The Storm God

Chapter 3669 Threat! (Please subscribe!)


Uncle Locke was stunned again.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on his face, we are enemies, forgot that you actually wanted to make a deal with me...

What a joke!


He just wanted to say, "Impossible..."

In the end, Bai Xiaofei wanted to interrupt first: "Don't rush to refuse, before answering, I think you should read something..."


Bai Xiaofei's projection lightly waved his palm.

next moment.

In front of Uncle Locke, four pictures suddenly appeared, and the content displayed was impressively the current situation of Long Zhan and others.

It's just that their situation is very difficult, even dangerous. It's a situation where they are completely beaten and tortured, and they may die at any time.

Especially Long Zhan, who is the boss.

after all……

his opponent.

But Gemini and Libra are two rivals.

Even though Long Zhan had to use some of his trump cards and trump cards now, facing the combined attack of two powerful enemies, it was still a bit insignificant, and he was beaten and crushed all the way.


The golden light around Long Zhan was almost shattered, he looked like a beggar, how could he still have the prestige before?

Under the attack of Virgo and Libra, he is like a baby, with almost no power to fight back.

Especially at this moment in the picture.

Libra actually used the long sword in his hand to directly break Long Zhan's tendons and hamstrings. Although such an injury was nothing to a top expert like Long Zhan, it couldn't withstand the erosion of the strength of the sword.

That is.

The injury of the tendons and hamstrings is not important, the erosion of the strength of Libra is the key, and as time goes by, the torture and pain Long Zhan will suffer will become more and more serious.

the other side.

Haotian was also miserable.

The state of the unity of human and sword has long since ceased to exist, and even the fairy sword in his hand has become a broken and damaged state.

His whole body was like a blood man, with all kinds of horrible scars and wounds everywhere.

There are sword wounds, and there are also special wounds like pinholes.


These are all thanks to Capricorn and Scorpio.

The most serious wound was even less than half a centimeter away from Haotian's heart.

And when Uncle Locke saw it, it happened that Capricorn used the holy sword in his hand to crush Haotian like a dog.

As for the Scorpio, standing quietly somewhere, the scarlet poisonous needle in his hand was directly aimed at Hao Tian's brow!


The third picture is about fairies.


In the past, the goblin who attacked the incomparably gorgeous goblin was pale at the moment, hiding in hiding, not to mention how hard it was.

And around him, there are endless flowers.


The goblin seemed to be in a sea of ​​flowers. The elemental abilities he mentioned were swallowed and absorbed by these endless seas of flowers.

Not to mention, besides the sea of ​​flowers, there is a more difficult Sagittarius, every time he makes a move, he will pose a fatal threat to the goblin!

Although the goblin managed to dodge it almost every time, it always left some large and small scars on its body.


Sagittarius this is intentional.

But now, when Uncle Locke looked over, Sagittarius suddenly smiled slightly, and the arrow in his hand moved up slightly, aiming directly at the goblin's chest.

There is the deadly core of the goblin, and his goblin heart is hidden in it. Once the core is broken, the gods will be hard to save!


The last picture is the girl.

Although her enemy is only Aquarius, it seems very easy, but in fact, Jiaoniang is the hardest and most dangerous one among them.


The ability of Aquarius is too buggy.

The absolute zero, which can almost freeze everything, is too restraining for Jiaoniang's ability.

No matter how Jiaoniang used her charming power, it would not help the matter, either it would end up being frozen halfway, or it would be completely ineffective.

On the other hand, every attack by Aquarius can make Jiaoniang extremely depressed, even silently and invisible, creating an absolute ice field, completely sealing Jiaoniang's dodging space and retreat.

Especially right now.

Jiaoniang's hot body was directly covered with thick ice crystals, as if half of it had been integrated into it, and it looked full of different temptations and charms.

But at the same time……

The coldness and death brought by absolute zero are gradually devouring Jiao Niang's vitality and life.


After seeing the situation of his teammates, Uncle Locke was shocked, paled in horror, and became nervous.

at the same time.

He also understood.

The purpose of Bai Xiaofei showing this to himself is clearly to write about himself, either obediently cooperate with him, or...

Just watched these companions get completely killed!

How to choose is entirely up to you!


Uncle Locke's teeth clenched together fiercely, glared at Bai Xiaofei, and shouted, "All of this is your plan?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything.

He admitted generously: "Who told your boss not to talk about martial arts first, and to bully the small with the big, it's not embarrassing!"

"For the sake of fairness, I naturally have to express it well. Bullying the few with the big vs. bullying the small with the big, is there nothing wrong?"


Someone is at ease.

Uncle Locke, who heard the words, was slightly startled at first, but then frowned again, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Then you came to make a deal with me again and threatened me?"

"Just by the way!"

Bai Xiaofei shrugged.

He didn't feel that there was any shame in doing this, and he curled his lips and said: "Even if we don't make a deal with you, how should we deal with them? It's just that because we want to make a deal with you, these things that must be done, It became a kind of bargaining chip..."

"I don't believe you don't understand such a simple truth!"


Uncle Locke was silent.

He had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what Bai Xiaofei said.

Because it is indeed Master Morpheus, the God of Dreams, who doesn't talk about martial arts first, and bullies the small with the big, what's wrong with others bullying the small with the more?

If it were me, I'm afraid I would do the same.

after all……

This is war.

Isn't it right to do everything in order to win?

Why do you hate others?

not to mention.

Because of the transaction.

He has already shown mercy to his teammates, let alone what he can say.


If there is no transaction, I am afraid that Long Zhan and others have already died!

Even myself is not much better!

So far.

Uncle Locke immediately recognized his current situation, and there was no room for bargaining with Bai Xiaofei at all.


The deal is easy to say.

But what about after the deal?

You know, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If he knew that he actually made a deal with Bai Xiaofei, even if he was forced, he probably wouldn't let him go.

Uncle Locke is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will implicate Long Zhan and others. After all, they have seen the methods of Morpheus, Lord of Dreams with their own eyes, and sometimes they are even scarier than death!

This is the real reason for his hesitation.


some moment.

Uncle Locke suddenly looked up at Bai Xiaofei, squinted his eyes and asked, "How do you want to trade? And what ability do you want from me? Can you keep this matter a secret?"

Ask three times in a row.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this either, and answered every question: "Pay the money with one hand, and deliver the goods with one hand! As for your ability, it depends on your own value. After all, I have the initiative now, and you have no right to refuse... ..."

"As for keeping it secret or not, it depends on my mood."


Uncle Locke was silent.


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