The Storm God

Chapter 3666 Use more to bully less! (Please subscribe!)

"Is it still not working?"

To be honest, seeing this result, Aya was quite surprised.

Whether it resisted the stronger attack of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, or the shattering of the golden holy cloth...

after all.

The opponent is a super boss!

Essentially different!

at the same time.

Also within reason.

You must know that the current Zodiac Golden Saint Cloth is just a test product produced by Bai Xiaofei's temporary work.

The materials are not bad, but they are not top-notch, otherwise they would not be defeated by Uncle Locke and others.

If they were all made of the material of Emperor Armament, or even better, then the result would definitely be different.

Among other things, at least now he can definitely bear Bai Xiaofei's power safely...

That is.

The three golds were not lost to the opponent, but to themselves.

If their own material is strong enough, with their abilities and the strength provided by Bai Xiaofei, even if the opponent is the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, they can definitely break their wrists.

Although in the final result, it is still possible to lose, but at least it can last longer, and even cause some trouble to the opponent, instead of completely watching the show for the enemy as it is now.


Aya shook her head helplessly.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more, after all, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, belongs to the existence of the boss level.

The other party's appearance in person is already seriously breaking the rules. It's like a group of kindergarten children playing for fun, but an adult black belt master jumped out and insisted on competing with these children. The result is self-evident.

The only ones who can deal with each other are players of the same level.

That is Bai Xiaofei!


Right now Bai Xiaofei is busy with other things.

Even Aya herself is busy analyzing the information sent back by Leo, so they are powerless and helpless about the three golds.

Of course.

The most important thing is that they are all experimental finished products, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't care at all, and they are used to test various data and results, so it doesn't matter whether they are destroyed or not.

After all, the other party must be able to bully the small, there is no cure!

Of course, Aya also knew the purpose of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and it was nothing more than forcing Bai Xiaofei to show up, or using stronger means.

It's like playing chess.

When the two sides exchange moves, soldiers will come and go, there must be some chess pieces, which need to be sacrificed and paid, otherwise there will be no follow-up tricks and tricks, and even a complete victory in the end.

The army of monsters and the twelve gold pieces are all chess pieces, the difference is that they serve different functions.

And with the appearance of Morpheus, God of Dreams, there is no doubt that the role of Leo and Aries three golds has been instantly raised to the maximum.

Even if all the sacrifices are made, it is worth it.


To understand is to understand.

The situation should return or return.

After all, Aiya is not the general on the chessboard, but Bai Xiaofei is, all the overall situation must be dominated by Bai Xiaofei!


Aya notified Bai Xiaofei of the situation.

But at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's mind is mainly focused on Cancer in the pure land of the underworld.

Although Uncle Locke's strength is lower than Bai Xiaofei's, the Horcrux possessed by the other party has a lot of history.


Uncle Locke's professional ability also attracted Bai Xiaofei's attention.

After all, that is the famous DNF, and the strong ones, such as masters and apprentices, are quite terrifying and powerful.

Especially some of the abilities are really abnormal.

It's like being resurrected!


This is definitely a magic skill.

none of them!

Although Bai Xiaofei can also revive people, but the mechanism is different. Compared with Uncle Locke's ability, it seems very troublesome and troublesome.

Although this magical skill is not omnipotent, and there are various restrictions, but in general, it is still quite awesome.

If you can decipher it and reproduce it, and put it under your command, you can create an army of daddies...

The effect is incredible!


Uncle Locke didn't use this ability very much, and what Cancer experienced personally was more related to Horcruxes.


Bai Xiaofei can only settle for the next best thing now.

Try to see if you can analyze the compassion of the Horcrux and the mystery of the Death Scythe through data information and retrospective ability.

If this is successful, with Bai Xiaofei's strength and methods, it will definitely not be a problem if he wants to reproduce a similar Horcrux.


It's not too late for Bai Xiaofei to come.

Moreover, the analysis and research were carried out at the first time, and Uncle Locke was in the pure land of the underworld, he did not lack the ability to display the horcrux's compassion, so Bai Xiaofei did not spend much effort, and quickly collected information about the horcrux's compassion. All the data information of Zhinian.

After that is the analysis and decryption.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei was also a little strange.

What's going on with that fellow Oneiroi Morpheus? It stands to reason that it should not be difficult to deduce the existence of the underworld, right?

He even shifted the location coordinates specially, just waiting for the other party to come in, but fortunately, he didn't play cards according to the routine at all!

It's fine if you don't come in to make trouble for yourself, but you still bully the little one and directly spread the fire on the golden saint?

What about your morals?


Bai Xiaofei didn't live and die with twelve golds, he just used this battle as an experiment, but he didn't want to see this kind of situation.

Because this is not a test at all, but pure ravages and beatings. Although Bai Xiaofei can finally gain some data, those poor data, compared with the losses of the Zodiac, are too little!

It's completely beyond my means!


It's so annoying!

I really think that I don't have any awesome masters here.

very good!

Since you don't talk about Wude, then don't blame Lao Tzu's tricks, because you forced me to do all this!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled coldly.

While putting away Cancer, he also immediately conveyed an instruction to Aya: "Command the rest of the golden saints to dispatch!"


Aya was a little confused.

Let the rest of the gold saints all take action?


what's the situation?

The opponent is Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Even if all the golden saints fight together, I'm afraid they are not opponents of each other, right?

Isn't this a gift?


Bai Xiaofei seemed to have expected that Aya would have doubts, and immediately explained with a sneer: "Don't get me wrong, the rest of the golden saints are sent out together, not to deal with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, but to get rid of him. Those other masters of the same level..."


Aya is smart.

Before Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, she immediately came to her senses, and her eyes lit up: "Sir, what do you mean..."

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei's voice was full of killing intent: "Since he can bully the small with the big, then I can also bully the small with the more!"

"Who doesn't know how to bully the weak?"

"It's just to see who is more ruthless!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes were serious, full of indifference: "The things on my side will take some time, I believe this should be able to delay for a while, that's the gist, and you can handle the rest yourself!"


Aya nodded heavily.

This feeling of being completely trusted and entrusted with a heavy responsibility made her very moved and excited, and she couldn't help but want to appear on the stage in person and fight the enemy for 300 rounds.

But eventually, Aya forced herself to calm down.


Same as Bai Xiaofei.

She also has important things to deal with at hand, and Aya also has a more important mission, so it is impossible to show up now.

Anyway, Dust Star still has many methods!

Isn't it just bullying the few with the more?

This is easy!

after all……

What Dust Star lacks most is "people".


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