The Storm God

Chapter 3664 What a mess! (Please subscribe!)


At this moment, Long Zhan and the others were collectively silent.

Because they have already felt Leo's fighting spirit and pride, even though this final blow that was thrown at everything failed to cause even the slightest damage to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but the other party's behavior, Still amazed and amazed!

To know.

That's not alone.

It's just an intelligent program, not even artificial intelligence, but it can do so much...

It's just incredible!

at the same time……

This also makes them ask themselves, in their own words, can they do this?

The answer is not necessarily!


It's quite shocking.

I think they are all the favored children of heaven, but now they can't even match the intelligence of one...

Just ask, who can stand this?

As for Leo's outburst stunt, will it cause any harm to Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord?

Feel sorry!

Long Zhan and the others were never worried about this point.

Although Leo's attack was indeed shocking, it made Long Zhan and others feel unprecedented pressure and threat...

But that's only for themselves.

In front of Lord Oneiroi Morpheus, these are not enough to see at all, after all, the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Just like an ant, even if it erupts with a thousand times, or even ten thousand times astonishing power, it is impossible to bring down an elephant.

The difference in dimensions determines the direction of the results.


development of facts.

It was far easier than Long Zhan and others expected.

Everyone in Long Zhan who came back to their senses only saw that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, seemed to be blowing lightly...


There's no after that.

As if blowing out a candle, the Lightning Light Speed ​​Fist, which was comparable in size to a real star, immediately went out completely.

Whether it's flame or thunder plasma.

Under the breath of Oneiroi Lord Murphys, everything was wiped out, followed by the sphere itself, as if it had encountered a paper model of a category 12 hurricane, and fell apart in an instant.

The powerful fist just now completely turned into photon dust all over the sky in the next moment, completely swallowed and submerged by the darkness of the universe, and returned to nothingness!


The final outbreak of Leo is just like that.

It didn't cause any harm to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, or even the slightest bit of tension.

What I got in exchange was only a sentence from Morpheus, the God of Dreams——


"I thought I had a lot of ability, but it turned out to be so vulnerable, wasting my expectation..."

"Sure enough, I think too highly of you guys!"


As soon as you exit, you will see old Versailles.

Long Zhan and the others were collectively speechless, resisting the urge to twitch at the corners of their mouths, but couldn't help complaining crazily in their hearts.


As expected of an adult, you pretend to be so fresh and refined!

I am really ashamed of myself!


And the other side.

Aya on Dust Star also had a very complicated expression on her face.


All the actions of Leo just now were not controlled by her, but the result of Leo's intelligent program, his own actions.

To this.

Aiya can only say that the intelligent program designed by Bai Xiaofei is simply too awesome, almost comparable to a real person.

Great personality, and know pride and dignity.

It is simply a weakened version of the mental simulation of the brain domain. If it is strengthened a little bit, there is almost no room for oneself to appear.


Aya's silence was not only because of this, but also because of some complicated data information just sent from Leo.

"This is……"

"Some information about the ability data of Morpheus, Lord of Oneiroi, obtained from the feedback during the attack?"

"Leo's purpose turned out to be this!"


Aya was shocked.

After seeing these data, she suddenly realized that Leo didn't just want to prove himself.

It is also to confirm and analyze some detailed data of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, at the risk of his own life!

This is really... amazing!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes and knew a lot of inside information, Aiya couldn't help but wonder if there was a real person hidden in Leo's body.

So brave and resourceful, let alone artificial intelligence, even some masters and wise men feel ashamed.

Don't see you.

Even a boss as strong as the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus is still kept in the dark and doesn't know anything.

Look at how proud he is, pretending to be the old Versailles, but he doesn't know that he has been calculated...

Aya instantly felt that these so-called super bosses were not as terrifying and frightening as imagined.

Let's just say Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Although strength is indeed terrifying, but in terms of seems to be the same!

Think here.

Aya, who was under a lot of pressure just now and flustered, suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

at the same time……

Aya also felt that she seemed to have underestimated the intelligent program of the Zodiac Golden Saints designed by Bai Xiaofei.

Their own remote operation may be far worse than letting them do it themselves.

So far.

Aiya suddenly had a bold idea.

Afterwards, she immediately gave the smart programs of these golden holy clothes quite high authority and combat freedom.

And from the Hongmeng Dark System, the remaining golden saint clothes are also equipped with the maximum energy supply.

It's completely like a hand-to-hand grasp.

Of course.

Aya's hands-off mastering was not done to be lazy, but to carefully study the data about the ability of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus that Leo sent back.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. If you want to defeat the enemy, how can you do it if you don't know the enemy?

As for the safety and defense of Dust Star?


Leave it to the Gold Saints.

Anyway, after what happened to Leo, Aya has a lot of recognition and trust in their abilities.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be a hands-off shopkeeper at this juncture.

And in fact.

The Golden Saints did not disappoint Aya. After gaining full fighting freedom and enough energy allocation, the Aries, Taurus, and Gemini on the battlefield all seemed to be different individuals.

Especially Gemini!

after all.

This is a legend.

When Bai Xiaofei designed Gemini, he specially created a special combat system for it.

The law of spirit, the law of space, justice and evil, light and darkness, dual intelligent program assistance...

These are enough to show that Gemini is special and powerful.


The battle of the three golden saints is completely dominated by Gemini, assisted by Aries, supported by Taurus, and his Galaxy Starburst is the absolute main force, none of them!

Even if the opponent is such a terrifying existence as the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, it is completely worthwhile to use the three golds of the Shadow Warfare.

Even though most of the attacks were ineffective, the casual attacks of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus had gradually become less terrifying to them.


The most recent attack.

It was even directly transferred to another place on the spot by Gemini with the ability of different dimension space!


Seeing that his attack was diverted away, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was taken aback, his voice full of surprise and surprise.

The onlookers such as Long Zhan were even more shocked, their eyes widened, their faces full of bewilderment and disbelief.


That was the attack of Oneiroi Lord Murphys (sir).

Although it was just a casual attack, it definitely wasn't something that the three ants could casually transfer away.

But they just did it!


It's outrageous!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, even if they were killed, Long Zhan and other onlookers would never believe that three golds could actually divert the attack of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys away!

What a mess! ?


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