The Storm God

Chapter 3671 Seven Deadly Sins! (Please subscribe!)


Here, in Locke's sea of ​​soul consciousness, Bai Xiaofei plundered wantonly, unceremoniously, gained a lot, and made a lot of money.

Uncle Locke, on the other hand, felt instantly that something was being stripped away from him...


For a while, Uncle Locke didn't know what it was.

After all, he is now a man for the sword and I for the fish, extremely passive, everything can only be done by Bai Xiaofei's winks.

So what if you know?

Can you still resist?



If that was the case, you wouldn't obediently surrender and agree to Bai Xiaofei's deal from the very beginning, Uncle Locke.

The current Uncle Locke only hopes that after Bai Xiaofei succeeds, he will not cross the river and tear down the bridge, and go back on his word.

Otherwise, he would have no place to cry.


In the sea of ​​soul consciousness.

Regardless of Uncle Locke's thoughts and reactions.

Bai Xiaofei's spiritual consciousness, while cutting the inheritance memory of the copyer clergyman, browsed Locke's other memories happily.


His understanding of Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

It's a pity that even the fantasy team doesn't have much contact with the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, most of them are in the form of orders.

The most enemies encountered by the fantasy team are mainly the strong men of other heavenly worlds in the reincarnation space.

Some are native aborigines, while others are other team members in the reincarnation space.

after all.

The reincarnation space is originally a bloody purgatory training ground, just like raising Gu, only the strong can survive.

The fantasy team can survive so far, in addition to their own strength, they are also inseparable from the rest of themselves.

Just like Dragon War.

This guy has actually entered the world of "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker", and after completing the task, he was lucky enough to obtain the secret skill of the third young master of Huaguo Mountain——

Golden light incarnate.

All right!

This name was chosen by Long Zhan himself.

Because the secret skill he acquired was not complete, it was just a broken version, combined with the special ability of Long Zhan itself, it almost completely evolved into another skill.

But one thing has not changed, that is, it is awesome enough!

Once Long Zhan turned into a little golden man, all attributes and quality can be said to have a qualitative leap and improvement, just like a different person, extremely terrifying and powerful.

It is precisely because of this that Long Zhan's position as the first brother in the fantasy team was established in one fell swoop. In the past, this position belonged to Uncle Locke.


Uncle Locke used to be so awesome.

Almost completely straightened out the former members of the fantasy team. It was not until they met Long Zhan that the pattern of the fantasy team changed.

Goblin, Jiaoniang, and Haotian all joined later.


The five of them became partners.

The fetters became deeper and deeper, and the strength of the team became stronger and stronger, until it was favored by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and became one of the strongest groups under his command.

And according to Locke's memory, Bai Xiaofei also learned that the goblin, a member who is extremely good at group attacks, is not an ordinary person.

He was actually a special member transformed from native aborigines from other worlds, and he was fundamentally different from other people selected from various cosmic civilizations.

And Bai Xiaofei has also heard about the world of the goblin's hometown, and it turned out to be the famous "Seven Deadly Sins"!

"It turned out to be that world..."

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, and thought to himself: "Although this anime has not seen the finale, in the discussion posts, there are people who have explained the follow-up related plot..."

"Fairies are one of the special races in that world. Among the seven deadly sins, the sin of sloth, the young man born in Harlequin is from the elves family, and he is also the king of elves..."

"Since this goblin is an aborigine of the Seven Deadly Sins, does it have something to do with Jin? After all, it is unlikely that ordinary characters will be selected by the reincarnation space to become one of their pawns."

"It's a pity that even Locke doesn't know much about the origin of goblins, otherwise he would be able to learn more about the world of the Seven Deadly Sins."

"After all, that world is also very interesting. Whether it is magic power, commandments, or the confrontation between gods and demons, it is quite novel and unexpected."

"But this goblin seems to have completely deviated from the ability settings of the world of the Seven Deadly Sins. Could it be to hide her identity?"

"Then there is Haotian..."


Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell on Locke's knowledge of Haotian, and he said in admiration: "A sword cultivator who has entered the martial arts, has entered the world of cultivating immortals, and holds the immortal sword..."

"The future is boundless, the potential is endless, but it is a pity that he is too young, and the comprehensive strength ranks the bottom of the group!"

"It's that Jiao Niang, whose origin is very mysterious. With the power of charm, the auxiliary effect on team members is completely inferior to that of Locke..."

"This kind of team configuration is quite perfect."


last of the last.

Bai Xiaofei gave his own evaluation. If he hadn't met himself, with the comprehensive strength and team understanding of the fantasy team, the average players at the same level might not be their opponents at all.

But unfortunately...

In reality, if there is no what if, meeting Bai Xiaofei is considered unlucky for them.


Bai Xiaofei backed out.

After browsing Locke's memory, Bai Xiaofei found that there was nothing worth digging further.

To know.

Bai Xiaofei had also come into contact with many members of the reincarnation space before, and what Locke knew was basically no different from those people.

The main reason is that due to the rules of the reincarnation space, most people are either downloading dungeons or cultivating. They seldom have nothing to do to learn more about the reincarnation space.

Unless a member of a higher management hierarchy.

Just like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, only similar superpowers and super bosses are qualified to take charge of some confidential affairs within the sphere of influence of the reincarnation space.

And these people generally do not need to perform missions.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was a complete exception. He just had nothing to do, so he wanted to find some excitement, so he came to the DC world, and then met Bai Xiaofei.


If Bai Xiaofei wanted to meet a boss of this level, it would really not be an easy task.

Now that the benefits are in hand, Bai Xiaofei will naturally not waste time with Locke, and directly withdraw from Locke's sea of ​​soul consciousness.


After Bai Xiaofei quit.

Uncle Locke's body suddenly shook, and his strength and aura also dropped a lot in an instant.

More importantly, his temperament and charm have also become completely blurred due to the complete disappearance of the awakening ability.

It's like a sage who suddenly degenerates into a confused state before he has a clear mind and a clear mind.


Uncle Locke also felt the huge change in himself, his face was extremely ugly, but he was helpless.

After all, this is war!

It is enough that the opponent just took away some of his abilities, but did not kill them all.

What bike do you want?


He could only smile wryly to himself.

Immediately, Uncle Locke looked at the complacent Bai Xiaofei, and said powerlessly: "Mr. Bai, now you have taken away the things, then the deal between us..."

"rest assured!"

Bai Xiaofei was quite forthright, he waved his hand and said: "I am not a person who backtracks on what I promise, since I promised you, I will never break my promise, so I will return all your teammates to you!"

The voice did not fall.


The void trembled, and cracks suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, four figures who were extremely embarrassed and looked very miserable suddenly flashed out from the crack in space.

They were horrified that they were Long Zhan, Goblin, Jiao Niang, and Hao Tian who were beaten and tortured by the Golden Saint Seiya and almost received a lunch box.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's projected body, also in the stunned and dull eyes of Uncle Locke, quickly faded and completely disappeared.


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