The Storm God

Chapter 3670 Cut! (Please subscribe!)

In fact.

Of course, Uncle Locke also understands his current situation, and the conditions just now were just asked by him with the mentality of giving it a try.


Unsurprisingly, people don't care about themselves at all.

Think about it too.

The two sides are in a hostile relationship.

Apart from confrontation, there is no friendship at all, and people have completely taken the initiative, so why should they care about their own feelings?

If it were me, I'm afraid I wouldn't do it either.

"That's all!"

Uncle Locke secretly sighed in his heart.

He who considers himself unlucky, now this can only be wronged and compromised, otherwise what should he do? Watching Long Zhan and others being killed, and then being killed again?

Uncle Locke is not stupid.

He knew very well that when his strength reached Bai Xiaofei's level, he wanted to achieve certain goals...

For example, to obtain one's own ability, in fact, there is no need to bother about one's own attitude. People can use simpler and more brutal means.

Such as Seizing Soul and Locking Soul or something.


Bai Xiaofei didn't do this, but wanted to make a deal with himself, which seemed very strange.

The only explanation is that the other party is paying attention first.

If you know what is good and what is bad, then this is just a pure transaction. Although the means are a little tricky, this is war after all!

It's not too much to say.


It is also possible that I and others do not need to die, because there is actually no deep hatred between the two parties, but just different positions.

Of course.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, knew about this matter, the fate of Uncle Locke and others would naturally not be any better.

But that's not about Bai Xiaofei's business.

All he wants is ability!


After figuring out the key.

Uncle Locke didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately agreed to Bai Xiaofei's request, nodded and said: "Just do as you said, but let my teammates go first, otherwise if you play tricks..."

The words are not finished yet.


Uncle Locke was completely stunned.

Because he was shocked to find that the moment he agreed to the deal, the golden saint in the four pictures stopped moving, as if he could feel the situation here.

Incomparably timely.


Seeing this, Uncle Locke's subsequent words suddenly became meaningless.

Although Long Zhan and others are still under the threat of the Golden Saint Seiya, at least they are not in danger now.


Once the four directions attack, there will inevitably be a fall.

Uncle Locke couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief when his teammates were offline. Then, he raised his head and looked at Bai Xiaofei.

"Now you can do whatever you want!"

As he said that, he directly withdrew his own strength, and faced Bai Xiaofei in a normal state, as if he was at his mercy.

He believes.

Bai Xiaofei must have a special means to know his own ability information from himself.

And it is true.

"I am coming!"

Seeing Uncle Locke's cooperation, Bai Xiaofei was not polite to him. With a wave of faith, his extremely powerful consciousness instantly invaded Uncle Locke's sea of ​​soul consciousness.


The vast and magnificent memory pictures instantly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

These are all Locke's memories.

And among them.

Including the ability he acquired.

As well as all the memories experienced in the reincarnation space in the past, it is like invading other people's computers, Bai Xiaofei can browse at will, and even tamper with everything about Locke.


The premise is that Locke is defenseless against Bai Xiaofei.

It is generally impossible to achieve this level, and Bai Xiaofei also calculated properly to be able to do it so easily.

Closer to home.

Uncle Locke's cooperation made it easier for Bai Xiaofei to move, and soon he found information about that world from Locke's huge memory.

Sure enough, as Bai Xiaofei expected, Locke's paladin ability was obtained by accident in the DNF world.

Not only paladins, but even exorcists, blue boxing, and some Avenger skills, Locke has also dabbled.


What Locke is best at is undoubtedly the ability of paladins.

After all, human energy is limited, and talents and resources are also in short supply. It is impossible for Locke to master all abilities.


Locke is the most proficient in the two routes and modes of paladins, so he has become the god-level daddy in the fantasy team.

And if he was fighting alone, he would usually use the abilities of the Judgment Department, as well as the skills of other professions.

For example, the Xuanwu formation of the Exorcist, and the totem power of the Blue Fist.

Because most of the Avenger's abilities are related to demonization, and at the same time they are opposed to his own sacred power, so he can be said to be the worst among Locke's priest skills.

Almost negligible.

Among these skills, Bai Xiaofei's most important ability is undoubtedly the resurrection technique, and the awakening technique - Grandma Kelie!

The importance of resurrection is self-evident.

No one can do without it.

Absolute number one.

in addition……

It is the awakening technique of professionals.

It is worth mentioning that because of energy and resources, although Locke successfully awakened after unremitting efforts, he did not raise his awakening skills to the strongest level.

According to the level in the game, it is probably the peak of the first sense, and the appearance of the second sense, not to mention the stronger third sense.


To Bai Xiaofei's great excitement and surprise, although Locke didn't have all the abilities of a clergyman, he did possess the secret knowledge of all professions!

According to Locke's memory, this is an inheritance he accidentally obtained in the ruins of a certain temple.

He has all the abilities of the four professions, he just focused on learning the paladin skills that suit him the most.

The skills and cultivation methods of the other three major professions are also preserved in Locke's memory.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to copy this inherited memory, and later he can organize it into four professional training systems exclusive to priests.

The angelic power of the paladin, the demonization ability of the avenger, the mystery of the blue fist, the blue dragon and fire phoenix that exorcise demons...

Almost all of these can be reproduced.

"Be good!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he said with joy, "This is really a treasure!"

next moment.

He unceremoniously cut Locke's memory.

Yes, cut, not copy.


this special ability.

Bai Xiaofei will never allow others to own it, especially if the other party is an enemy against him, it is even more impossible!


In view of Locke's active cooperation.

Bai Xiaofei didn't do things so brilliantly, except for cutting away Locke's resurrection magic skill and Grandma Keley's awakening ability, the rest of the paladin's abilities were not touched at all.

Because those abilities are dispensable at all, and there are almost a handful of abilities that are similar or similar to them.

There is no specific need at all.

Unlike resurrection magic skills and awakening abilities, at critical moments, the effect is amazing.

Even though there are countless masters in the reincarnation space, and their abilities are as numerous as stars, there are generally very few magic weapons or skills that can have similar effects.

Moreover, each of them is extremely expensive, and most people can't afford it at all. Even if they can afford it, the various restrictions are too many to make people speechless.

On the other hand, the holy knight's resurrection skill is different.

As long as the state is applied in advance, no matter what the situation is, it can almost resurrect you.

This is very perverted!

As for the awakening technique, needless to say, it is completely proportional to the ability of the caster.

It is almost the strongest magic skill that can be improved as long as you live, with unlimited potential and no upper limit on power!

Even a boss like Bai Xiaofei, practicing this kind of magical skill, can produce unexpected and terrifying effects.

Such a good thing, of course, cannot be cheaper than others!


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