The Storm God

Chapter 3676 Mouth escape! (Please subscribe!)

"what to do?"

After the shock, Sinestro became anxious.

After all, that's Darkseid, an extremely powerful and terrifying cosmic boss!

Now that he personally led the team to invade Keruga Star, the situation can be imagined, absolutely not to be underestimated!

Although the strength of the current Keruga star is not what it used to be, it has played many super fighters, but compared with a behemoth like the Apocalypse star, especially in front of Darkseid, it is still not enough.

This is like a group of ants, no matter how united and cooperative they are, it is impossible to agree to the truth of Tyrannosaurus rex.

The gap between them is really too big.


If the elites like Sinestro were present, they might be able to hold on for a while longer and reduce some casualties as much as possible.


Now Sinestro and the others are completely held back by Calibak, Scarface and others.

Can't get away at all!

"Damn it!"

It sounds a little ironic.

The plan for this event was originally intended to cheat Apocalypse, but it turned out that the opponent made a superior move. Instead, they took advantage of Sinestro's plan and turned Kruga into an army!

Think about it.

Sinestro's heart was full of remorse.

I thought I was mature enough to be independent, but it turned out that Sinestro was still a little bit weaker than the real boss, whether it was strength or strategy...

"It must be resolved quickly!"

Sinestro also knows that now is not the time to regret, the top priority is to quickly solve the immediate troubles and return to Kruga as soon as possible.


Under the invasion of Darkseid, there is almost no hope for Keruga Star, and it will inevitably be suppressed and destroyed by the terrifying army of Apocalypse!

However, all this is easy to say, but difficult to do.

Because Calibak is not weak either.

The elite troops led by the opponent are also very powerful masters, and it is impossible to defeat them, at least in a short time!

not to mention.

Kalibak also has an even more disgusting headache, the Black Lantern Army headed by Scarface, the opponent is two against one, Sinestro and others are very difficult!

With the passage of time, let alone defeating the enemy, defeating the opponent, Sinestro and the others can maintain no major casualties, which is already very hard work.


Sinestro is still smarter.

In desperation, he suddenly had an idea, what would happen if he told Scarface and the others the real situation?

To know.

The reason why the other party formed a temporary alliance is nothing more than a three-legged situation, and there has been a serious deviation.

In other words, Sinesto's side is strong, and the other two are relatively weak. They have to join forces to deal with Sinesto and others.

But what if the situation changes?

"Try it!"

Sinestro didn't hesitate much, and rushed to the idea of ​​using a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After leaving aside Kalibak, he directly approached a powerful member of the Black Lantern.

"Stop, you are being used!"

He tried to use his mouth to escape.

But it's a pity.

The other party didn't believe Sinestro's words in front of him, and still roared angrily, launching a crazy attack on Sinestro.

Sinestro was not surprised by this either.

While entangled and confronted with the other party, without giving up, he continued to persuade: "Scarface, I know you can hear it and don't believe what I say, but I have to tell you that you have been used!"


"In fact, this is all a conspiracy. Whether it's Kalibak and others' sneak attack, or my scheming, in fact, all of these are within Darkseid's calculations."


"I just got the news that Darkseid is leading a large number of masters outside Kruga Star, preparing to completely destroy my planet..."


The Black Lantern members were silent.

The action of attacking Sinestro did not stop at all.


As Sinestro's mouth escape continued to launch, his attack momentum weakened significantly.


Although Heideng didn't believe it, he already had some doubts in his heart. After all, the cooperation between the two parties was just a temporary idea, and it was not very reliable!

What's more, this is related to the real interests of the Black Lantern Corps, but if there is any trick, Scarface can't pretend that he didn't hear it.

After a long while.

Finally, Scarface controlled the member of the Black Lantern and said, "Sinestro, is everything you just said true?"

"It's true!"

Sinestro nodded.

At the same time, he also used the green light ring in his hand to turn it into a projector, showing the information he just received.


Scarface fell silent after reading Sinestro's message.

at the same time.

All the members of the Black Lantern were also froze in their attacking movements, and quickly gathered together, forming a group on guard.


Scarface had trusted Sinestro.

Regardless of whether the situation outside is true or not, if she stops now, will she suffer any loss?

That being the case, why not ask clearly?

And the other side.

The people brought by Kalibak saw that there seemed to be some special changes in the situation at the scene, and they all stopped attacking immediately afterward.

The two major forces all stopped, and the elite masters on Sinestro's side naturally would not continue to attack.

that's all.

The three forces in the enchantment once again returned to the appearance of a tripartite confrontation, separated from each other, and vigilant against each other.

Scarface controlled the Black Lantern member, looked at Darkseid's son Kalibak, and asked, "Have you already planned everything?"


When Calibak heard this, his face immediately became bewildered, and he had no idea what Scarface was talking about.

"He should be unaware!"

Sinestro interjected at the right time: "Even the people he leads are all decoys, or abandoned children!"

"Only if you really don't know anything, can you ensure that the plan is foolproof, because once someone reveals a flaw, it may arouse my suspicion, which will lead to the shattering of their plan!"

"The key question now is, will our melee continue? If this is the case, then the ultimate winner will definitely be Apocalypse."

"We are both losers!"


Sinestro's last sentence was extremely serious, and he said it to the Black Lantern member controlled by Scarface.

As for the reason, there is no need to explain too much.

He believed that Scarface must be able to understand, otherwise the other party would not be able to become the guardian of the black lamp!


Scarface was silent for a moment.

She had to admit that Sinestro was right.

If the melee continues, although she may gain some benefits from the fighting situation here, but considering the overall situation, the black lamp will suffer.

Because they did this, they helped Apocalypse weaken the armed forces of Kruga in a disguised form.

This will cause the relatively stable three-legged situation to directly undergo major changes, or even completely collapse, and become a dominant state.

As a cooperating conspirator, he naturally cannot allow such a thing to happen, unless the person who dominates the family is himself.

But clearly not now.


Scarface hesitated.

The key point is that Darkseid of Apocalypse is really famous, and he is cruel, cruel, and ruthless. He can even use his own son as a bait, or an abandoned son...

If this is against other enemies, the precipice will be even more ruthless and terrifying. Now the unlucky Keruga star, and the next one is likely to be the black lamp!

The easiest way to avoid being bullied is to prevent Apocalypse from becoming stronger.

after all……

An enemy's enemy is a friend!

Think here.

Scarface immediately made a decision in his mind, since he has now become the key link and has mastered the initiative of the scene, he must use this opportunity to make a good fortune.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of money?


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