has an absolute advantage.

As long as you don't kill all kinds of waves, there will generally be no problems.


Now there was a violent shock.

This made Bai Xiaofei have to put down the work at hand, set aside part of his mind, and entered the pure land of the underworld to see what happened.


He saw a billowing dust and smoke that covered the sky and covered the sky, almost covering the land area of ​​the boss.


When Bai Xiaofei saw this, he couldn't help being stunned: "It's such a big battle, and such a terrifying movement has been made. It seems that the two sides are fighting very fiercely!"

next moment.

He released his divine thoughts.

The strength of Bai Xiaofei's spiritual consciousness is naturally unquestionably terrifying, it enveloped him almost instantly, and he had an insight into all the situations on the scene.

follow closely.

Someone's face froze.

"Cancer actually lost?"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, his eyes were full of surprise and astonishment, obviously he didn't expect the result to be so shocking.


Soon he recovered.

After all, Bai Xiaofei is the ruler here, and in a single thought, he can see and comprehend everything that happens in the pure land of the underworld.


Bai Xiaofei already knew the ins and outs of everything.

"There are top-quality Horcruxes!"

"There are still two..."

After understanding the whole story, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized: "No wonder you beat Cancer..."

Bai Xiaofei has also heard about the Horcrux.

According to legend, it is a special invention of the soul civilization, similar to Zanpakuto, Yiku, and Perfection in Death God.

But it's more diverse and more involved than those.

Of course.

The most powerful of them is mainly weapons. After all, soul civilization is also a fighting civilization.

And their survival needs are very special.

This leads to the soul civilization having to kill more other civilizations, thereby expanding its territory and living environment.

Especially the forging, upgrading, and upgrading of those Horcruxes all require high-quality souls as the foundation.


The soul civilization once became the most frightening super civilization in the universe.

after all……

In the face of other civilization aggression, even if it is defeated, it may not be successful, at most it will be colonized and ruled.

But soul civilization is different.

People don't need a living person at all, as long as they need a soul, they will definitely die, even more terrible than death!

Who can stand this?


Tens of thousands of years ago, a vigorous uprising against the soul civilization broke out, and achieved considerable results. In the end, after paying a heavy price, it directly knocked the soul civilization back to the ancient prehistoric era.

Since then, all kinds of powerful Horcruxes originated from the soul civilization have become very precious and rare treasures in the universe.

In particular, some treasures that can be called artifacts are almost priceless, and money can't buy them!

Bai Xiaofei never expected it.

Uncle Locke actually possesses two soul civilization horcruxes that can be called artifacts.

One of the thoughts of compassion was even blew up by Uncle Locke, which caused unimaginable trouble to Cancer.


Taking advantage of the critical moment when Cancer was seriously injured and unsustainable, Jiao Niang and Fairy used their own powerful soul power to activate another stronger Horcrux - Death Scythe.

And this Horcrux, the most domineering special ability, is that it can cause stronger damage to the soul body!


This kind of damage is almost impossible to avoid.

Therefore, Cancer's golden holy garment was completely a decoration, and Death's Scythe directly attacked the powerful soul body that Bai Xiaofei specially bestowed on Cancer, so that he was completely defeated in the end.

This result made Bai Xiaofei very speechless.

after all.

The golden saints of the zodiac are all mechanically controlled, but Cancer is endowed with powerful soul power as a support because of its special ability.

Because all his tricks and abilities are based on the soul and the activation conditions. Without a soul, no matter how strong the technological ability is, it is useless.

Just like a clever woman can't cook without rice.


Ultimately this.

On the contrary, it has become the enemy's only weakness in defeating Cancer. If it was replaced by other gold saints, the death sickle is almost completely a display!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered to himself: "Forget it, I can only say that all of this is God's will, but it can force the enemy to explode a god-level Horcrux and reveal so many hole cards , is also a good harvest.”

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure teleported directly in front of Cancer.

At this moment, Cancer has been completely spread out on the ground, and the golden holy cloth looks a bit tattered and embarrassed.

Especially the internal special device, the most critical soul consciousness simulation central system was directly destroyed by the death sickle, resulting in the destruction of soul power, unable to support and drive Cancer's actions.

On the contrary, the intelligent system has not been greatly affected, but it only retains consciousness.

It is simply impossible to rely on the most basic action mode of Cancer to prevent the three goblins from leaving.


The three goblins have already left.

After all, their existence was caused by Cancer's ability. At the moment when Cancer's soul power was broken, the three of them were teleported away at the same time that the ability failed.

The souls returned to their respective places, and only Cancer remained in the pure land of the underworld, that is to say, Bai Xiaofei came a step late.


Someone doesn't care much about it.

Because if he wants to deal with these people, Bai Xiaofei has a lot of methods, such as passing the message to the golden lion in the fifth house, he can easily catch the enemy head-on by surprise!


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