The Storm God

Chapter 3675 Abandoned! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Regardless of what happened to the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

The situation here is clear at a glance, unprecedentedly bright. After losing the master of the Oneiroi Murphys, the army of Apocalypse is only left with cats and dogs of the Nemesis team.

Facing such an enemy, Aya would naturally not be polite.

Directly order the underworld fighters in the formation to attack, and it is not necessary to dispatch all of them, as long as some of them are dispatched.

Thirty-six earth fiends immediately came out of the cage like fierce tigers, and an angry dragon went out to sea, directly bringing a wave of extremely tragic battles to the dull battlefield.

And the outcome of the battle is also predictable.

Almost one-sided.

after all……

Dabada and others of the Nemesis team are just as strong. Although Dixie Xing is not as good as Tiangangxing, he has special abilities and tacit cooperation. Against the Nemesis team, it is not empty at all.

Maybe Dabada and the others can be tough.

But if the other Apocalypse stars are wrong, they can't do it at all. Facing the attack of the earth fiend, they are simply a group of lambs staying.

There was almost no room to fight back, and he was hanged and beaten all the way.


Apocalypse army defeated.

There were countless casualties, and there were very few survivors. Even members of the Nemesis team suffered casualties.

Including the captain of Dabada, the Nemesis team almost fell apart, completely losing its previous prestige!


Looking at my side, there is no chance of winning, and the casualties will only increase as time goes by.

Without any choice.

Dabada could only give the order to retreat.

Only less than one-third of the army remained, and they began to withdraw quickly without any hesitation.

Don't chase after the poor.

Aiya did not lose her mind because of this sudden victory, and immediately let the thirty-six evil stars return from the battle.

At the same time, countless mechanical hunters were dispatched to clean up and sweep the battlefield to see what could be recycled.

Although Dust Star became the winner, after these several battles, his own losses were quite serious.

The monster army was completely wiped out, four of the Twelve Golds were killed, and the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation was exposed, and the energy lost was calculated in seconds.


Neither Aya nor Bai Xiaofei could remain indifferent, they had to take advantage of this opportunity to take a good rest and recover their blood.

Otherwise, once Morpheus, the Oneiroi, finds a flaw and makes a comeback, Dust Star will be hard to resist.

Bai Xiaofei knows his own family affairs.

Although it seems that he has the upper hand now and has closed the door for Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, but in fact, no one can figure out what is going on with the escaped Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

In case that is not the avatar, but the main body, wouldn't Bai Xiaofei throw himself into the trap and hit the gun directly if he made a rash move?

Take a step back.

So what if it's a clone?

Who dares to say that the avatar does not have a terrifying killer weapon?


All of this is also calculated by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus himself. If a clone can be used to lure Bai Xiaofei's real body out, this deal is really a good deal.

At least if it was Bai Xiaofei, he wouldn't feel at a loss!


After analyzing the data of Cancer, even if Bai Xiaofei spared time, he didn't bother to find Lord Morpheus immediately.

Instead, he turned around and went back to other things.


Perfect the design, bugs, loopholes, or further improvements of the Zodiac Golden Saints...

Recast and forge the second generation of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and Leo to complete the zodiac...

The combat power and potential of the monster army have also proved their great potential through previous battles.


The development of the second generation version was also put on the agenda by Bai Xiaofei.

In short, Bai Xiaofei is very busy.

This thing is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. The trend of the times, he must strive for the top, otherwise, if he falls behind, he will be beaten!


at the same time.

The battle on Kruga Star has almost come to an end.

Originally, according to the normal development, Kalibak and others were bound to lose, because the right time and place were not on their side for this operation.

In fact.

In the beginning, that's exactly how the war went.

As time passed, Kalibak and others became more and more miserable, and a large number of elite soldiers died.

Those who died were either completely destroyed and could not be resurrected, or they were turned into members of the Black Lantern by Scarface with the power of the Black Lantern, and then continued to fight against Sinestro and the others.

The situation where the three parties stand together has gradually turned into a real contest between the two forces, and Apocalypse is being gradually swallowed up.


at some point.

The accident happened suddenly, and Sinestro, who was in the midst of a fierce battle, suddenly received news from the outside, saying that a large number of powerful enemies had appeared on the outskirts of Kruga.

And this enemy is none other than Apocalypse!

"what happened?"

Sinestro frowned.

His subconscious mind told himself that this matter was not that simple.

as expected.

Then I heard the person in charge explain: "According to the report sent back by the spies, this time the Apocalypse led the team is Darkseid, and they also brought the best of the best..."


"Daxseid from Apocalypse is here in person!"

"Damn it, we were tricked!"


Sinestro suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He suddenly realized that Calibak and the others were just a bait, and the purpose of the other party was to lure him and the others out.

As the saying goes, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

Once he and the others take action, it is equivalent to directly exposing the armed forces of Kruga to the enemy.

At this time, if Dakseid leads his own troops to conquer, he will naturally be the one who will benefit the most.

Fortunately, Sinestro still felt that he had mastered the entire situation of the battle. Unexpectedly, he was calculated and used from the very beginning.

It really makes no sense!

at the same time……

Sinestro was also a little anxious.

After all, that's Darkseid of the Apocalypse, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and he's still an elite.

On the other hand, on Kruga, almost all of the strongest fighters were gathered by Sinestro to deal with Kalibak.

That is.

In terms of armed forces, there is now a vacuum on Keruga Star, and it can be said that the high-end combat power is at its weakest. As a result, Darkseid of Apocalypse Star came here personally with his elite soldiers!

If the troubles here cannot be resolved in time, the result can be imagined. Without Sinestro and others sitting in charge, Kruga Star will almost certainly lose against Darkseid!

So far.

Sinestro was suddenly anxious and angry.

While attacking Kalibak frantically, he roared angrily: "I underestimated you, I never thought that your awareness is so high, you don't hesitate to confuse us with flesh and blood..."


Kalibak, who was completely ignorant of the situation, was stupefied when he heard the words, and couldn't understand what Sinestro was saying.


Seeing this, Sinestro was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, "What's going on? Could it be that Calibak doesn't know anything about the outside world..."

In addition to attacking.

He also began to observe other Apocalypse fighters.


And all without exception.

Like Kalibak, they all seemed to know nothing about the outside world.

In other words.

The so-called bitter tricks are fundamentally unilateral.

Darkseid fooled everyone, not only Sinestro, but also Kalibak and the others!


Kalibak and the others are the pawns launched by Darkseid, and they are the kind that are ready to be eaten by the enemy from the very beginning.

The purpose is to lure myself and others out, so as to maximize Darkseid's interests!

Thinking of this, Sinestro couldn't help but shake violently in his heart: "What a ruthless scheme!"

at the same time……

Looking at Kalibak and the others who were still fighting desperately with him and the others, Sinestro's eyes were also full of sympathy and pity.

Especially Kalibak.

after all.

This guy is no ordinary person, but Darkseid's own son.

He was actually regarded as an outcast!


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