The Storm God

Chapter 3665 Don't admit defeat! (Please subscribe!)


This time, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was also interested, his face shrouded in darkness was a little too high.

It seems to be looking squarely at the three golds on the opposite side.

And before...

He was dismissive.

Apparently, the means by which the Three Golds diverted away the power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys' attack just now was beyond the expectations of the boss.

It also aroused his interest.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, strikes again.

But this time, compared to the previous silent, invisible and qualityless normal attack, it was obviously a little more powerful.

At least……

Everyone can clearly feel that there is a terrifying energy gathering in the void.

As for what power it is, it is unknown.

After all, that is Morpheus, the God of Dreams, a super boss, and a saint-like existence, which is beyond what people like Long Zhan can imagine and speculate.

Because the two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

The same goes for Aya.

Of course.

Compared with Long Zhan and the others, Aiya has a huge advantage, that is, it is directly connected to the Hongmeng Dark System.

In this way, Aya has the ability to know the higher-level power in advance, but the key problem is that the person who controls the golden holy clothes is not her, but the intelligent program designed by Bai Xiaofei for the twelve golden holy clothes.


Aiya is also researching and analyzing the data transmitted by Leo. As a result of being distracted, she cannot grasp the real-time situation on the scene in the first place.

This led to San Jinjin's expression of bewilderment and vigilance towards Murphys, the God of Dreams, again.

Didn't even know what was going on.


Their detectors can't analyze anything, they only know that the enemy is brewing a terrible move.

But what is this killer move is a question mark.

As a result, they can't even prepare in advance for how to defend, and can only follow the most basic mode to guard against and respond to attacks that may come at any time.

In short.

Quite passive!

And this process is quite short.

Almost instantly, the terrifying power of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, had just condensed and was perceived by everyone...

next moment.

The formation of three golds was met with a terrifying attack.

It's like a super comet is crashing towards the earth. Even if the two sides have not officially contacted each other, the gravitational effect between the planets has already started the confrontation.

The trinity battle formation formed by the shadow tactics immediately encountered unprecedented oppression and blows.

The invisible defensive power of the array instantly became stylish, and then it was like a balloon being compressed by gravity, deforming rapidly, looking like it might burst at any time.

Within the array.

Gemini held his hands tightly.

He seemed to want to use the ability of another dimension to transfer this oppressive force away, but he failed.

Not even the slightest bit.

Aries and Taurus are also not idle. The crystal wall and the Taurus aura have been cast one after another, but none of them have any effect.

on the contrary.

Their shadow battle formation was further squeezed.

The situation of the three is precarious.

"it's useless!"

At this time, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, explained in a rare way: "My attack this time is the method of space gravity oppression. Unless your strength reaches the same level as mine, it is impossible to break free and counteract this force." powerful……"

"Not always!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Gemini gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "As long as it is the power of space, there is nothing I can't grasp!"


next moment.

Gemini broke out directly.

A tyrannical force of terror suddenly surged out.

The shadow battle formation of the three also seemed to be supported by strong air pressure, and the deflated balloon immediately inflated again.

It actually faintly blocked the power of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord. Although not all of them, they had already begun to switch from defense to offense.

Not just him.

The crystal wall of Aries seems to be mixed with some special power. It turned into layers of circular fortresses, attached to the inner and outer layers of the shadow battle formation.

It is as if the strength and thickness of the barrier have been enhanced for this balloon, allowing its upper limit to increase sharply.

at the same time……

The Taurus sign of Taurus.

It also turned into an indomitable and unyielding Taurus, helping Gemini, fighting against the enemy together, stubbornly bearing the oppression of gravity in space, and refusing to admit defeat!

With the concerted efforts of the three golds, they actually suppressed the gravitational force of space released by Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and pushed it back abruptly.

The two sides began to compete with each other, you come and go, and each other advances and retreats.


Seeing this scene, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, couldn't help being slightly surprised again, and said quite unexpectedly: "He actually directly understood the mystery of my move, and exploded with even stronger power..."

"Interesting, it seems that these armors of yours have far more potential than I imagined. You can actually temporarily use the power of my level without exploding and collapsing..."

"However, how long can you hold on?"

"Three minutes, one minute?"

"Or less?"


Big guys are big guys.

His vision was really vicious and terrific, and he was surprised, but he could see San Jinjin's current situation at a glance.


They are fighting hard.

After all, the power they are facing is too much beyond their limit. Even though Aya has opened the limit for the golden saints, they can use the power of the Hongmeng dark system to the greatest extent for their own use, but their bodies can't bear it at all. live.

it's not...

It was just a moment of effort.

Cracks and shatters appeared on the body of the three golden holy clothes to varying degrees, and as time went by, there were more and more cracks and shatters.

And these injuries are not caused by external damage, but from their own inner self.

in short.

The power they borrowed is still too terrifying and powerful.

Although they could barely withstand the tricks and power of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, their bodies couldn't last too long.

Like an electric current.

There is a limit to the current and voltage that half of ordinary wires can withstand, and once it exceeds, disaster will occur.

the same way.

The power borrowed by Three Gold is too strong, and it is also unbearable by itself.

It was also fortunate to have the support and sharing of the Shadow Battle Formation, which prevented them from blowing themselves up on the spot, otherwise they would have been gone long ago.

But even so.

They won't last long either.

after all……

The current situation is that the Three Golds not only have to face external terrorist attacks and pressure, but also suffer the destruction of internal power, just like the cream in a sandwich biscuit...

Take jujube pills.


Morpheus, God of Dreams, sneered.

Otherwise, he would have already stepped up his efforts and continued to attack San Jinjin, so how could he just sit back and watch the changes.

Even if he doesn't make a move later, San Jinjin won't be able to last for long. Instead of making a move to pressurize him, it's better to watch the show in silence and wait for San Jinjin to kill himself.

This is also a kind of pretense and enjoyment, isn't it?


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, really likes this tone, especially those like San Jinjin who would rather die than surrender. The more fierce the resistance, the more excited he is.

And when Aya found out that the situation was not good, it was already too late. The three gold holy clothes were basically covered with dense shards, and looked like they might collapse at any time.


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