The Storm God

Chapter 3663 The pride of the lion! (Please subscribe!)

at first.

Long Zhan and the others thought they heard it wrong.

after all……

What is the level of Oneiroi Morpheus?

These characters, in front of each other, are like ants. Who cares about some ants on the ground?

If you attack the ants, isn't that lowering your status for nothing?


The reality told them clearly that Long Zhan and the others did not hear or understand wrongly.

At this moment, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really wanted to do it.


It's not appropriate to say hands-on.

To be precise, it should be to vent the anger and depression in my heart.

Who made him dare not go to the underworld to find Bai Xiaofei? In the eyes of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, this matter was a sign of incompetence.

Although everyone at the scene is basically his little brother, even Dabada and others of the Nemesis team are all ants-like existences, and they don't know the inside story...

But Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just felt a little fever on his face.


He needs to vent.

To vent the anger in my heart, and to use this opportunity to force Bai Xiaofei to show up...

after all.

The enemy is in the dark, this feeling is too bad.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't believe it. After he killed all the golden men, Bai Xiaofei still didn't show up?

If so, then he will continue to attack the dust star.

Until Bai Xiaofei appeared!


And at the same time.

Aya on the dust star also immediately felt the terrifying pressure and malice from the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Even if it is controlled remotely, she can still feel that the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is obviously planning some kind of conspiracy.


Using big bullying to force Bai Xiaofei to show up or something.

So far.

Aiya didn't dare to neglect immediately.

Quickly let all the mechanical warriors enter the first-level combat readiness state, so that they can support the golden saint clothes at any time.

Fortunately, after this moment of rest and recovery, the three zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, and Gemini have almost recovered.

Gemini, in particular, did not receive too much damage. It can be said that he was completely full of blood and unscathed.

Under Aya's instruction, the three major gold groups dispatched to the battlefield together to support Leo.


Although Aya's reaction was fast enough.

But Morpheus, the God of Dreams, moved so much faster that Leo hadn't reacted to anything yet, and with a bang, he flew upside down.

That scene was almost like being hit by a comet. In an instant, Leo's golden holy clothes showed dense spider web shatters. Although it didn't explode on the spot, it almost reached the limit of collapse.

"So fast!"

"So strong!"

"too horrible!"

"Is this the strength of Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"

"Sure enough, beyond imagination!"


Aya was stunned for a moment.

Then immediately instruct the three Aries to form a shadow strategy and be careful, so as not to be directly KO'd like Leo.


The three golds did not hesitate.

Gathering together in an instant, a special three-talent formation was formed, and with the help of the formation, the power of the three was combined with each other to form a more powerful cosmic galaxy.

And almost at the moment when they had just completed the formation, an invincible terrifying force suddenly descended on the three of them.


There was a loud bang.

The trinity of Aries, Taurus, and Gemini were immediately bombarded and flew upside down.

But unlike Leo, the three of them didn't suffer too much damage because of the power of formation.

It's just more embarrassing.


The three of them flew upside down.

It still maintains the standard posture of shadow warfare.


Upon seeing this, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, immediately uttered a rather unexpected voice: "You can actually block my attack, but I have underestimated your ability and this formation..."


Long Zhan and others beside him were silent.

In fact.

They were all dumbfounded.

Although Long Zhan and others could see that Lord Morpheus, the God of Dreams, might want to attack the enemy, but the efficiency and speed are too terrifying, right?

Not to mention the enemy, even they have not reacted to anything now, it can be said that their faces are bewildered and shocked.

What the hell just happened?

How did Leo fly out? And the three golds, even if combined together, they can't withstand the attack of the adults...

very scary!


at the same time.

Leo, who was blown away inexplicably, finally stopped his figure at this moment after unremitting efforts.

It's just that his holy clothes are already covered with spider webs and may be in danger of collapsing at any time.

It stands to reason that it's all like this, Leo should have gone back to take a good rest, but the pride and dignity derived from the twelve golds did not allow Leo to go back in such a state of embarrassment.

At least……

You have to show your fists and let the enemy see your strength, otherwise you will just show your face and leave the stage. Where will I put my Leo's face in the future?


Leo exploded on the spot.

For the sake of dignity, he blocked everything, and the vast power was condensed almost instantly, and finally concentrated on Leo's fist.

Leo assumed a special posture, his waist was slightly bent, his right fist was closed to his waist and abdomen, and he was ready to go.

And his eyes radiated an incomparably dazzling light, and directly locked on to Murphys, the God of Dreams...


Long Zhan and the others sneered in their hearts: "What kind of character is Lord Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and who are you? You still want to punch him? It's simply beyond your control!"

In short.

Dream Team guys.

Not even the big Pattas of the Nemesis team, no one is optimistic about the current Leo, thinking that this guy is purely courting death.

Not to mention his tattered appearance now, even at the peak of his heyday, he was nothing more than an ant!

That's it……

Still want to punch the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus (my lord)?

It's ridiculous!


Leo doesn't care about that.

He has only one thought now, to concentrate his strength and unleash his strongest punch, even if it is smashed to pieces, he still wants to make the enemy look good!

This is what Leo believes in!


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, obviously saw through Leo's thoughts, then chuckled lightly, and said with admiration: "You can resist my normal attack without dying, and you can stand up and gather your strength to prepare for a counterattack... "

"I have to say, Leo, your ability is beyond my expectations, but! No matter how strong an ant is, it will still be an ant after all!"

"Throwing a fist at me is tantamount to moths jumping into a flame, but for the sake of your hard work and seriousness, I can look forward to it a little bit and see how powerful you are..."

"bring it on!"

After speaking, he put on a look ready to accept the move.

It was said to be a move, but in fact it was just standing there casually, without any intention of dodging or defending. ,

Obviously, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, believes that with his own level of strength, no matter how explosive Leo is, it is impossible to hurt him, so he has no intention of defending at all.

Just like an adult who can completely ignore the flying impact of a fly, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't take Leo's attack at all.

And the next moment.

Seeing that Leo's gaze suddenly froze, his virtual face gritted his teeth fiercely, and at the same time he shouted the name of the stunt, the terrifying power that had been accumulated for a long time in his right fist finally broke out completely.

"Lightning Speed ​​Fist!"


In the blink of an eye.

The entire cosmic starry sky was directly enveloped by an incomparably dazzling golden light, the darkness was dispelled, and the light swept everything.

at the same time……

A terrifying spherical lightning made of ultra-high pressure plastic, formed out of thin air, grows in the wind, and instantly turns into a terrifying planet spewing and rolling golden flames and thunder plasma!

And this planet directly crossed the space, and in a blink of an eye, it hit the reluctance of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

After getting closer, Long Zhan and the others were shocked to discover that there was a faint image of a golden lion roaring upwards inside the planet of terror.

Look at Leo again...


There are no one else.

Some are just an afterimage formed due to excessive speed. The real Leo has already blended into the terrifying planet in front of him, turning into a driving spirit.

Even if the price to pay for this is complete death!


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