The Storm God

Chapter 3677 Give me money! (Please subscribe!)

"You want me to give up?" The Black Lantern member controlled by Scarface suddenly smiled, very proudly: "Yes, but I need some benefits. After all, there is no free lunch in the world!"


Sinestro remained silent.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the other party calmly. Obviously, this situation had been expected by Sinestro.

after all.

Scarface is not a good man or woman.

Especially at the critical moment of the catastrophe on Keruga, the other party is already burning incense without making trouble.

Still expecting the other party not to take advantage of the fire?

is it possible?

His attitude is undoubtedly equivalent to acquiescing to Scarface's request. Of course, not too much.

Sinestro just said he could listen.

As for whether it will work or not?

It depends!

Kalibak on the other side was also silent.

However, his mind was completely different from Sinestro's. On the one hand, he was shocked that he was actually regarded as a pawn by his father, even a bait and an abandoned pawn.

It is impossible to say that I am not sad.


For Darkseid's loyalty, he still firmly occupies the first place. Kalibak can only find a reason to comfort himself. His father must have a last resort for doing this!

at the same time.

For the rebellion of Scarface and the Black Lantern Legion, Kalibak obviously had expected and prepared for it, so it was not surprising.

They also can't stop at all.

after all.

Among the three forces.

The current Kalibak and others are undoubtedly the weakest one.

They can only wait and see what happens, any unnecessary actions may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Of course.

This does not mean that they will sit still.

While Kalibak and the others were silent, they were secretly thinking about a solution to the situation, but no one showed it.

And in fact.

They weren't too worried either.

After all, it is Apocalypse who is taking the initiative now, and the ones who are anxious are Kruga and Sinestro!

As long as Kalibak and the others delay the time, sooner or later the other party will be unable to hold on due to external affairs, and will eventually have to untie the barrier in advance.

In other words.

Kalibak and others have certain advantages and initiative.

Otherwise it is impossible to remain indifferent.

Regardless of how it is here.


Scarface saw Sinestro's attitude, and then began to explain his request - huge emotional power!

This is actually a good guess.

To know.

The black lamp with a scarred face is also the embodiment of emotional power, but it is more special.

In addition to seeking emotional power from the relatives of the deceased, the other Colored Lantern Legion is undoubtedly the best choice.

after all.

Every color lamp warrior is one of thousands of qualified ones, and they themselves have quite amazing emotional power.

Instead of struggling to resurrect the dead with Bala and finding ways to get emotional power, it's better to ask the Lantern Corps directly.

This is simple, labor-saving, and efficient!


There were no such opportunities and conditions before.

Now that he finally had this special moment, he could blackmail Sinestro, and Scarface would naturally not give up.

As for how much?


That's technical work.

The final specific result depends on the negotiation skills of both parties.


Sinestro frowned slightly.

The importance of emotional power is self-evident, especially the enemy Black Lantern Legion who asked for this.


Compared with the current crisis, it is not impossible to compromise.

The key is to grasp the scale.


That is breeding tigers!

In the end, Sinestro looked at the Black Lantern members controlled by Scarface, squinted his eyes and said, "Yes, but the specific amount cannot be calculated according to what you said. This has to be discussed!"


"In view of your integrity, it is impossible to give you the power of emotion directly, otherwise you will eat it up and refuse to admit it, and then we will be at a disadvantage?"

"At most, I will give you a part of the deposit first!"


Sinestro offered his attitude.

Of course he is not stupid, emotional power can be given, but it depends on the method used, especially the enemy is still a black lamp!


Scarface didn't object to Sinestro's proposal, after all, everyone was not a fool.

Some things, everyone understands 90% of them, there is no need to be serious, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Just like the current cooperation.

Sinesto was worried that his scarred face would be wiped out and he would not admit it, and she was also afraid that Sinesto would run the train with his mouth full of lies.

Give a part of the deposit first, and then the black lamp led by Scarface will show enough sincerity. This is the best solution.


The cooperation intention of the two parties has been initially reached.

Afterwards, Sinestro turned his head to look at the vigilant Kalibak and the others, and said with a sneer, "I believe these guys will definitely not make our cooperation so smooth..."

"That's right!"

Scarface recognized Sinestro's concerns very much, and asked, "Then how do you plan to solve this trouble?"

"Either you stand idly by and let us deal with them ourselves; or we join forces and wipe them out!"

Sinestro gave a choice: "The specific choice depends on what you want. Of course, the remuneration for the shot is calculated separately, and it is not included in the previous conditions..."


Scarface remained silent, as if he was thinking about it.

But Sinestro didn't care about that, seeing the silence of the Black Lantern Corps, he immediately winked at his own people.

next moment.

A large number of color lamp fighters charged again, and directly killed Kalibak and others who were waiting in full force, not daring to neglect them in the slightest.

Fierce fighting broke out again.

But this time, it was much more tragic than before.

One was worried about the safety of Kruga, and wanted to fight quickly, so he used his full strength and trump card as much as possible.

On the other side, it is a desperate fight, even if it is death, it will have to pull a few backs, which is extremely crazy.

The result of the outbreak on both sides was the further expansion of casualties.

And it's fast.

Of course.

In order not to allow Scarface to reap the benefits of fishing, whether it is Sinestro or Calibak, the two sides have a very tacit understanding. No matter which side dies in battle, the corpse will be destroyed in time.

If the black lamp on Scarface's side takes advantage of the opportunity, the two sides will immediately join forces to deal with the black lamp together.


Scarface seemed to have expected this outcome, so no matter how fierce the fight between the two sides was, there was no movement.


is waiting for a result.

Or just wait and see what happens, so that you can see more clearly, how to choose to maximize your own interests.

The outcome of the battle is undoubtedly easy to guess.

Kalibak's combat power is generally relatively weak. After all, they were quite passive before, and many soldiers were beheaded by Sinestro and others.

Now without the intervention of Scarface and others, the result is obvious, Kalibak and the others are at a disadvantage, and as time goes by, their disadvantages become more and more obvious.


Scarface also made a decision.


One order.

A large number of Black Lantern Legion fighters were dispatched, and together with Sinestro's colored lamp fighters, they launched an attack on Calibak and others.


Scarface chose to side with Sinestro.

Because in this way, her interests can be maximized, and at the very least, it can guarantee to earn a little more emotional power.

And if you choose to watch, or Sinestro opposes, there will be too many variables and uncertainties.

In comparison, it is undoubtedly the most secure to work together.


Scarface is not stupid either.

She wouldn't wait until the battle was over before asking Sinestro for a reward. The moment she started, Scarface controlled the member of the Black Lantern and came to Sinestro:

"Give me the money!"

Make clear the attitude of paying with one hand and helping with the other, absolutely not allowing any arrears.

Otherwise, everyone will be separated!


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