The Storm God

Chapter 3680 Octopus Mecha! (Please subscribe!)

Koruga star.

Except for a few familiar faces, the rest of the generals, such as Mog and Walker, almost all followed Sinestro into the barrier to deal with Calibak and others.

That is.

There are actually not many super generals staying outside the Kruga star, after all, everything is an accident.

Before the action, Sinestro didn't expect that things would develop like this, but fortunately, Kruga star is not what it used to be, even without their generals, there are definitely a lot of other high-end combat power.

Just like Ultimate Lantern.

It is worth mentioning that the Ultimate Lantern is also divided into several levels. In order to easily distinguish between strong and weak, Sinestro divided them into several levels according to different levels.

They are: primary end light, intermediate end light, advanced end light, top end end light, and the strongest ultimate end light.

Although the classification is very old-fashioned, it is simple and clear to distinguish the ultimate lantern warriors with different levels of strength.

In terms of actual combat power comparison, the boundaries of the first three levels of Ultimate Lantern Warriors are not very obvious.

Leapfrogging challenges is not impossible.


the next two levels.

That is, the top final lamp and the ultimate final lamp, that is the real chasm and gap, and it is almost impossible to cross it.

Especially the strongest ultimate level.

That kind of level has already involved some mysteries at the cosmic level, even if it is against a strong man at the god emperor level, I am afraid that it will not be much weaker.

Among the armed forces of Kruga Star, Sinestro, Mog, Walker, Razer and others are all at the top level of the final lamp, and they are only one step away from entering the ultimate state.

But this step is a world of difference.


That is, there are a large number of primary and intermediate final lamps, and the number of advanced final lamps only accounts for about one-tenth of the total.

Although the number seems to be quite small, compared with the overall market, this is actually quite a good result.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei can provide almost unlimited emotional power to the fighters of the various colored lamp legions, so that he can create such a large-scale super fighter.

If it were the officers of other color lights, let alone this achievement, even if it was one percent, it would probably not be possible.

after all……

They are not like Bai Xiaofei.

The super resources that act on many universes have almost infinite power.

Don't you see, the former OA star, in order to create the ultimate green light, directly drained the battery of the central total energy.

As a result, the quality of the ultimate green light produced is generally low, and the quantity is pitifully small.

Closer to home.


In the defense force of Keruga star.

Most of them are colored light fighters, red light, green light, yellow light, blue light, and even a small amount of purple light...


The purple lantern representing the power of love, for the sake of the overall situation, couldn't bear it after all, and sent some envoys to station on Kruga.

In addition to these, it is all other armed forces in the universe civilization, including mechanical warriors, genetic modifiers, and mutant evolution...

In short.

There are all kinds of types, and there are all kinds of them.

After all, the big family of the universe is too big, and there are countless civilizations in galaxies, and there are all kinds of paths.

Let’s talk about Marvel next door.

Tree man Groot, god Ego, raccoon rocket, octopus... all kinds of special and magical creatures can be described as endless.

The same goes for DC here.


Not much is shown in the movie.

But as far as the public knows, there are actually quite a few, such as the Guardians of the Green Lantern, the Celestials of the Earth, the Kryptonian Clan, and the new Protoss represented by Darkseid...


These are also part of the cosmic family.

Compared with the plot of the movie, the Kruga star at this moment has gathered no less than a thousand kinds of special race life and civilization types.

For example, the galaxy civilization evolved from octopuses.

Although the actual combat capabilities of these fighters are not good, the biological mechs they invented are extremely powerful.

Coupled with the fact that the octopus itself has nine brains and several tentacles, adding biological mechs from them, the reaction is simply amazing.

Its fighting power is beyond imagination.

Even ordinary Green Lanterns, Red Lanterns, etc., can't take advantage of this kind of biological mecha, unless it is a super powerful overclocking class Lantern, or the ultimate Lantern.

After joining Kruga Star, Sinestro also realized the power of this octopus civilized biological mecha, so he spared no expense to cultivate and upgrade it.


The biological mechs of the octopus civilization have made great progress. Not only are their defenses stronger, but their attack capabilities are also more perverted.

For example.

On the basis of the original.

The biological mechs of the octopus civilization also have kinetic energy absorption, energy conversion, telepathy, and spiritual attacks...

In the past, overclocking Lantern Man could take advantage of it, but now it is completely impossible.

Only the Ultimate Lantern can fight one.


Also limited to normal level.

If it is a relatively high-level biological mech, even a primary final lamp, I am afraid that it is not an opponent, and it must be a stronger intermediate final lamp.

Although it still has its upper limit of strength, the most important thing is that this thing can be mass-produced.

Moreover, there is nothing special about the demand for resources. As long as the energy is sufficient and the DNA biological chain is strong enough, there is almost no limit to their growth.

For example.

If the DNA of the Kryptonian family is used as the raw material to cultivate the biological mecha of the octopus civilization, then once the mecha is mature and finalized, it will have almost the same system as the Kryptonian family.


If it is further developed and evolved, a series of superpowers can be awakened, such as heat vision, super speed, biological force field...

Etc., etc.

In short, this thing is almost a different version of Superman.

Of course, because of the mecha, its growth and extensibility are relatively higher than that of Superman.

For example, installing the biological engine of the super god universe in its body, supplemented by Tiejiaman's transformation weapon system...

These are all achievable.


The time left for the development of Star Kruga by the outside world is really too short, otherwise, if it takes a year or so, Star Kruga will definitely popularize and develop biological mechs to an outrageous level.

But even so.

The current Kruga Star has basically reached the level of ordinary armed personnel, almost one person.

Of course.

This thing is also divided into people.

Ordinary fighters, the biological mechas that can be used are naturally impossible to be too high-end.

Because that's a complete waste of money!

Only those who match it can fully display the performance and power of the biological mecha.


Extraordinary performance is not impossible.

But even so, it was enough for ordinary fighters to raise their strength by a notch.


Tian Qixing's radical general led his team members to the outskirts of Kruga, and when he was about to test the attack, the first thing he saw was densely packed octopus biological mechs.


The general couldn't help being stunned at that moment.

If he hadn't been absolutely sure, this is the Kruga star, and he definitely didn't come to the wrong place. Just looking at the battle on the other side, he would have thought that he had come to the octopus star system.

What the hell...

As far as the eye can see, the octopus mech is almost empty!

What the hell!


The general didn't care about these messes. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately ordered: "What the hell is he? If he dares to stop us, he is the enemy!"

"As long as they are enemies, they will all be wiped out!"

"Kill it to your heart's content!"


The voice did not fall.

The general took the lead and rushed up first.


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