The Storm God

Chapter 3678 Help! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro looked silent.

This guy, it's really realistic. I'm fighting a war here, so you come here to ask for money, so you're so fucking helpful.

Otherwise how can I give you money?

In short.

He is very upset.

Scarface seemed to have sensed Sinestro's displeasure, and immediately smiled slightly, and said, "I've given this guy to me..."

The voice did not fall.

Next to him, a member of the Black Lantern suddenly jumped out and directly led aside the Apocalypse master who was entangled with Sinestro.

Sinestro had his hands free, and looked at Scarface with a look in his eyes that said, "You still have some eyesight".


He also doesn't ink.

When he came to Scarface, he directly released a part of his emotional power to Scarface:

"This is part of the deposit for you..."

"So strong!"

Scarface suddenly widened his eyes.

He looked like a poor beggar, and his eyes were full of excitement and excitement when he saw the astonishing wealth.


Without any hesitation or politeness.

Scarface directly controlled the member of the Black Lantern, absorbing all the emotional power that Sinestro had brought out.

Don't look at the emotional power that Sinestro showed, it doesn't look like much, but it is the product of a high degree of concentration.

Its energy and strength are almost comparable to nuclear bombs.

When the scar face absorbed it, his expression was so refreshing, just like that Gaochao, he looked like he was going to heaven.

At this moment.

Sinestro, who was extremely upset, couldn't help embarrassing Scarface: "Scarface, now is the time for you to show your sincerity..."

The implication is that I have given you a deposit, so should you be obligated to travel as well?


Help deal with these masters of Apocalypse? Otherwise, don't blame me for turning his face and denying anyone, just flipping the table over!


Scarface is cool now.

The mood is also unprecedentedly happy, so I don't care about Sinestro's bad attitude, after all, he is also his own benefactor now.

It is only natural to use money to do things, and it is also good for her.

She restrained her expression, nodded slightly and said: "Don't worry, your emotional power is so pure and powerful, I'm a bit addicted to it, for the sake of future benefits, even if you don't tell me, I will take action..."

While speaking.

Scarface has already ordered the Black Lantern members under his command to attack the masters of Apocalypse.


These guys are pretty shitty.

The opponents picked are those who are not very strong, or who are seriously injured and easy to bully. The tough bones are still the people of Sinestro fighting.

To this.

Sinestro was also helpless.

After all, the other party has already made a move. Although they played tricks, they cannot deny the other party's credit.

If he insisted again, he would be nitpicking. With his scar-faced personality, he would sit on the ground and ask for more emotional power from himself.

As she said, there is no such thing as a free lunch!

"That's all!"

Seeing Scarface looking like he was waiting for him to beg her, Sinestro smiled coldly and ignored him.

Although the scar-faced members of the Black Lantern cheated and played tricks, after all, they participated in the battle. Even if they worked hard, it would have a certain impact on the current battle situation.

And it seems to be working fine.

For these, Sinestro felt that it was enough, because quite a few of the colored lamp fighters under his command were able to free up their hands to deal with other stronger enemies.

On the other hand, the masters of Apocalypse fell into a completely passive situation, almost all of them were outnumbered and under great pressure.

so on.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the battle is completely defeated.

Of course.

These are not enough!

Because the current situation on Koruga is even more dangerous, Sinestro doesn't have so much time to waste.

He had to solve Kalibak and others at a faster speed.

So far.

Sinestro's eyes froze immediately.

While personally taking action against the local masters, he was also secretly contacting some of his confidantes in the outside world through the Hongmeng Dark System, instructing them to take reasonable measures for combat preparation and defense.

in addition.

This matter involves too much and has a lot to do with it.

Sinestro wasn't stupid enough to fight alone. After all, his opponent was Darkseid, a standard universe-level boss. With his current level of strength, he was not enough to deal with such a superpower.

Mister must be notified in time.

Of course.

Sinestro also has his own thoughts, because the current Kruga star has not yet reached the most critical moment, so he did not contact Bai Xiaofei directly.

Instead, he notified Aya first, and was going to learn about the situation on Sanddust Star, after all, there was also fighting there.

As a younger brother, Sinestro naturally wants to distract the boss, instead of asking the boss for help whenever something happens.


Aya was quite surprised by Sinestro's call.

According to his understanding of the situation on Kruga Star, Sinestro should still be fighting Kalibak and others at this time, so how could he have time to contact him?

Could it be...

Something unexpected happened there?


Sinestro didn't have ink marks, and asked directly: "How is the situation on your side? What stage has the battle progressed?"

"It's still stable at the moment, everything is under control..." Aya said concisely, and then asked: "What about you?"

"Something's wrong with me!"

Hearing that there was no accident on Dust Star and that everything was under control, Sinestro secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


He used the fastest speed to explain the situation on his side to Aya, and finally asked for help: "Can you support me with some troops?"

Speaking of which, Sinestro was embarrassed.

After all, he had sworn before that he would definitely be able to complete the mission and show Kalibak a good look.


How long has it been.

It turned out to be like this...

It's a bit embarrassing to be true.


All this can not blame him.

The key is that there were too many changes on Sinestro's side. First, the members of the Black Lantern headed by Scarface broke in suddenly, and then there was a joint confrontation between the two sides...

It's even more difficult now, unexpectedly, even the most powerful men like Dakseid have come to deal with Kruga in person.

Not to mention Sinestro, even if it were Aya who was here, it would probably be a headache and depression.

Sinestro's ability to persist in the war on Kruga until now is already a very good achievement.

So far.

Aiya immediately understood what Sinestro meant. Obviously, he wanted to use his mechanical corps to guard against the scar-faced Black Lantern Corps, lest the other party take advantage of the fire and fish in troubled waters.

After all, the opponent's ability is very disgusting and perverted. The more dead the war affects, the more powerful it will be for them.

Although the soldiers of the Color Lantern Corps can restrain the ability of the Black Lantern to a certain extent, their effect is limited after all.

But the Mechanical Legion is different.

With a purely mechanical body and a soulless structure, it is almost 100% restraint against the Black Lantern Legion. There is no need to have any worries at all, and it is most suitable for dealing with the Black Lantern.

As for the army of Apocalypse?


Sinestro seems to have other plans.

As for what it is, Aya doesn't want to ask, it doesn't matter, the key question now is, should I tell Mr. Bai about it?

And, how many troops can be mobilized from Dust Star to support Keruga Star?

after all.

There are quite a lot of enemies to face over there, and they are perverted. It's Black Lantern and Darkseid's again. It's useless to go to an ordinary mechanical warrior. You have to be strong to a certain extent to help.

But there are not many such fighters on Dust Star. If there are too many fighters, it will be difficult to deal with any accidents here.


Sinestro obviously didn't plan to tell Bai Xiaofei about this matter, but wanted to try to solve it himself first.

This makes Aya very embarrassed!


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