The Storm God

Chapter 3673 Big formation! (Please subscribe!)

Regardless of what happened to Locke and the others.

Dust Star here.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, soon realized that he seemed to have been tricked. Although the attack of the three golds just now seemed terrifying and powerful, and seriously exceeded the limit, in fact, the real target they had to deal with was not themselves.

It's the fantasy team on the sidelines!

That's right!

It's the dragon fighting them.

Because except for the 5 members of the fantasy team, the rest of the bystanders were all still on the scene, and they were not affected too much.

In layman's terms, it was the attack just now, which meant a lot of thunder and little rain, and the drunkard's intention was not to drink!

Of course.

This is not to say that other people can sit back and relax, and there is no danger at all, after all, it is the ultimate version of the super A.E big move.

San Jinjin did not hesitate to risk his own life, and even a big boss like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, had to take a look squarely, let alone other bystanders.

For example, the Big Pata of the Nemesis team.

If they hadn't gone all out just now to counter the aftermath of A.E, they would have been gasified into slag on the spot, and the dead could no longer die.

But even so.

Now they are also hanging up the lottery one after another.

Although it wasn't very serious, it was extremely embarrassing. Almost all of the heroic equipment, like beggars, were scrapped and turned into tattered outfits.

The other warships, as well as the masters of the next level, were even more unlucky and died on the spot.


The Oneiroi Lord Murphy was furious.

Of course, he wasn't angry because of the cannon fodder and garbage there, but was angry that he was tricked by three golden saints who were like puppets. It was unreasonable!


The Oneiroi Lord Murphys broke out completely.

The terrifying power, like an abyss in an instant, rushed straight to the ground of the dust star, obviously wanting to break all the obstacles in front of him with his tyrannical power.


He thought too simply.

Even though there is no longer the protection and obstruction of twelve golds on the periphery of Dust Star, there are other means of self-protection.


The Zhou Tian Star Dou Grand Formation set up by Bai Xiaofei himself!


The power of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, just popped out, and Zhou Tian Xingdou immediately erupted with terrifying power, and then turned into an indestructible protective barrier, directly protecting Dust Star in it.

And his attack was like a hammer hitting a tire with a hammer, except for the roar and sound of distance, it had no effect.

at the same time.

Inside the barrier protective cover, one hundred and eight warriors wearing unidentified purple-black battle armor flashed directly.

From the looks of the design and shape, it is somewhat similar to the Golden Saint Seiya of the Zodiac, but the temperament of the two sides is obviously different.

If Long Zhan and the others were here, they would definitely be able to recognize the origins of these 108 figures immediately——

Isn't this the underworld fighter among the saints!


The one guarding the dust star's shield is indeed the underworld fighter that Bai Xiaofei personally built.

According to the setting of Saint Seiya, there are a total of 108 underworld fighters, which are thirty-six heavenly gangs and seventy-two earth evil spirits.

Of course.

Definitely not the original.

It is a super copycat version that has been specially improved and designed.

Although their strength may not be comparable to the gold saints of the zodiac, these ghost fighters have an extremely powerful advantage that cannot be ignored-immortality!

Even if they are hammered to pieces, they can completely rebuild their bodies and restore them to the original by virtue of the special coded information stored in the dark matter.

And for the last death, it will evolve into a stronger defense and cracking ability!

This point was developed by Bai Xiaofei based on the integration of Doomsday and Darwin's ability in X-Men.

Coupled with ultra-nanometer technology, as well as the special assistance and drive of the void engine, it can be said to open up another shortcut and walk out of a completely different path.

at the same time……

The fighting skills and tricks of these underworld fighters are also very different from the original version, and even have nothing to do with them at all.

After all, in the original work, there are too many characters in the underworld fighters, and only a few special characters will have a more brilliant performance.

Just like the Big Three.

Their strength is naturally beyond doubt.

And the tricks are also very individual, so in some respects, Bai Xiaofei also retained the taste of these original works.

Not only that.

108 underworld fighters can also be combined into a large underworld formation, forming a special forbidden field, which can suppress the strength of the enemies entering it to only about one-tenth of the original level.

This can also be regarded as Bai Xiaofei's tribute to the classic Nether God Barrier among the saints, coupled with the Zhoutian star formation outside, it can be said that the defense is tight and airtight!


Seeing this scene, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was startled: "Star Dou Great Formation? What a Bai Xiaofei, it turns out that from the very beginning, you have been plotting against me..."

"It's ridiculous that I thought it was luck, but the truth is, everything is within your plan!"

"Bai Xiaofei, you are so awesome!"


When saying this.

The tone of Oneiroi Morpheus is very complicated.

On the one hand, he had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was beyond his imagination in calculating people.

It's ridiculous that I still laughed at the other party, and finally leaked the trick. Now let's see how you still run.

The results of it.

What a game!

A super trap and a terrifying trap specially made to lure himself into the game, you know, that is the star formation!

A terrifying killer move that even saints dare not underestimate.

Of course.

Although the formation is strong, the key depends on how it is arranged, such as the overall strength of the people who set up the formation, the capital used, and so on.

These are the key factors that affect the power and effect of formations.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't notice anything wrong at first, but now, with the lighting of the Star Dou Formation, he finally realized that, as early as the beginning, he and others had already been invited into the urn by Bai Xiaofei.


In the big formation.

Even for the super boss, Morpheus, the Oneiroi, it is not so easy to get rid of the influence of the big formation, or even destroy it.

Because in this large formation, Murphys who is as strong as the Oneiroi will be greatly suppressed, and it is extremely difficult to display his strength.

And the protective cover just now is the best proof.

Otherwise, with the level of strength of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, how could the attack under the rage be easily resisted and resolved.

It's not that Dust Star's protective shield is abnormal and powerful, but that the strength of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, has been weakened a lot without anyone noticing, but he himself didn't notice it.

Looking back now, the Oneiroi Lord Mophys was suddenly angry and angry, and at the same time his heart was full of wry smiles: "After all, I still blame myself for being too careless and impatient, otherwise I would never show up in the battleship, and Bai Xiaofei wouldn't dare Recklessly using the trump card of Star Dou Grand Formation..."

"This is clearly because I have shown up and made a move, and I have confirmed certain facts, so I don't plan to continue to spend with myself, and I am ready for a showdown!"

to be honest.

If it wasn't for the hostile relationship, he would have admired Bai Xiaofei. After all, among the same level, few could achieve this level, but Bai Xiaofei did it.


Still kind of unnoticed.

Now the rhythm of the overall situation is completely controlled by Bai Xiaofei, even Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is a little at a loss at this moment.

after all.

He is just a clone of the deity, not the real master.

If Bai Xiaofei jumped out at this time and used the power of the Star Dou Formation to forcefully suppress Murphys, the God of Dreams, he really had nothing he could do.

After all, the strength gap is there.

So far.

Mophis, the God of Dreams, felt a little bitter and depressed immediately, and laughed at himself: "Could it be that this guy is really my nemesis, and he will lose a clone once he does it?"


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