The Storm God

Chapter 3668 Deal! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the sudden appearance of the enemy, Long Zhan was slightly taken aback, and then immediately put on a fighting stance.

To know.

In the world of saints, Virgo is known as the man closest to God, and Gemini is almost the strongest existence in the zodiac.

According to the strength shown by Aries and Gemini before, this Virgo is probably not weak at all.

Even stronger!

If it was when he was not injured before, Long Zhan would not be afraid of Virgo, but it is different now.


Long Zhan's strength hadn't fully recovered in the first place, and he was injured by the aftermath of A.E.

The current level is basically only about 70% of the original level. On the other hand, Virgo is full of blood.

In this comparison, the gap naturally came out.

Long Zhan had to deal with it carefully.


Just then.


The golden light in the void shone again, and then a golden figure appeared in Long Zhanqiang.

He was dressed in golden yellow, bright and dazzling, and he looked like a golden saint at first glance, but unlike other golden saints, this one was covered with weapons!


Seeing this Jin, Long Zhan's originally ugly face suddenly became more serious.

Libra, although the record is not obvious, but it is the most special existence, because he is the only fighter among the twelve golds who is allowed to use weapons by Athena.

Of course, the Sagittarius one doesn't count, that's what comes with it, otherwise you can be called a hairy shooter without a bow and arrow?


Athena forbids holy fighters to use weapons, and Libra's weapon, fighter ultimate move, is only allowed to be used in the last lesson.

Libra's weapons can be divided into twelve pieces, which are obviously specially equipped for other golds.

But if other gold wants to use the weapon of the balance, it needs special approval...

These are enough to explain the special status of Libra.

It's hard enough for a Virgo, but now it's good, even the Libra is over...


This is determined to kill me!

Long Zhan smiled bitterly in his heart.


at the same time.

Another star field in the universe starry sky.

Hao Tian, ​​who was also impacted by A.E's destructive light to an unfamiliar area, also encountered the same situation as Long Zhan.


What appeared in front of him was Capricorn and Scorpio.

Both of them are golden saints who are extremely good at attacking, and they obviously want to be tough with Haotian, the sword fairy.

Haotian: "..."

Two against one, and the attack is specifically aimed at me...

I am too difficult!


The third starry sky.

Only the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth are left beside her, but the goblin, which also looks tattered, is also chased by the golden saint.

What appeared in front of him was the extremely beautiful Pisces, and the Sagittarius who was armed with weapons like Libra.


On the side of the elemental Jiao Niang, after recovering her body, she looked very embarrassed. There were scars everywhere on the fiery devil's body, which made people feel distressed.


It's a pity that the enemy in front of her is a cold and ruthless person - the coldest Aquarius in the zodiac!

Just like a charming and affectionate woman who meets a straight man of steel, Jiaoniang is immediately hit hard and extremely depressed.

Because such an enemy is the most capable of restraining her.

Although it is not like other teammates who are beaten by the enemy two to one, but for a guy like Aquarius who is extremely restrained, one is enough.

If it was really a two-on-one fight, there would be no suspense at all, and Jiao Niang would probably choose to surrender on the spot.

And now.

She could only smile wryly to herself.

But depression is depression, and the resistance is still to be resisted.

Jiao Niang didn't completely give up all hope just because Aquarius restrained herself more.

Her eyes were full of determination.


There are five people in the fantasy team.

In addition to the above four, only Uncle Locke is left.

Among the five, although Uncle Locke is not the strongest, he definitely has the most means.

His angel guard helped him resist most of the attacks. Except for the high energy consumption, Uncle Locke didn't suffer any damage.

It can be said that among the five, the state is the best.


He was also rushed to other star fields, and after learning about his situation, Uncle Locke immediately gave himself a sip of milk without saying a word, and the healing wind accelerated the recovery speed of everything.

follow closely.

Uncle Locke met his enemy——

A stalwart man who looks extremely casual in his attire, but has an extraordinary image and demeanor, giving people a sense of incomparable ignorance.

The most important thing is that this man is not an entity.

Just a projection!


This person is Bai Xiaofei.

In view of Uncle Locke's special ability, Bai Xiaofei decided to meet him in person, but due to the relationship with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, he could only show up in the form of a projection to avoid being tricked by the other party.

But even so, it was enough to shock and astonish Uncle Locke, because even if it was a projection, its level of strength was definitely not something he could easily contend with now.

"Who are you……"

Uncle Locke's eyes widened in horror, not daring to say anything: "The legendary Bai Xiaofei..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Looking carefully at Uncle Locke in front of him, he replied: "It seems that you basically already know about me, but you don't know exactly how you see me?"

"Would you like to tell me?"


Uncle Locke was silent.

I crazily complained in my heart: "Damn, we are enemies, okay, shouldn't we just meet each other and die? What the hell are you talking about when you come up?"

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about Uncle Locke's non-cooperation, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said: "Well, it seems that you don't really want to talk about this, since that's the case, then let's talk about something else."

"For example, how did you obtain your paladin skills? Was it endowed by the reincarnation space, or was it harvested from other places? Other than what you have shown before, what else do you have?"

"Are you proficient in magic skills?"


You're welcome.

There was a series of inquiries at the beginning, and Uncle Locke was confused on the spot: "How do you know my ability..."


Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "It seems that your ability should not be endowed by the space of reincarnation, otherwise you wouldn't be so surprised and surprised. If you say this, then you obtained it in other worlds?"

"Have you been to that world?"


Uncle Locke was silent again.

He suddenly realized that he had lost his composure. If he continued like this, he might not be long before the other party would get all his secrets out, so he felt that he would not say anything in the future.

Maintaining the status quo!


Uncle Locke couldn't help being curious and puzzled: "I entered that world by accident, and even the reincarnation space doesn't have coordinates there, how did Bai Xiaofei know?"

"Has he been there too?"

"However, I have stayed there for decades, why have I never heard of his deeds? Even if he changes his name, it is impossible for him to have any clues?"

"Or did he hear about that world from some special channel? But why did he come to me in person?"

"Could it be my ability!"


Think here.

Uncle Locke not only became nervous.

And Bai Xiaofei also seemed to see through his mind, and the smile on his face became even stronger: "That's right, Locke, I am indeed interested in some of your abilities, if you are willing to tell me the secret, I will I can satisfy your wish that is not too much..."

It's a showdown, I'm here to make a deal with you.


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