The Storm God

Chapter 3672 What to do? (Please subscribe!)


"Why are we here? Locke, you have nothing to do, what's going on..."

"What just happened?"


Long Zhan and the others were in a daze.

All four of them stared blankly at Uncle Locke, after all, the latter seemed to be the only one who knew the answer.


Uncle Locke was silent.

It wasn't until Long Zhan called again and again that he came back to his senses, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's nothing, I was forced to make a deal with the enemy just now, otherwise we would be wiped out..."


Long Zhan and others are not stupid.

He guessed a certain possibility almost instantly, and then asked, "Is our safety a threat?"


"What is the content of the transaction?"

"Some of my abilities!"

Regarding what happened just now, Uncle Locke didn't mean to hide it, because it couldn't be hidden.

He can only answer truthfully.

after all……

For some follow-up questions, I still need the help and concerted efforts of these teammates.

Otherwise, Uncle Locke alone may not be able to deal with the accountability that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, may blame.

"It turned out to be like this!"

After listening to Uncle Locke's explanation, Long Zhan and others immediately felt guilty and depressed. Because of their own weakness, they should not have implicated Uncle Locke.


Now everyone is even more curious, what kind of ability did that bastard Xiaofei take away from Uncle Locke?

"I have no idea!"

Uncle Locke shook his head bitterly and said: "Now I have completely lost part of my memory, so I don't know what is different about me now and before, so I need you to help me understand..."


Long Zhan was the first to answer.

Afterwards, Haotian and the others also responded positively, and the four of them, one by one, began to test Uncle Locke's ability.


They discovered the clue.

Uncle Locke's strongest god-level auxiliary skill—the technique of resurrection, is gone.

Uncle Locke doesn't even have any memory of this. If it weren't for the fact that everyone still has relevant memories, Uncle Locke might not even know that he has such magical skills.

"Damn it!"

"The technique of resurrection is an irreplaceable super divine skill. Its importance to our team is self-evident, but it was stolen by that guy Bai Xiaofei!"

"I don't know if it can be recovered after returning to the reincarnation space?"


Long Zhan said solemnly.

Uncle Locke shook his head slightly, frowned and said, "I don't think so. After all, these abilities of mine are inherited from that world by accident, and they don't belong to the cultivation system of the reincarnation space..."

"According to the rules of the reincarnation space, even if you have enough points, you may not be able to recover this magical resurrection skill!"

"After all, this thing is a god-defying skill. Even if it is possible, it is estimated that the reincarnation space will raise the price and kill us severely. If this is really the case, then there is no need to restore it."

"Because there are no other resurrection props or treasures in the reincarnation space, instead of wasting more power and pursuing skills that have no hope, it is better to replace them with more practical ones!"


Everyone regretted this.

But Uncle Locke himself looked at it very openly, without any regret.

Long Zhan and others speculated that this may be related to Locke's loss of relevant memories, just like a stranger who has suffered a catastrophe, and normal people will not empathize.

"Let's not talk about that for now."

Depressed Long Zhan shook his head upon hearing this, and said, "Let's continue testing other skills."

"I hope that no other good skills will be stolen. Otherwise, without the blessing of Uncle Locke's buff, I'm afraid that our fantasy team's overall strength will directly drop a few levels."

"that's right!"

Jiao Niang nodded in agreement and said, "Resurrection, because of its uniqueness, can be put aside for now, but other skills must not be ignored..."

Having said that.

But everyone also knew in their hearts that Bai Xiaofei was not an idiot, so how could he steal some ordinary skills that were useless instead of stealing them?

Every time they think of this, their hearts are filled with sorrow.


After a moment of serious testing.

After all, they tested it out. Uncle Locke even lost the awakening skills of his profession.

Now, everyone is not calm.


Just like the Juggernaut suddenly lost his sword heart, Uncle Locke without the awakening skill will have a huge impact on his strength like jumping off a cliff. How can you tell them not to be surprised?

"It's really ruthless!"

"Awakening skills represent the potential of Locke's career upper limit and important future development, but Bai Xiaofei directly lost it in the end!"

"What a good way!"


Long Zhan and the others were extremely angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Comparing my heart to my heart, if I were myself, I am afraid that I would make the same decision as Uncle Locke.

after all……

One side is skills, and the other side is the safety of teammates.

And even if you don't cooperate, the enemy is very likely to use more ruthless means to obtain your own abilities...

There is no choice at all!

Unless the fish is dead and the net is broken, and it is completely ignored, it is almost impossible to solve such a thing.

After a moment of silence.

In the end it was Haotian who broke the silence and asked: "Boss, Uncle Locke, what shall we do now?"

His words have two meanings.

one is……

Uncle Locke's two most important god-level abilities were brutally deprived, what will Uncle Locke do in the future?

To know.

His strength positioning and responsibility standards are the daddy of the team. Apart from this kind of thing, it is obvious that Uncle Locke may not be able to play the role of daddy of the fantasy team anymore.

Even if some of Uncle Locke's auxiliary abilities are still there, because the strength has reached their level, without certain special abilities, it is impossible to enhance them too much.

Coincidentally, among Uncle Locke's skills, the awakening skill happens to be such a magical skill!


Uncle Locke's awakening skills are not only active skills, but also passive skills, and its effect is to enhance the power of all skills of Uncle Locke's profession and the attribute strength of his teammates!

That is.

Uncle Locke, without the awakening skill, can be said to have shrunk off a cliff in terms of boost effect on Long Zhan and others!

No wonder they are so depressed.

In addition to this, Hao Tian's second meaning is to ask, how to deal with the Dream God Lord Murphys?

To know.

This boss can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

If the boss finds out that Uncle Locke actually made a deal with Bai Xiaofei, and his magical skills were taken away by the other party, and he is seriously endorsing the enemy, with the boss' temper, they will definitely not be able to go around.

While there is still some time, they must find a way to deal with it, otherwise once the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus finds them, they really can only sit and wait.


It's easy to say, but it's hard to do things. How can they solve such a big matter by saying that they can solve it?

If it can be solved so easily, it is estimated that they will not have to worry and worry about it.

Uncle Locke's strength and auxiliary effects, this is still a trivial matter. After all, the ability is gone, and you can find a way to use other treasures, or rebuild auxiliary skills to make up for it...

But the wrath of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was something that the Dream Team couldn't parry at all, and it was also the most deadly to them.

"That's all!"

After thinking hard for a while.

Long Zhan gave up completely, and broke the jar and said: "Don't think about it, what do you want to do, anyway, our life is taken back, even if we are really punished by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, we will not suffer... "

I don't know why.

this time.

In his mouth, he didn't even call that big brother an adult, but bluntly said the other party's name.

Such an attitude illustrates certain problems.


Long Zhan hasn't noticed yet.


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