The Storm God

Chapter 3662 Cowardly! (Please subscribe!)

"Is that the Dream Lord Murphys?"

On Dust Star, Aiya also found out that something was wrong through monitoring. While nervous, she was also very curious about this big boss.


She also had a very bold idea.

However, Aya did not act rashly after all, but immediately reported the situation to Bai Xiaofei truthfully.

And at this moment, Bai Xiaofei, because of the huge amount of information received in the pure land of the underworld, has already immersed all his mind in it, so he doesn't know the situation of the outside world.

The pure land of the underworld.

When Bai Xiaofei received the Cancer data, analyzed and deduced the ability of Reaper's Scythe, he did not forget to restore the surrounding environment.

after all.

This is the pure land of the underworld created by him.

Now because of the great war, it has been severely damaged, and the scope is extremely extensive. As the master, Bai Xiaofei must of course repair it.

The worst thing is to flatten this huge pit with an astonishing depth and width, otherwise, when Cancer brings people over again in the future, it will only be in the pit.

The key point is that Bai Xiaofei is still a person who pursues perfection.

Now that we have done it now, let's solve some of the bugs we found before.


Just like that, someone started a multi-tasking work mode in the pure land of the underworld, directly abandoning the outside world ruthlessly.

Anyway, it's just watching the show.

It doesn't matter anymore.


Not long after the start here, Bai Xiaofei immediately received a message from Aya, saying that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, seemed to have appeared on the stage.


Bai Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "It appeared so soon? It shouldn't be, could it be a mistake?"

"probably not!"

Aya explained: "The man's aura is extremely strong, terrifying and terrifying that he has never seen before, and as soon as he appeared on the stage, Long Zhan and others all showed extremely high fear and awe..."

"So there should be no mistake, that person is Morpheus, the God of Dreams. As for why he appeared so quickly..."

"I also don't quite understand. Could it be that Long Zhan and others are too slow, so they are going to do it themselves?"


Aya made what she believed to be reasonable doubts.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't behave like that, he shook his head and frowned and said, "No, Morpheus, the Dream God Lord, isn't that reckless, otherwise he wouldn't have made so many clones..."

"I think he seems to have another purpose, and why after he appeared, no one looked for him, but he found the goblin..."

"Is his purpose..."



Bai Xiaofei thought of a possibility.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, wants to use the energy of the goblin and others to analyze and guess his own abilities!

after all……

There is no underworld in this world.

Even if there is, it is definitely not the same as the underworld of the Saint Seiya world, that is to say, the ability of Cancer cannot be displayed in this world.

But Cancer just happened to succeed.

What does this mean?

It proves that Cancer must have used some special means to get through the connection with the underworld, so that his stunts can be displayed as he wants without being rejected by the world.

For example, create a small world of your own to use as the underworld activated and teleported by the stunt!

Cancer is just a piece of armor, without even its own consciousness and entity, so it is naturally impossible to have its own small world.

How did this underworld come about?

The only explanation can only come from other people, and the biggest possibility is undoubtedly Bai Xiaofei!

And Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has been looking for Bai Xiaofei for a long time.

Although he knew that Bai Xiaofei was on Sanddust Star, but that was hearsay and his own guess after all.

Can't do it right.

However, if one can analyze and research through the goblin's experience and memory, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, can roughly infer the level of the underworld associated with Cancer's stunt.

From this, it was analyzed whether it had anything to do with Bai Xiaofei.

If not, it would be a waste of work, but if there is, then it can prove that Bai Xiaofei is on the dust star!

If it were him, Bai Xiaofei would also be unable to resist coming to the scene in person and browsing the fairy's memories.

after all……

Small worlds can also be invaded.

Moreover, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had done it once before, so he was familiar with it, but he was tricked by Bai Xiaofei last time, and this time the other party was obviously fully prepared.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so impatient.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes immediately, and then he didn't care about analyzing and studying the data of Cancer, restoring the environment of the pure land of the underworld, and improving bugs.

Because there is absolutely no need for that.

With the ability of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, if the opponent really wants to invade the pure land of the underworld, there is hardly any difficulty.

after all.

The experience of the three goblins is a good clue.

Just like hackers left clues about IP addresses, people with a little more ability can find them along the way.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really came to the pure land of the underworld, he would inevitably have to start a great battle with Bai Xiaofei.

Together, let alone this pure land of the underworld, even other planets and galaxies may be affected tragically, once destroyed...

That's a fart to fix.

The correct operation is obviously to leave the pure land of the underworld as soon as possible, go to a relatively barren and remote area, and avoid your own losses as much as possible.

after all……

Everything here is Bai Xiaofei's property.

If anything is destroyed, Bai Xiaofei is the one who loses, if he is really stupid to start a war here, that would be a prodigal act!


"I have to change all the information and location coordinates here, otherwise I'm gone, and it's bad for him to mess around here..."

"Just use Apparatus to change the shadow, and replace the pure land of the underworld with a similar planet on the edge of the universe..."


Bai Xiaofei pondered secretly.

In the outside world, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has also obtained relevant information from the goblin, Jiao Niang, and Uncle Locke, and then said with a smile: "Very good!"

"It seems that this time I didn't run in vain. With this aura and level, the guy surnamed Bai can't be wrong..."

"Do you want to go in and meet him?"


He muttered to himself.

He didn't care about the thoughts and feelings of others at all, as if everyone around him didn't exist at all.

As for Long Zhan and others, they have long been accustomed to this, and some are just infinite awe and fear.

Standing in place one by one, maintaining humility, respect, and not daring to take a breath, showing the younger brother's posture vividly.

Including the Big Patta of the Nemesis team.

after all……

The boss aura of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is not a cover, although they are unhappy with his existence, they dare not show any disrespect.

Otherwise, once Morpheus, the God of Dreams, gets mad and there is no Darkseid present, no one will be able to save them.

Regardless of the reactions and thoughts of others.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, finally shook his head, and directly gave up his plan to invade the pure land of the underworld and meet Bai Xiaofei for a while.

Because, he wasn't sure if these were the traps that Bai Xiaofei deliberately set up for him. If so, wouldn't it be that if he went in by himself, he would be throwing himself into a trap, just jumping into a hole dug by others?

In addition, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had lost a clone in Bai Xiaofei's hands before, so he was even more jealous and suspicious.

To put it bluntly, I was cowardly!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, set his sights on Leo, and behind Leo, those other golden saints sitting in the defense of the sand and starry sky.

"I can't go to the underworld rashly, but these little troubles in front of me, let me vent a little bit..."


When Long Zhan and the others heard this, their eyes widened immediately.

Confused and bewildered.

I rely on!

The adults actually want to do it yourself?



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